how to find a girl friend when you a fat mess like me :(



  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    It doesn't matter what you look like if you're a genuinely good guy; a girl will still fall for you☺️ I don't think you've met the right ones because looks really aren't that important (to the good girls I guess haha)
    Will you date him?

    No, because I am already in a relationship. I didn't think people would get so caught up in what I said

    I read your post and I think you are a sweet person for trying to encourage this guy but more times than not nice guys finish last. I have see it so many times that it has become a cliché. Most women say they want a nice guy who will treat them good but what they end up dating is a guy on a motorcycle with tattoos, and a criminal record,who drinks heavy and teats them like crap.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
  • LiaMatilda
    LiaMatilda Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2016
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    It doesn't matter what you look like if you're a genuinely good guy; a girl will still fall for you☺️ I don't think you've met the right ones because looks really aren't that important (to the good girls I guess haha)
    Will you date him?

    No, because I am already in a relationship. I didn't think people would get so caught up in what I said
    Then tell the boy the truth without the mollycoddling ;)

    I truly believe what I said. I know so many amazing women who aren't concerned with how a man looks but they do care about who he really is, his morals, his actions and what he believes in.

    Tsartele wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    It doesn't matter what you look like if you're a genuinely good guy; a girl will still fall for you☺️ I don't think you've met the right ones because looks really aren't that important (to the good girls I guess haha)
    Will you date him?

    No, because I am already in a relationship. I didn't think people would get so caught up in what I said

    I read your post and I think you are a sweet person for trying to encourage this guy but more times than not nice guys finish last. I have see it so many times that it has become a cliché. Most women say they want a nice guy who will treat them good but what they end up dating is a guy on a motorcycle with tattoos, and a criminal record,who drinks heavy and teats them like crap.

    Thanks for being polite with your comment. Lot more than some people.
    I'll still stick to what I believe to be true. Not all of us care so much about looks; looks are fleeting. Not all of us care about money; to those ones telling him to get rich. Money will attract the wrong kind of women, the kind who don't have their own ambitions and goals and who can't make it on their own. I mean, people should do whatever makes them happy without harming others. But I believe that he hasn't met the right woman and that's not something you can force or hurry.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    Yea don't be so hard on yourself I'm sure you're a good guy and you will find that girl for you..However, if you need to lose weight for that person they are not worth it. I have been dissed because I wasnt a size 2, and guess what I never will be. I'm a size 18, always cracking jokes, beer drinking, video game playin, master's degree having, car loving *kitten* chick that someones gonna love. Heavy doesn't mean ugly. Cuz Lord knows ive seen some ugly skinny b*tches lol Chin up love!
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    Tsartele wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    It doesn't matter what you look like if you're a genuinely good guy; a girl will still fall for you☺️ I don't think you've met the right ones because looks really aren't that important (to the good girls I guess haha)
    Will you date him?

    No, because I am already in a relationship. I didn't think people would get so caught up in what I said

    I read your post and I think you are a sweet person for trying to encourage this guy but more times than not nice guys finish last. I have see it so many times that it has become a cliché. Most women say they want a nice guy who will treat them good but what they end up dating is a guy on a motorcycle with tattoos, and a criminal record,who drinks heavy and teats them like crap.

    What's wrong with drinking heavily?!?
  • notsobadaguyguy
    notsobadaguyguy Posts: 7 Member
    1. Love yourself. Just do it.
    2. Like yourself. Again just do it. This will get your girl.
    3. Like and Picture your ideal look.
    4. Live a fun plan of diet, fitness and activities to achieve your ideal look. This will get your look.
    5. Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, by-the-minute live and do each of the above 4 steps. This will make both you and your girl damn hot!
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    Thinking like that does nothing for anybody. It doesn't matter if you're 300lbs or 100lbs relationships are the same for everyone. The only thing you can do in life is live it, love yourself, and make yourself proud. That is all we can do in life. Whether someone likes us or not is the same chances as everyone else in the world has. We just be yourself, live your life and if someone comes in that loves you, accept them. When you don't love yourself though, you tend to push people away thinking you aren't good enough for them. Weight isn't as important a factor in love as you think. There was a guy who died because he was 600lbs and for most of that struggle he had a wife that loved him a lot. I know plenty of people who are 300lbs who are happily married. So stop worrying about it and learn to love yourself. Learn to be happy. And if you want to change, do it. Be whatever version of you makes you happy, not anyone else just you. (unless that version is a murderer, don't do that)
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    I got married at 326 pounds hommie. Confidence is key. When you love yourself, first. Others will follow.

    Some girls like a big ole guy to take care of them.

    Truth!!!! There are plenty of girls that like bigger guys, I know that for a FACT! But what we don't like is someone who lacks confidence. We want someone who will make us laugh and happy, not a downer.

    I hope you find what you are looking for, but know that you should start by seeking professional help. Our minds can be very dangerous, and yours right now appears to be in very scary waters.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    Thank you. For being a good person.
    We need more of this please.

    I agree, and marked that post "awesome." It was the most awesome thing I've seen in several days at least. The guy is probably getting a lot of prank calls right now, and he knew he was exposing himself to them, but wanted to take that risk to try to help a perfect stranger.

    It's enough to restore your faith in humanity.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Let me add that you also do not want a woman who is all about the money. Requiring that you simply be solvent and responsible is not at all the same as being a gold digger. When I met hubby he was right out of college and working in a grocery deli while looking for better jobs. Minimum wage, but he was supporting himself. He had a car, old though it was, he had roommates to share the bills, demonstrating that he knew how to take care of himself. Women do want men who know how to take care of themselves, not ones who need us to be like a babysitter. But, with those qualifiers, a dude being poor as crap has never deterred me from dating him, either. I've been on the work force much longer. So I paid for the dates. *shrugs* If we were both broke it was cook dinner together and Netflix and Chill. XD interpret that last part however you like lol. I would of course advise keeping your place reasonably clean. It doesn't have to be Better Homes and Gardens but don't scare women away with dishes stacked to the ceiling and lack of toilet paper, or anything like that. If you behave in a way that rocks, the rest should take care of itself more or less.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    im 300LBs no not much to look at , ive been told im funny and have a good sense of humor , but i just think im weird ,

    i suppose im not a great person ether , i try my best but all ways mess up , im a loyal friend to my friends id die for any one of them , but i suppose that is because there life is worth living .....

    im just looking for someone i dont care about looks weight or any of that , i just want some one who is nice no me that is all.

    i mean how do i go about getting a nice women ,

    tbh i dont feel i should go out with any girl i mean any women on the plant could do better than me .

    i suppose this is more of a rant but a little help would be nice ..... thank you :)

    Dude. Work on your confidence. This is KEY. You can be a big guy and still get a girlfriend. Even if you don't feel confident, just act it. You're allowed to like things about yourself, like you're a nice person, you're humble, you're a loyal friend or whatever else. OWN it!

    I gotta be honest, find a hobby and work on yourself, because until you like yourself you'll continue to have a hard time. If you want to join a gym then join one and work out, but if you're not ready to do that then just work on your diet until you're ready. Eat healthy. Treat yourself well. I'm not telling you to join a sport right off the bat if you hate sports, but join in on something!

    Also.. don't put yourself down, we get enough hate from the outside world, we don't need us saying it to ourselves constantly at home too.
    MRbigGUYXXL Posts: 119 Member
    guys im not in need of mental help thank you ffs