(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    *I didn't receive a challenge for yesterday or today and I was driving from South Florida to North Carolina (nice 12 hour+ drive) - o here's a re run. Please make sure you do your post if you're assigned one - people are depending on you!!!

    Some of us are stepping on the scale every day fretting over ever 10th of a lb gainedothers just arent in the mood this week for workin out or eating right and feel bummed. Ive noticed many of us have a lot going on in our worlds from surgeries to injuried body parts to car accidents and family visiting! Well for those living in the US we are gearin up for a 3-day weekend and theres no time like now to shape it up, get straight, pull forward, move aheadits not too late! Todays challenge is put all those worries and stresses aside for AT LEAST 30 minutes today and DO A STRENUOUS physical activity that keeps your heart rate going!

    WHIP IT! Devo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIEVqFB4WUo
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate

    What is your favorite exercises to do when youre stressed and dealing with a lot on your plate? (and I hope you don't ADD to your other plate...as in the food plate!)
    For me a good round of tae bo or kickboxing does the trick!! Or as always my wii just dance - get to dancing to some good songs and the stress melts away!
  • Tmochava
    Tmochava Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, I am so happy I found this and will be joining for the July 25th weigh in.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    I have to agree, it's wii just dance for me when I'm busy! Or when I can't be bothered working out, like today - I just wanted to curl up and have a good cry, but I got up to do some dancing, and that make me feel a bit better.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    lifting weights and doing an hour of the elliptical helps...i just love that dang machine....(i know if i love it so much why dont i marry it...hehehe)....it lowers my BP and helps to level out my blood sugar.....i love exercise
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I love to do Kenpo Karate when I'm stressed. I picture the head of whoever's or whatever is the cause of my stress and by the end of it, I'm so tired I don't care to stress anymore. That or I get on the elliptical and turn the music on full blast. Today's challenge was easy seeing as how I completed Yoga X for the first time. I was so focused on doing some of the moves that I almost forgot to breathe!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Have a fantastic holiday weekend if you're here in the US, enjoy but don't overdo it- monday's weigh-in day, don't throw away this weeks hard work ;) (and don't try to be sneaky and weigh in then go crazy thinking you have a week to recover, haha)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    When I'm stressed any form of exercise with my ipod blocking out the rest of the world is just what I need! Gettin ready to meet the challenge right now with a 3 mile workout (45 min)
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Any type of exercise for me has become a stress reliever...since starting to regularly exercise I can already tell a change in my moods and a more positive morale and sense of self confidence...I used to suffer bad from mood swings and would just have times where I was absolutely miserable and not a great person to be around and in turn would turn to food for comfort but now I know that if I binge like that I will have to work my *kitten* even harder at the gym so instead I just put in my Biggest Loser game for the Wii and play that and I feel great afterwards...I love the changes I can already see in myself both physically and emotionally...I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday weekend you are all doing SO great!!!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Today is the holiday in Canada and I plan to get a lot of yardwork done this weekend. I started many years ago building flower beds to relieve the stress of day to day living with a blended family of seven children. I built the first one and discovered that I would always be left alone when I was weeding the flower bed.(kids avoided coming near because they would be asked to haul the pails of weeds to the compost pile). I found that I could work as hard as I wanted to or just relax while pulling weeds. It has never been a chore but my all time favorite has to be going for a walk. I have done this since I was very young- still a kid at home and I wanted to be alone. I still fall back on this one.

    To all those droping off and giving up I implore you not to give up. You are worth it and your commitment to yourself will benefit your families as well as yourself. DO NOT GIVE UP ---- YOU CAN DO IT. One weekend is not worth destroying all that you have worked for. Good luck and stick with your plan.
  • when i'm stressed its music and any type of cardio that shakes my funk..lately the arc trainer has been my bff and it always challenges me!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Wow- today's comments hit the nail on the head for me! I have been feeling frustrated this week - after a great last week, I have been doing everything I should this week - staying within calories, drinking lots of water, exercising more - and I have gone up a few ounces every day to the tune of a little over a pound gained since last week. Very frustrating! So, I am trying to focus on how much better I feel and on my NSV's instead of dwelling on the scale.

    When I feel stressed I like to get out for a walk and clear my head. Also, Zumba helps- I get moving and have fun, and don't feel so stressed.

    Have a happy holiday weekend all!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I agree...sometimes the scale isn't in sync with what changes our bodies are doing. The scale isn't moving but our clothes are falling off. That counts for alot.

    I am bumping for now....I am exhausted and I need to get up in the morning to go to work. Catch you tomorrow

  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    :drinker: (we have 2 days left until the week 7 weighin!!!):huh:

    *didn't receive a post again...:frown: ...this one's brought to you by prpLangL4:wink:

    Fill your MFP cups! Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water DAILY! :drinker:

    We all need motivators to keep us going. We often times focus on the positives of what we want to look like or feel like, but sometimes we need to readjust our thought process and focus on what we KNOW we DON'T want!!! Reminding yourself of what you do not want on the road to a healthier you can keep you in check and motivated!

    Today, get out a sheet of paper and list the painful CONSEQUENCES OF NOT becoming a healthier you. :brokenheart: “Write out ALL the negative consequences of not exercising (poor health, pain, limited abilities, medical costs, lack of socializing, low self-esteem)” recommends Ronald Kaufman, author of Anatomy of Success. And with each negative consequence, ask yourself: “What’s the consequence of …?” – writing down all of your answers until you’ve finished your full list.

    NOW I want you to turn all those negatives into positives...write on the back, bottom, or right next to each item how living a healthier life turns those into positives! Post this list on your fridge, wall, or put in your wallet or purse to keep yourself from doing unhealthy things and staying motivated to be a healthier, happier you!

    1. MOTIVATION - TIP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR8084f1m40&feature=fvst
    2. RHYTHM NATION - Janet Jackson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAwaNWGLM0c

    What are some of your TOP negative consequences of not exercising or eating healthy that you've forgetten about? :huh: How are you going to keep these 'few of my unfavorite things' in the front of your mind to keep you motivated?

    if you are having a tough time coming up with the daily challenges:embarassed: , what I do sometimes is google weight loss tips or exercise tips, etc. and read some articles for a good tip I haven't seen or might be good to share with others and use that to come up with my challenge or share the secrets to success question of the day. And for songs, just think of what your best workout song/motivational song is and share!:bigsmile:

    MitchaMusic, mishkamichelle, Daysea35, Vendetta2300...I never received your daily posts this week :ohwell: If you can still make a daily post so I can use as a back up in case someone else doesn't do it, that would help our group out tremendously!! Thank you :smooched: to those who did do their daily challenges! You guys rock!

    WEEK 8 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Stay afloat! Try not to go over calories every day this week!

    Daily Challenges Assignments:
    Mon July 4 princessekrystale
    Tue July 5 gatorflyer
    Wed July 6 SiouxPrincess
    Thurs July 7 nosey_rosey
    Fri July 8 mindeyc
    Sat July 9 UltraRunnerGale
    Sun July 10 Ping_A1C2U
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    What are some of your TOP negative consequences of not exercising or eating healthy that you've forgetten about? How are you going to keep these 'few of my unfavorite things' in the front of your mind to keep you motivated?

    Oh I haven't forgotten about them, but my top 5 UNFAVORITE things about NOT EXERCISING or BEING UNHEALTHY are:
    1.the way I feel in a bathing suit (like a beached whale and insecure!)
    2.getting out of breath playing with my nieces and nephews
    3.feeling bloated and sick to my stomach after eating too much (and too much fatty foods)
    4.low energy/tired all the time
    5.not wanting to be in pictures because a fat bulge or fatty arms will show!

    1. how awesome I'll feel strutting around in my bathing suit!
    2. being able to run circles around them and feel great about it!
    3. feeling fabulous after a great healthy meal!
    4. having extra energy to do more with my life!
    5. posing in every picture possible and posting them all over MFP and facebook b/c I'm proud of who I am and how hot I look!:bigsmile:
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    As always, this challenge clicks right into something I have been thinking! This weekend there are 2 parties with extended family & both have pools. I know my kids will want to swim, and although I feel better about myself at the pool this summer, I am just not sure if I want to be hanging out in my swimsuit at these events. So right there is something I'm letting my weight influence. There's also the fact that I am the only one with a child who still needs a grownup poolside with him. Everyone else can get away with not swimming if they don't want to !! Ah well, I'll most likely suck it up and swim, since my kids deserve the fun and I only see most of these particular relatives a few times a year anyway. Happy 4th!
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    Negatives: Positives:
    1. Having to wear a shirt while swimming....................................................No shirt needed
    2. Man boobs.......................................................................................................No more moobs
    3. No energy to play with kids...........................................................................Playing with kids non-stop

    In Cape Coral for the weekend. Finished my P90 and feel great.
  • My negatives are PCOS out of control = High Cholestrol, major cysts, low energy, and alot of pain

    Positive once I have weight under control Fertility rate goes up, PCOS easier to control, lower cyst rate, lower cholesterol, higher energy and less pain
    1. When shopping, just looking for clothes that "just fit"
    2. Hate taking pictures!!!
    3. Ankle pain when walking or going out
    4. Walking upstairs and feeling winded
    5. Not feeling sexy and low self-esteem

    1. When shopping, being able to fit most things, but look for clothes that are stylish and trendy!
    2. Love taking pictures, I'm becoming conceited!
    3. Can hang with everyone else with walking and going out, not having to be the party pooper wanting to leave!
    4. Sometimes I can run up the stairs without getting winded...walkings nothing anymore!
    5. Becoming the sexy beeyotch of my dreams and self esteem back to normal!
  • Krissi72
    Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
    How can I get involved? I need major motivation and would love to help others in their journey to healthier eating!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    How can I get involved? I need major motivation and would love to help others in their journey to healthier eating!
    To join the BOB you need to friend Kristy who is prplangl4 and tell her you want to join. There is an awesome website she has made with all the info. Here is the website address:

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