Recomendation for Strtching/Yoga videos (preferrably on Youtube)

Hi All,

I hate stretching. Always have. I have hamstrings that are about as elastic as reinforced concrete.

However Ive come to the conclusion I really need to start stretching regularly to losen up my body and hopefully end some of the aches I am suffering at the moment.

So, does anybody know of a good video/set of videos to step me through a comprehensive stretch?

Im open to a straight up stretching routine or more of a yoga type thing, really not fussed so long as it does the job!

Thank you!


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Rodney Yee is my favorite behind-the-screen yoga teacher. He does Beginner through Power.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Jessica Smith has a few stretch programs
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    Yin yoga gets me the best stretch. You hold the poses for a minute or two. Here are a couple of my favorite videos:

    And one you might like for those concrete hamstrings:
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    Dang the links aren't working for me. If they don't work for you, just look up yoga with kassandra. She has a 45 min deep stretch, and a shorter one meant for weight lifters. There's a runners' one that would hit your hamstrings pretty well.
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks guys, hugely appreciated
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Yoga by Adriene is pretty good. She's not too "yogi" if you know what I mean!
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Rodney Yee is my favorite behind-the-screen yoga teacher. He does Beginner through Power.

    Yes and yes.
  • rfgtv34
    rfgtv34 Posts: 4 Member
    Fitnessblender has some great videos
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I have horrible lower back problems and pain and I have heard from doctors, friends and yoga teachers that loosening up my hamstrings will help. I used to feel like mine were concrete too, I know exactly what you mean! I visit YouTube 3 or 4 times a week and watch a yogi named Cole. The title is yoga for back pain. It's mainly stretching and strengthening the ham strings. I feel really really good afterwards.
    Good luck!
  • campbell3913
    campbell3913 Posts: 64 Member
    I like Yoga Zone for flexibility. There's a couple of different ones. They move pretty slowly and usually give you 2 versions of a move.
  • Wotan39
    Wotan39 Posts: 11 Member
    I like anything from Jen Hilman. It is very easy to follow, and she has a lot to choose from, like weight loss yoga, yoga for back pain or neck pain etc.
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    Awesome, thanks guys, I think Ill start having a look tonight
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Lesley Fightmaster's my girl.
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    Yoga by Adriene is pretty good. She's not too "yogi" if you know what I mean!

    OK, I went through YouTube last night and subscribed to every channel mentioned.

    I started with Adriene at random, she has a 30 day programme aimed at beginners so I did day 1.

    I really like her style, nice and relaxed, kind of informal, so I think Ill stick with her for a while.

    And I have to say it exposed just how tight/short/tense my joints, muscles and ligaments are.

    I knew I had an issue with my hamstrings but my hip flexors, neck and shoulders really acted up as well!

    I can only say Im glad I got started, thank you to everyone for the tips.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    rfgtv34 wrote: »
    Fitnessblender has some great videos

    BE sure to look here.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    You may want to do a short warm up prior to stretching. I had a yoga teacher recommend that. Even if you march in place, dance a bit or a few jumping jacks prior to yoga, you may have better results.

  • mdog449
    mdog449 Posts: 13 Member
    I love the Piyo series from Beach Body. It's a yoga/pilates workout mix. Lots of great stretching and strength building all in one. You can order it through Amazon, too.
  • sammylin13
    sammylin13 Posts: 34 Member
    mdog449 wrote: »
    I love the Piyo series from Beach Body. It's a yoga/pilates workout mix. Lots of great stretching and strength building all in one. You can order it through Amazon, too.

    Mdog...what were your results with this?
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    Gotta go with my man, Millionaire Hoy. He's not a yogi, at all, but has two of the best I've done off Youtube.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    Not the question you asked, but another option- If you happen to have Optimum check OnDemand for the SportSkool videos. (I believe you can get them on YouTube, but requires a paid subscription to the channel? I'm not entirely sure how that works.)