Lose 20 lbs by Sept 2016



  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW: 254
    CW: 242
    GW: 140 (final goal
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Stayed the same over the weekend...always a good thing since I eat a little more & only do 15 minutes of stretch yoga on Sunday instead of my usual 50 minutes of weights & core. So I have 11.5#s to lose in a few days less than 12 wks to meet this challenge. That's a # a wk. I've been averaging 5#s a month so I seem to be on track.
    How are you guys doing?
  • teresasf
    teresasf Posts: 19 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'd like to join this challenge and hope to succeed in it!! My goal weight is for September, but I have more to go after that.. I'd like to get down to between 145-150 pounds eventually
    CW: 179.2
    GW: 160.0
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    edited June 2016
    SW: 220 (2008)
    GW: 143ish
    CW: 155.9
  • cyndikay2003
    cyndikay2003 Posts: 3 Member
    count me in!
    sw 200
    cw 191
    gw 170

    I have been doing 1200 calorie, walding for the last 15 days, doing a 30 day crunch/ab challenge. at 47 the weight just does not want to come off. I was slim my whole life, through 5 pregnancies! Now my weight bounces around by 10 lbs if I dont drink 65 oz water per day! Any ideas on how to control that?
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    Cyndikay2003, It does get harder as we get older. Be consistent day to day. I try to get in an extra walk a few days a week. Just 30 minutes more. I eat low carbs and lots of fresh produce.
    I have one day a week, usually Sunday, that I go over my calories. Rotating, two really low cal days with two normal (1200) days, helps me too. I'm using a meal replacement drink. Vega One. No added sugar and 20 grand of protein really helps at only 150 calories.
    I hope some of those ideas help.
  • monicabroussard2001
    monicabroussard2001 Posts: 11 Member
    I know it's June but im just joining this. I want to loose 20 pounds by Sept 2016. I can do this.
  • PanPacific
    PanPacific Posts: 5 Member
    New at posting in these boards, would love to join this even though it's rather late in the challenge.

    CW is 154 GW 134 for September even though I have more to go after that (I'm 5'1")

    vegan here (non judgemental though) I simply have to cut down the carbs and workout daily!

    Have a good day everyone
  • marissalea93
    marissalea93 Posts: 55 Member
    I'll join :)

    CW: 202
    GW: 182
  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    Im in.

    SW - 300
    CW - 217
    GW - 200
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW: 254
    CW: 240.4
    GW: 140 (final goal
  • amylowe1264
    amylowe1264 Posts: 9 Member
    Sw 215
    Cw 212
    Gw 160

    SEPTEMBER goal :blush: 192

    I'm in <3<3<3
  • simplyluvNY
    simplyluvNY Posts: 28 Member
    Sounds great! I want to join in. I hope to lose at least that by September. Please feel free to add me as a friend! I need all the friends & motivation possible.
  • simplyluvNY
    simplyluvNY Posts: 28 Member
    My goal is 1200. If exercise, I'll allow 1500. I will not exceed 1500. Only problem is how do I manage this when I go out to eat & have people over?
  • perfect58
    perfect58 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey all, might be a little late to the party but would love to join I'm. I'm a 25 female living in UK, and a nurse, I'm a runner (5/7 days) I'm already about 10 pounds down but it's the last 10 pounds that just won't let me be! 20 pounds loss has beenmy dream for ages! I'm a vegan (99%, veggie when I eat at my parents' house who are french and I'm pretty sure they count cheese as a vegetable...) and I'm starting a postgraduate course next year so I'm ready to roll! Add Me if you fancy!

    SW - 150lbs (68kg)
    CW - 135 (61kg)
    GW- 125 (57kg)
  • Anabug81
    Anabug81 Posts: 161 Member
    I would love to join this challenge! I try and follow a gluten free diet. I find it helps with my Bi-polar disorder.
    SW 188
    GW 168
    I have been able to lose a pound a week so far and have lost 13 pounds so far. I exercise 6 days a week, including one day of moderate cycling.
  • AndreaSlodowicz
    AndreaSlodowicz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Would love to join in. I eat gluten free and dairy free (allergic to both). I am an interior designer in Miami!

    Sw: 153 lb
    Cw: 152 lb
    Gw: 138 lb

    How often do we post ?
  • best4life2016
    best4life2016 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join! Don't see a button for joining??
  • chrissy28
    chrissy28 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm pretty sure I posted last week joining this group. I lost 1.4 pounds since Tuesday and now at 144 pounds. Trying to lost another 14 by the end of August.

    Btw I've lost 26 pounds since January.
  • Getfitat54
    Getfitat54 Posts: 526 Member
    serafina57 wrote: »
    I need to get this weight off and keep it off. I do a clean and gluten free (Celiac) diet. I just need motivation and accountability. No criticisms or unhealthy foods mentioned, please. It just doesn't help. Let's support each other and stay in touch here.

    So... how is it looking for 20 off by Sept? I want 20 off.... by Dec 31, 2106