what do you think about meat?



  • fionaf2010
    fionaf2010 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have been vegan for a couple of years. I have put on a lot of weight in the last year as I have enjoyed the food rather too much and have been experimenting with different recipes, food like artisan vegan nut cheeses and eating out much more. I would say the weight gain was also to do with a change in routine where I had to commute to work for longer, and I stopped exercising so much, as work hours were also long. I have recently come back to this site as I need to rein in my excesses and learn about portion size again ( and start regular exercise!). I tend to like the high protein vegeburgers and non animal "steaks" which leave me feeling full and satisfied for hours on end and am looking to use these for weight loss while cutting right down on the many sweet and high fat foods I tend to normally go for. I think increasing the amount of protein in whatever form, can help reduce feelings of hunger. As far as weight loss/ maintenance and what people eat, I think it is down to the usual calories in, calories out formula, and not whether someone eats meat or not. I would also add that it is possible for someone to be slim, but eat unhealthily, with a lot of sugar and fat and not much nutrients.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    You can eat a ton of veggies for the caloric cost of a few ounces of meat.

    Plus the environmental cost... and animals like it better when we don't eat them and raise them in poor conditions. :)
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Simple matter of calorie in or calorie out. What it comes down to it's your preference of what you enjoy.

    I live in an area with a heavy Asian Indian population and 99.99% of them are vegetarian for religious reasons. I've seen plenty of them overweight or with big bellies.

    I'm a lifetime member of PETA( people eating tasty animals). Plus I look at nature as my example, if it's ok for the animals to eat each other then it's okay for me to eat them.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Managing ones weight is about overall intake. Not one food over another. I'd never survive on a vegan diet. Not that I'm a huge fan of meat, but...no way.
  • katemartino8
    katemartino8 Posts: 17 Member
    Being vegan is completely a personal choice. Meat isn't unhealthy for everyone, as long as it high quality (pasture raised, grass fed, humanely raised..) Getting meat, eggs and dairy from local farms or farmer's markets or food stores where you know where it comes from is the best option. Some people do feel their best vegan, and that is ok too as long as they are consuming whole foods that are nutrient dense to make sure they obtain all of the essential proteins they need, that are more difficult to get from plant based sources- although you certainly can, it just takes planning.
  • stinkeye111
    stinkeye111 Posts: 13 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Vegans always have an ulterior motive for their choice. Humans are omnivores and designed to eat both plants and animals.

    "Always" ?
    Why would you make a judgement or assumption about a certain group of people? Unless, of course, you know every vegan on the planet.

  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    edited June 2016
    "Always" ?
    Why would you make a judgement or assumption about a certain group of people? Unless, of course, you know every vegan on the planet.

    By the very nature of their decision to go against "Nature".

    Same way, all short people are not tall. "All of them".

  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I <3 meat
    My daughter is vegan :)
    Life is beautiful
  • IAmThunderHawk
    IAmThunderHawk Posts: 231 Member
    :heart: meat
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
  • cinnag4225
    cinnag4225 Posts: 126 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    My vegan friend thinks it is easier to keep her weight down since she does not eat meat.

    I think meat fills me up.

    How about ya?

    I tried going vegetarian a couple times (with guidance from my dietician). I dropped a bunch of weight quickly, and I always ended up in emerg within a month of the change. My doctor flat out told me it was stupid to be cutting meat when I've struggled with anemia my entire life, and after some trial-and-error and research I have to agree.

    So what do I think of meat consumption? The same as anything else: Moderation. I have no problem with others eliminating meat from their diet, and all the power to them if they are getting safe results, but people need to stop bullying each other over the matter (this goes both ways).
  • stinkeye111
    stinkeye111 Posts: 13 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    "Always" ?
    Why would you make a judgement or assumption about a certain group of people? Unless, of course, you know every vegan on the planet.

    By the very nature of their decision to go against "Nature".

    Same way, all short people are not tall. "All of them".
    Ummm no ... sorry... but i think that your example is off the mark.... "vegans don't eat animal products" ----Yes, that would be the correct assumption. Not "vegans always have an ulterior motive" .
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    My vegan friend thinks it is easier to keep her weight down since she does not eat meat.

    I think meat fills me up.

    How about ya?
    Good question! I can't eat meat because it makes me sick to my stomach - not psychologically (as in getting distressed about the manner in which animals are treated), but physically.

    I wish I could, though. It would make meal planning easier, especially on days when I'm struggling to hit my protein goal.
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    Zom_bunny wrote: »
    I fully agree with this I eat vegan because I love animals and I absolutely hate the taste/texture of animal products . Its none of my business what other people eat .
    That's the right attitude. Too many vegans give off a holier-than-thou vibe, and I can't stand it.

    Yet, people assume I'm judging them by the simple fact that I don't eat meat, regardless of whether I talk about it.

  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited June 2016
    I don't really like it so I am now vegetarian. I also feel like it's wrong to eat animals in this day and age where it's not necessary or even healthy in the amounts typical americans eat.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Ah it's like politics or religion. Believe what you want, just don't feel the need to change my beliefs to be in line with yours!

    And my belief is I freaking love meat (giggidy) pork is my fav but I keep it as a treat as a little fatty, chicken and Turkey are my normal go to!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Oh also side note, when I was veggie for 6 years in my teens I got pretty big, cheese replaced meat in meals as I was too young to understand how to properly adjust my diet so it's all relative really!