Fibromyalgia and Weight Loss



  • Sleepyscribbler
    Sleepyscribbler Posts: 20 Member
    edited April 2016
    Fybtomom said "I've have my thyroid checked regularly. It's always normal. I always secretly hope it will come back abnormal because that's easier to treat than Fibromyalgia."
    Oh, I can relate to that! I've read every online article I could find about problems with thyroid checking but I've now given up hope that my normal results are inaccurate in some way rather than accept that I too have fibromyalgia (though UK doc's seem unwilling to use that term, preferring chronic pain syndrome). Terrible, isn't it that one can find oneself actually wishing to be ill in some way just because, unlike fibromyalgia, it's treatable? But I'm sorry you've found you may have a benign tumour and hope you can soon get that fixed. Sorry, too, about the spinal issues, but glad for you in a way because they may well be making your pain problems worse, and they at least are treatable, unlike the fibromyalgia.

    As for exercise I'd say ignore all advice other than what comes from your own body. Walking more sounds a good idea, depending on what 'more' is. It sounds like 'more' for you right now could be just a matter of a few yards. But I'd wait till you've had you're spinal issues fixed before trying even that. As for weights, I can relate to being bedridden after what might seem to others to be even very moderate exercise. I know any kind of weights exercise flattens me. Again I'd say, listen to your body. If you know weights don't work for you, even though they do for others, don't do them! It's hard for others to understand how even small amounts (to others) can result in enormous pain and exhaustion for fibro sufferers. And no two fibro sufferers will react the same way to any exercise. That said, if weights are not for you maybe you'd get on better with swimming which some people swear by because it can be as easy or strenuous as you choose to make it; even exercising (gently) in water helps some people because the water takes the weight off your joints. Or what about exercises that gently stretch muscles? I'm thinking of (very) gentle yoga or Pilates.

    I have a Pilates machine which I find is okay for me if I take it gently, but there are lots of yoga and Pilates videos online you could try. Just make sure you start at beginner or even pre- level. And I'd suggest you don't feel bad if you can manage only the very easiest bits. Try the beginning part of any yoga or Pilates sequence first and see what your body thinks of it that night, or next day. If it 'approves' maybe try the next bit, and so on, but skip any bits you know in advance are likely to be a problem. If one of the exercises causes you problems then just skip it. Try another. You may be able to build up your own sequence of moves/positions, no matter how easy they may seem to others, that you know you can handle by listening to what your body tells you. Then you'll have some gentle exercise you know you can do most days, if not every day.

    But as a long-term sufferer I'd stress again: listen to your body. Do only what it tells you is okay for you. And, above, all, don't feel guilty about what you can't do, or pay any attention to other people's success stories that just make you feel envious and inadequate. (I know only too well what that's like.) Do what you can, when you can. (We fibromyalgics know that what we can do one day seems impossible the next.) But do try to do something. Just something within your own, very personal, scope. You may find you become able to do more. You may not. Don't sweat that. Just do what you can now and let the future take care of itself.

    (Sorry to quote as I did: I'm a newbie and haven't worked out how the quote thingy works yet.)
  • misschip1983
    misschip1983 Posts: 67 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I don't have issues with fibro but I do deal with depression and getting going some days is tough for me. I also have arthritis and bad knees.

    Do you take vitamins or any type of supplements? I take iodine, colloidal silver and Vit B and D. The iodine has done wonders for my energy level but I can't take it daily. I also eat a lot of fish (baked usually). That also helps with my energy.

    If you have not had your thyroid checked recently, please do so. Depression, fatigue and weakness are three symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    OP, I have fibromyalgia. I know it's a painful struggle to move but please do so. It alleviates the symptoms. Well, not at first, but it does. Just do it gradually and very gently. Walking and very gentle yoga will help. Start for 15 minutes three times a week for a month, then, if you feel able, increase it to 20 minutes or 30 minutes if you think you can.

    YouTube and Amazon have some downloadable videos for beginners, some as short at 10 mins long.

    Here's one place to start:

    I've have my thyroid checked regularly. It's always normal. I always secretly hope it will come back abnormal because that's easier to treat than Fibromyalgia. A couple of weeks ago was the latest thyroid check. My thyroid was normal but my Parathyroid came back high. So they said I have hyperparathyroidism. They are checking it again in 2 weeks and if it's still high, they are doing a scan. Hyperparathyroidism is usually caused by a benign tumor that's easily removed. I don't think that's causing all my symptoms though.

    I also just found out that I have Cervical Spine Stenosis. That means I have 2 disks in my neck pushing into my spinal cord. I have to have neck surgery. Ugh. But I'm hoping some of my pain will lessen with this surgery. I would never have known my spine was a problem if my hands hadn't started going numb. I blame all my pain on Fibro because I'm in pain and sick all the time so it's near impossible to tell if something else is going on.

    I've tried doing light exercise. I ordered a 10 minute a day light exercise video made for people with chronic pain, Fibro,'s taught by an 80 year old instructor. I ended up in bed all day afterward. I guess I need to start even slower than that. I have exercise intolerance, my doctor says. Just walking through the Walmart parking lot leaves me short of breath, makes my muscles burn like they're on fire, and my heart pounding out of my chest. I'm still trying though. :)

    Hi I've just noticed you have suspected hyper parathyroidism. I got diagnosed with that last year. I had surgery in sept and I'm now a new woman. You will be surprised just how many symptoms it can cause and just what a nasty disease it is. If you need a chat or anything just send me a message x
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I have fibro, let me tell you the doctor were not lying! Struggle through the pain and lose weight and flare days will decrease! I know it is hard when you are puking, your body feels like theirs a thousand pound weight on it, or when a rib is separated but just keep moving, slowly, small steps and it will get better!