What program should I put my girlfriend on?

ryanquora Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
So my girlfriend wants to workout with me . Her weight is 85 KG and she is 5'3 tall.

Right now I am following the following routine for myself
Mon - Chest and Triceps
Tues - Back and Biceps
Wed - Legs and Shoulders
and repeat

Should I put her on the same programme?

The diet part is taken care by her but I am not sure how female training works.


  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    edited June 2016
    Assuming she actually wants to do this...

    My boyfriend helped me get my workout routine down. I do his exact workout - just lighter weights. There is only a couple of exercises I don't do because the beginning weight on the machine is too heavy (generally for an isolated muscle exercise) or scares me a little to do without a spotter.

    Makes it much easier when we workout together as we can work in together.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    As for the original poster. I started on Stronglifts 5x5 to learn the basics of lifting and to make sure my technique was correct. I enjoy it, it is simple and a great starter for men and women.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited June 2016
    Does she want to lift weights?

    In my opinion she should workout by doing an activity she enjoys. If yes, there's no reason she needs to train differently than men.

    But assuming she's a beginner I would put her on an endurance progressive program so that she learns proper form, lifts, corrects any issues she has (beginners are notorious for having poor posture/imbalances/etc.).

    Then move her on to a hypertrophy program, a strength program, continue with endurance work, etc. depending on her goals.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 2016
    Sounds a little sinister, like you're in control of her. A Svenjolly if you will.
  • ummmaryam31
    ummmaryam31 Posts: 5 Member
    Really depends on what she is aiming for and enjoys.

    I do weight training 3 times a week but I am also a bellydancer and a trained classical indian dancer.
    I dance instead of the treadmill so that is my cardio as I dislike running.

    Your girlfriend needs to work out what she wants to achieve and what activities she likes.

    My parents do 50km bike rides and marathons, I cringe at that stuff.

    Either way, we both stay active and build strength; I have lost weight from what I do for workouts as this is my goal and to get stronger muscles.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I don't understand posts like this, if your girlfriend isn't sure what to do why doesn't she come here and ask the question herself? We don't know what her goals or abilities are.

    SO much this.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    ryanquora wrote: »
    I am not sure how female training works.

    It works exactly the same way that male training works given that men and women are subsets of a much bigger group - human beings.

    So all the things that apply to men - balancing frequency, intensity, duration and recovery, progressive overload, specificity, specific adaptation to imposed demands and all that jazz - also apply to women.

    Knowing this your GF can pick any reasonable plan that aligns with her goals which are currently unstated.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Why doesn't she just get evaluated by a personal trainer who will take her goals, needs, and desires into consideration and let them design a program for her? Just a thought :)
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    Put her in the same program but her weights need to be lower than your carrying. You have more muscle mass than she does. So she has to go lower.