Help, what is wrong with me?



  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    If you cannot really control yourself at the store. Buy some windex. When you open the pack and have 2 or 3 ,then the guilt starts, spray it with windex and throw them away. It keeps you from going back to get them. Also from putting them back in the cabinet.

    It is crazy extreme, But if you are bent on becoming fat again the mind is a powerful tool to just turn off!
    After your friends make fun of you a few times and you can't afford all the wasted food. You'll snap out of it.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    And PS good for you for catching it early! 10lbs is slot easier to lose than 100lbs would be again!
  • zundelag
    zundelag Posts: 175 Member
    First of all, congratulations on your terrific progress over the past year, and for seeing that you have a weakness before it becomes a bigger problem. Next, I don't know your schedule or what you have followed for your plan, but here are some suggestions that might help.
    -Don't deny your sweets completely that's a nail in the weight loosing coffin for me. I eat "healthy" during the week and on the weekends I allow myself to have candy, ice cream, etc, but within reason. So plan when and what you will eat for your break.

    -when you get you "sanity snack" get it in smaller portions or if you get big bags, find a loved one who can take bad moods from you (I know it will happen :) ) to help you portion them out and hide the rest.

    -Back to the loved one, find someone, boyfriend, spouse, BF, etc who you can talk to. When you are having a craving you can go to them and they can help make better choices or work out why you might be feeling that way, or just to say no. I'm VERY lucky to have a hubby who is very supportive and who has thick skin. He was my self control when I didn't have any. He also put up with my bad mood when I got an apple instead of the chocolate I felt I needed.

    -If you have to have something in the house try hiding it in the deepest, darkest, hardest to get to part of the kitchen. When you have a craving you can decide if it is worth it to go get it.

    -when I'm in the store i see the price of the candy/junk food. Sometimes I start to think of the other things I could get for the money I would spend on the candy that would be more worth it for me. Maybe you can have a jar of money/change you could have spent on a snack/treat that you didn't get and then really treat yourself with something more worth it, like a massage?

    -Most importantly, don't stop working out. If you need to go to the gym to get your strength training in, then go, who cares what the other people think? I would bet they have their own demons to deal with too.

    Sorry this is long. Best wishes in your journey and add me if you'd like.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I've been finding that being on here and reading the forum helps me stay motivated. Hearing about others' success and determination makes me feel part of a group. Doing things as a group or a team, I never want to be the one that fails, or is holding the others back (okay so that one doesn't apply here) and so I stick to my rules.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I agree, what else is going on with your life? Have you seen your doctor? What vitamins are you taking? Can you substitute with fruit, when you feel like grabbing a candy go for some berries instead to take care of that sweet tooth? Keep only pre portioned items around. Don't buy an entire bag of sweets, buy a single snack pack. Have good sweet choices available in appropriate portions. keep up the good work, you've come so far, keep it going!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Others have already provided some really good information and advise. Each of us have probably have different "triggers" to binging. And many times it is just as much emotional as anything else. But I want to add that I have learned that for ME, a physical "trigger" for me to crave sugar, is drinking a diet soda. I finally figured out that when I drink a diet soda (never liked the regular stuff), I crave more sugar.....lots more sugar....and I love chocolate and that's what I went for! So, I just had to give the stuff up completely. This may or may not be a physical trigger for you......but I wish you well!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I too have gained back 10lbs recently. It was really upsetting and I let the mean voice in my head get loud. I need to keep her quiet b/c she adds panic to my stability.

    Losing weight is mostly science. You know how the science works. It is the brain and the emotion for me that messes me up.

    I recently realized that I am quick to panic. If I go a week without seeing a poundage drop I immediately assume I am never going to go back to losing again. Also, the b*tch voice in my head is usually yelling at me about something. I need to quiet my mind and remind myself that I worked hard to get here and I know the science, I just need to work as hard as possible to stay on track and use the tricks I have learned to curb cravings and binges.

    Big hugs. :)
  • heidiscool
    heidiscool Posts: 36
    Thanks everyone for your support and ideas. It really helps to have so much caring support out there. I am going to take a look at why I have such an intense need to sabotage myself because that really is what I am doing. I also made an appointment to have my bloodwork looked at just in case. I am making mini goals to follow that are based on staying on track rather than pounds lost for now.

    When I'm on track my diet is fantastic, I eat half my weight in protein and eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and fiber and I feel fantastic. I just need to realize that I can't have some of those things I've gradually phased back in like diet soda at all, it is causing my cravings and allowing me to lose control. I will add some sweets into my diet though, and have my husband dole them out as I can't be trusted...