Non-Calorie Counters STAND UP!! Share your Tips for Weightloss



  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    I am down a little over 30 lbs without counting or logging calories. I've lost weight without counting before so I knew I could do it. I'm a numbers person so I thought tracking would be fun and interesting. But it wasn't. It turns out I like to know the numbers but having to put in the effort to collect the numbers myself was just tedious.

    My only tip would be to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need fuel and when you are full. Also, you know what you were eating before so make sure you are eating less than that. Your body will also tell you when you are eating too much or too little by whether you are not losing or losing too quickly.

    if that were true then people wouldn't post how they feel they are starving after going on a reasonable calorie limit. your body can't tell you you're losing weight too fast... you have to realize what is a proper amount of weight loss for your given numbers
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    When I was younger I didn't need to count. I didn't eat very much then, just ate junk and was very, very active. So then I could just cut out the junk food and soda and easily drop weight. Now I am older, I have increased how much I eat a lot because I'm not as active. I work in an office and I have access to food all day. So it is a lot harder to say no. So I have to count calories so I know my limit for the day. If I worked at a job where I was non-stop go go go again I probably wouldn't have to count calories as I have changed the way I eat and would have less time to eat and would also be burning more calories. But I am having trouble finding a job that is a balance of both because with my hernia now I can't do lifting and a lot of bending anymore and with stomach problems I prefer having a job where I have easy access to the bathroom.
  • SerenaMcD43
    SerenaMcD43 Posts: 20 Member
    edited June 2016
    I counted calories in the past to lose weight and was successful in reaching my goal weight but not maintaining it. Counting calories was all I thought about and in the end I threw it all away and put all the weight back on plus a bit more.
    I now eat 3 meals plus 1 snack a day and am losing weight with ease. My experience with counting has helped though because I can look at a meal and have a ballpark figure of calories and macros without counting every single thing.
    I am also on week 7 of Strong Curves and if I hadn't stayed on MFP I would never have been inspired by the stories of a lot of women on this site to try weightlifting.
    MFP has so much more to offer than calorie counting!
  • StayFit_123
    StayFit_123 Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2016
    I read this article about how someone dropped 50 lbs not by counting calories but eating nutritious food. The article also has an Asian flair but much of the wisdom can be used in our life as well. Regarding calories: an important takeaway from the article is if you eat fresh and natural food, it should be naturally filling and nourishing, and it won't be easy to eat beyond your proper calorie range.

    I've been followings some of the suggestions provided, now I'm 7 pounds down and didn't really make too much effort.

    Read the article if you have time. It's not a short one, but definitely gives very strong insights on some most critical topics on weight loss.
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    I agree with @SezxyStef but anyway OP, if you really want to lose weight without actually counting calories, just eat less and weigh yourself like once a week. After a few weeks, if you aren't losing, eat less and then re-evaluate.

    It's a lot more guesswork but it doesn't involve weighing or measuring anything
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,109 Member
    edited June 2016
    OP you can certainly lose weight not counting calories. But IMO it is harder to put yourself in a calorie deficit if you aren't counting them. I think that the title of your thread is inviting a fight between calorie counters (which is probably a large portion of the people on mfp- again this is MO I don't know the actual numbers) and non-calorie counters. You might have had a less argumentative thread if you had simply asked if there were others who decided not to count calories and did they have any tips. But I kind of think based on your thread title that you might have been looking for an argument. And I don't think it has to be an "us" against "them" thing. Just do what works for you. If you find counting calories that tedious then don't do it.

    [edited by MFP Mods to remove quote]
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I am down a little over 30 lbs without counting or logging calories. I've lost weight without counting before so I knew I could do it. I'm a numbers person so I thought tracking would be fun and interesting. But it wasn't. It turns out I like to know the numbers but having to put in the effort to collect the numbers myself was just tedious.

    My only tip would be to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need fuel and when you are full. Also, you know what you were eating before so make sure you are eating less than that. Your body will also tell you when you are eating too much or too little by whether you are not losing or losing too quickly.

    if that were true then people wouldn't post how they feel they are starving after going on a reasonable calorie limit. your body can't tell you you're losing weight too fast... you have to realize what is a proper amount of weight loss for your given numbers

    My body can tell me when I'm losing too fast. And if I feel like I'm starving, I probably am losing too quickly.

    If you have spent years and years abusing your body with food it might take some time to learn your body's signals but it can be done.
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    I am down a little over 30 lbs without counting or logging calories. I've lost weight without counting before so I knew I could do it. I'm a numbers person so I thought tracking would be fun and interesting. But it wasn't. It turns out I like to know the numbers but having to put in the effort to collect the numbers myself was just tedious.

    My only tip would be to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need fuel and when you are full. Also, you know what you were eating before so make sure you are eating less than that. Your body will also tell you when you are eating too much or too little by whether you are not losing or losing too quickly.

    if that were true then people wouldn't post how they feel they are starving after going on a reasonable calorie limit. your body can't tell you you're losing weight too fast... you have to realize what is a proper amount of weight loss for your given numbers

    My body can tell me when I'm losing too fast. And if I feel like I'm starving, I probably am losing too quickly.

    If you have spent years and years abusing your body with food it might take some time to learn your body's signals but it can be done.

    I spent a while (about 1 year) eating a decent calorie deficit of 1800 calories. Throughout that entire year, I was never able to trust my body to tell me when I'm hungry and when I ultimately stopped counting calories, I gained every pound back. I'm sure some people can learn that ability just as I'm sure some people will not be able to learn that ability
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    My only tip would be to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need fuel and when you are full.

    The only problem is that the brain mechanism that does that hasn't evolved past the cave stage. So it keeps telling you need more and high calorie foods or you will die of starvation! :)

    Nonsense. When I'm full I know it.
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    cecsav1 wrote: »
    Honest question, here. Not trying to be a jerk or insinuate you're unwelcome, but why are you on MFP if you don't count calories?

    The name of this site is myfitnesspal, not mycaloriecountingpal.

    Most people cannot and will not count calories. So let's try to help the OP lose weight without calorie counting. Millions of people do it.
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    I am down a little over 30 lbs without counting or logging calories. I've lost weight without counting before so I knew I could do it. I'm a numbers person so I thought tracking would be fun and interesting. But it wasn't. It turns out I like to know the numbers but having to put in the effort to collect the numbers myself was just tedious.

    My only tip would be to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need fuel and when you are full. Also, you know what you were eating before so make sure you are eating less than that. Your body will also tell you when you are eating too much or too little by whether you are not losing or losing too quickly.

    if that were true then people wouldn't post how they feel they are starving after going on a reasonable calorie limit. your body can't tell you you're losing weight too fast... you have to realize what is a proper amount of weight loss for your given numbers

    My body can tell me when I'm losing too fast. And if I feel like I'm starving, I probably am losing too quickly.

    If you have spent years and years abusing your body with food it might take some time to learn your body's signals but it can be done.

    I spent a while (about 1 year) eating a decent calorie deficit of 1800 calories. Throughout that entire year, I was never able to trust my body to tell me when I'm hungry and when I ultimately stopped counting calories, I gained every pound back. I'm sure some people can learn that ability just as I'm sure some people will not be able to learn that ability

    Then you should count calories and the OP wasn't about you, right? The OP asked for tips from those of that have lost without counting. That's me. All your personal examples can't change what worked for me.

    Except you made a blanket statement that everyone could tell when their body has received enough calories. Not everyone can. There may be others viewing this thread who would blindly believe that and not lose weight. I'm just trying to spread more information. Your method works for you and others.

    Also, if you didn't actually read the thread, I did give advice for how to lose weight without counting.
    I agree with @SezxyStef but anyway OP, if you really want to lose weight without actually counting calories, just eat less and weigh yourself like once a week. After a few weeks, if you aren't losing, eat less and then re-evaluate.

    It's a lot more guesswork but it doesn't involve weighing or measuring anything

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I looked at the foods I ate regularly, and thought of ways to lighten them up a bit. Light bread, mustard instead of mayo, diet soda instead of regular, one slice of cheese instead of two, etc. I also stopped mindless snacking at work.