Reasons to loose weight



  • frawley23
    frawley23 Posts: 31 Member
    My 2 yo daughter was 'at risk of becoming overweight'. I was mortified. I realized that at 30 kilos overweight and living a quite sedentary life that I wasn't being the role model that I should be for my daughter.
  • phillyhockeyfan
    phillyhockeyfan Posts: 57 Member
    I noticed my feet were starting to hurt after being at work all day. And I'm going on vacation to Southern California in a month. ~ In 6 months I've lost 70 pounds, feet no longer hurt and I'm down 4 pant sizes.
  • willburpeeforcookie
    willburpeeforcookie Posts: 117 Member
    Increase my fertility to well anything above the 5% I'm currently at, and have a successful pregnancy. Also, to be fit enough to work long hours as a nurse with minimal pain.
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    I love me enough to want what's best for me.
  • Kassi81
    Kassi81 Posts: 11 Member
    Because caging it is cruel and unusual

    Weight should be free to run the fields and live its life, man

  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    Because I was horrified to find myself in the Obese II category on the BMI chart, and I know I had gotten lazy in my food choices.
  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    To become healthier and more active for not only myself but my husband and niece.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Reasons to lose weight:

    To look good and feel comfortable in clothes.

    Not to feel embarrassed and run and hide when my husband sees me naked.

    So other people wouldn't look at me and think "fat and lazy".
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    1) So I could cycle lots again.

    I used to be an active long distance cyclist but my distances had died off in recent years for various reasons, and I had gained some weight. About 18 months or so before I started here, I moved to a very hilly area and my cycling really dropped off because I struggled to haul myself up the hills. I've lost 25 kg and what a difference that makes to hill climbing and cycling in general.

    2) So I could wear a particular blue cycling jacket again.

    I had purchased this jacket in 2011 when I was lighter, and wore it quite a bit, but over the next 4 years ... it shrunk. :wink: It got to the point I couldn't do it up anymore, so I looked it up with the intent of buying a larger size, but the price had gone up a lot. Suddenly I was left with two choices ... spend nearly $300 on a new jacket ... or lose some weight. I lost the weight.

    3) And because some tests the Dr sent me for came back with less-than-desirable results. Happily, I went to the Dr again 5 months later and she re-ran most of the tests, then rang me to tell me that it was all good news! She was so excited. I returned to the Dr again almost a year later, she re-ran a couple other tests and told me that whatever remaining issues I had been having had rectified themselves. No more bad test results. :)
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    To be honest, I want to look attractive even as I get older. No reason to blame age for getting fat. It's scary to see more and more overweight and obese people and to see it became the new "normal". I want to be the exception.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Ditto for me on several of these (old clothes, vanity) but here's one that hasn't been said yet - I haven't had to take a single antacid (short term or 24-hour) in the 7 months that I've been eating well. I used to pop tums and zantac like they were candy and it was starting to actually worry me that I was overusing them. I freaking love living without heartburn.

    As for sleeping better, I am fairly sure I have undiagnosed sleep apnea and I'd much rather drop 100 lbs than have to wear a cpap mask the rest of my life. Especially as a currently single person!
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    edited June 2016
    @sfgirl38 awww, about first dates, don't bother losing weight for losers. A real man would date you for you and not your dress size.

    No - a real man looks at ALL the qualities of a woman when he goes out on a date. Size DOES matter. I'm not excluding a woman if she is overweight, but it's a factor. Her personality and other traits and features must be better to offset things you can't do.

    I've dated both normal and overweight women. Overweight doesn't mean the woman is excluded. It's just a negative like if she refuses to shave her legs.

    If I'm dating a woman who is 100 pounds overweight, there are activities that we can NOT do together. And that matters. Can we go hiking, zip-lining, can she fit in a roller coaster? It leaves less that I want to do that we can do together. It matters, and not at all because of looks.

    If a woman is 20 pounds overweight? It's not a negative to me at all, and I don't think it is to most men. It's the very excessive weight that hinders a person from activities that causes 'real men' to look at the woman and know that they can't be tied down to activities they don't like to do by being with this person. Dating is trying to find someone compatible, not settling.

    If you were a 100 pound woman and went on a date with a 300 pound man - would that be your ideal man if all his other qualities were just average?
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    @sfgirl38 awww, about first dates, don't bother losing weight for losers. A real man would date you for you and not your dress size.


    If I'm dating a woman who is 100 pounds overweight, there are activities that we can NOT do together. And that matters. Can we go hiking, zip-lining, can she fit in a roller coaster? It leaves less that I want to do that we can do together. It matters, and not at all because of looks.

    I get the general point you're trying to make here, but at 100 lbs overweight I literally did all of those things so...maybe be a bit less judge-y?
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    edited June 2016
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Most of my family suffers from severe health problems. My mom is diabetic, has heart disease and is on dialysis, all of which could most likely been prevented if she had taken better care of herself. I don't want to go down that rosd, or put any kids I might have in the future what I've gone through,
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,112 Member
    For me. Bad blood work results was a real wake-up call.

    I dropped 25lbs & blood work is now normal. I am really watching what I eat now & it's paying off big time...
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    TribeHokie wrote: »
    I get the general point you're trying to make here, but at 100 lbs overweight I literally did all of those things so...maybe be a bit less judge-y?

    I don't get your point. Dating is about finding someone compatible and attractive. On a first date, it's all about judging. There are tons of other fish in the sea. I'm not stuck with the woman I'm on a first date with. I'm trying to assess the good and bad qualities. Put a possible bad quality in front of me, I'm allowed to judge and think about going on a 2nd date or not.

    I don't get this whole mentality of 'I can be whoever I want to be, and I'm proud of it'. Good for you. But it doesn't force someone else to be proud of it.

    For example, many women thought on 1st dates that I wasn't 'macho' enough, I sort of gave off a gay-vibe. They judged me and didn't go on a 2nd date with me. I had a lot of gay friends and I guess some of their personalities wore off on me. When I said I was into computers, some didn't like it. They wanted a guy into more macho activities. Totally fine. I moved on and found women who liked my qualities. Weight is just one of those things. If you're overweight, date men who like to stay at home, read, etc. where weight is not a problem. Not active men, where weight IS a problem.

    I was overweight at one time and could not attract active women, so I had to lose weight, then I did attract those women. Seems like they were judging me, huh? And that's totally fine.

  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    TribeHokie wrote: »
    I get the general point you're trying to make here, but at 100 lbs overweight I literally did all of those things so...maybe be a bit less judge-y?

    I don't get your point. Dating is about finding someone compatible and attractive. On a first date, it's all about judging. There are tons of other fish in the sea. I'm not stuck with the woman I'm on a first date with. I'm trying to assess the good and bad qualities. Put a possible bad quality in front of me, I'm allowed to judge and think about going on a 2nd date or not.

    I don't get this whole mentality of 'I can be whoever I want to be, and I'm proud of it'. Good for you. But it doesn't force someone else to be proud of it.

    For example, many women thought on 1st dates that I wasn't 'macho' enough, I sort of gave off a gay-vibe. They judged me and didn't go on a 2nd date with me. I had a lot of gay friends and I guess some of their personalities wore off on me. When I said I was into computers, some didn't like it. They wanted a guy into more macho activities. Totally fine. I moved on and found women who liked my qualities. Weight is just one of those things. If you're overweight, date men who like to stay at home, read, etc. where weight is not a problem. Not active men, where weight IS a problem.

    I was overweight at one time and could not attract active women, so I had to lose weight, then I did attract those women. Seems like they were judging me, huh? And that's totally fine.

    I'm just saying don't assume a woman isn't up for something just because of her physical appearance. Yes the harsh reality of dating is that the easy place to start making your go-no-go decision on the first date is physical appearance, but that's why there's second and third dates and between-date conversations. I'm sorry you felt you had to make a major change to yourself in order to attract the kind of person you were attracted to.