My husband is always angry at me

I have no one to talk to, so I thought I'd try my online community. I am over weight. I always have been. I have also had 5 pregnancies and 3 miscarriages. I have put on a lot of weight in the 8 years I have been with my husband. I was 220lb when we met and now weigh 290. I was up to 304lbs but have been slowly working to take it off since he beginning of the year. The problem is that I am always tired. I work full time as an emergency room nurse and work very long hours (13 hour days). I also do all of the housework, homework with the children, Dr appointments, etc. I do everything. My husband is in good shape. He works 9-5, goes to the gym everyday after work, gets home for dinner and then the kids are off to bed. The problem in having is that I want to go to the gym too. I really want to do zumba classes and group fitness at the gym. But, when I do a class, the housework suffers and I am too tired to clean after the gym. My husband is mad that I have no energy. Mad that the house is not clean. Mad that weightless is so hard for me.

He's a good father and I love him soo much. I just feel really defeated right now.

I could use some love, advice, and encouragement if anyone has some to spare ♡


  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    My wife is always angry at me
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
  • bogwoppt1
    bogwoppt1 Posts: 159 Member
    My wife is always angry at me

    That is sad too. I often wish I was a kinder human. It is definitely work to be compassionate, comes more naturally to some folk for sure.
  • EatwellLivehappy
    EatwellLivehappy Posts: 34 Member
    First, some people are here are saying really unhelpful comments.

    Second, sounds like you need to have a few more conversations with your husband. You are motivated, you are willing, but you are energetically compensated! And it's so not fair that you are doing all the work and he's not--and as a result your health is suffering. It sounds like you both need to find a balance in your parenting, because the relationship does not sound equal at all. If you evened out the chores, you both would probably have a very stable household, and both of you would be in good health! Time for him to man up.
  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    meritage4 wrote: »
    Renegotiate the housework thing. He can make dinner sometimes. Both of you can do laundry. Can the kids pitch in too? Make one evening or day or even a few hours "family cleans the house time". and lower the housecleaning standards.

    I have a feeling her husband would have no part in that