The body-face dilemma after 40

I know you guys love motivation and success stories on this forum but I'm not a success story ( just yet). More like a mess story. To make a long story very short, last year I lost 30 lbs with the initial 10 lbs dropped unintentionally as a result of a pneumonia bout and another health scare which sent me into a pretty serious depressive episode. When I finally came around after about 3 months, I took advantage of the initial weight loss and continued with calorie counting and exercise over the summer. Total weight loss: 30 lbs.

Then in the fall things started to storm up badly at work and I entered another very stressful period during which I tend to overeat / lose track of how/what I eat / need lots of comfort food.

Result: In a year, I pretty much regained all the weight I'd lost. How simple is that?

In the meantime, I also noticed that the 30 lbs weight loss was not exactly without taxation. The volume loss in the face led to some cheek flattening and the very first signs of droopiness/ jowl tendency.

I am 43, granted, but up until this weight loss episode (at 42 yo) my face was picture perfect. The changes happened too abruptly not to be related to the weight fluctuation.

Now I am afraid that if I go back down in weight, the droopy/flat cheeks will get even worse.

I once read somewhere that after 40, women must choose between their face and their body.

Kinda depressing, especially for those women who had always carried more stock in face than in body :) ...

Rationally, I know one should probably choose body because of the health factor - buts one of us don't cope well with face-related vanity either.

Any advice ?

Thank you all.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    It is what it is
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    After 25 or 30... the body or anything definitely doesn't go "downhill".

    After 40 though, nature sounds like it does mean business.

    Ive always been fanatic about sun protection, etc and the texture/surface of my skin is still impeccable. My Trouble is with the underlying layers of fat. Once gone, face starts losing its original structure...:(
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    For me, being healthy and feeling great is the most important thing, and weighing 35 pounds less has done wonders for that. But I'm also a person who isn't afraid of medical/surgical help when necessary. Botox, fillers, etc, done by a skillful practitioner with a light hand, can do wonders. It's not up everyone's alley, but it's definitely up mine. I'm 53, by the way. Only doing a tiny bit of Botox at the moment, but leaving all options open!
  • seekingdaintiness
    seekingdaintiness Posts: 137 Member
    plastic surgery
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I'm 42 and I lost 25 lbs over about 6 months and have maintained for several months before approaching losing more. I'm still about 10 lbs overweight. I don't think my face looks very different at all. My neck has gotten thinner but nothing is sagging.
    Maybe it is more the speed of your loss that contributes to a significant droop?

    I'm going to choose being a healthy weight at this point in my life. If things sag or get flat then that is how I will be.
  • ThisisnotTinder
    ThisisnotTinder Posts: 16 Member
    HHHMMMM....Sounds like BS to me too. I'll be 46 on Thursday and dropped to 125 (losing 20 lbs.) I have always had "fat" cheeks. I found the weight loss did not give me droopy skin/muscle tone on my face but actually accentuated my bone structure a little more...a more defined jaw line..if you will.

    Everyone is different and weight loss affects everyone is a different way. I dont think you have to choose between your face and your body. Just take it slow so your skin has time to catch up..and keep hydrated.

    Good luck to you!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Stay out of the sun, use sunscreen. I'm 50 - met my goal - very happy with both the face and the body.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'll be 45 this year and I've noticed the sag in my face.

    Oh well, that's fine. Because I feel good and I have more energy than I've ever had.

    I've stopped coloring my hair, too. I'll just go gray. Coloring is too expensive anyway.

  • __leis__
    __leis__ Posts: 100 Member
    Talk to a dermatologist, there are so many fillers, lasers, skin tightening options out there. You're bound to find something that works for you. Choose health because that's something you can control, seek help from a dr. for the things you cant.
  • iammeinnh
    iammeinnh Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 49 and I choose to be healthy. People always say that I don't look 49, and that's nice. But, I don't want to FEEL 49, and older. If you are worried about your skin, complexion, etc. then get a good skin care regimen, get a facial (love facials) and drink lots of water. You will have a healthy glow.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's all genetics. But yes I've read more than once that some women decided to stay a bit overweight just so their face would look good. It just depends on where your body likes storing fat.

    Heck I'm 38 and my neck is already a disaster.