My husband is always angry at me



  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    I have to say, I am not a good housekeeper. My husband and I don't have any human kids. So, i can't get mad at him when he tells me i need to do better with the housekeeping and to do it more regularly. He takes care of the yard work, does the dishes every night, and takes care of the laundry most of the time.
    That being said, I am the one that's had a steady permanent job our entire married life. He does work, but since a few years ago, it's all temporary/seasonal jobs. So, i am the one paying the house mortgage and taxes for the most part and the electric bill every month. So, he can't say a word when i want to spend MY hard earned $ on something he sees as frivolous and stupid.
    If my husband "*kitten*" about my asking him to do more housework when i was feeling overworked, he would probably grumble, but he would help.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    If you think that if you could somehow lose weight (without upsetting your husband in any way by interfering with housework or his time) and everything would be better, you are mistaken. Your weight is not the problem here. Your husband is the problem, and it's interfering with your health, physically and mentally.

    You can't make him get help, but you can get help for yourself and you can stop being a doormat to his anger and childishness. Do it for you and your kids.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    Sorry you are having a bad time. It is no fun feeling this way while looking after kids, husband, ER patients and the house. Not a lot of time left for you. Reading your post was exhausting. Can't imagine it.

    I would look into having a cleaning service come in once or biweekly.

    I would also set up a routine for keeping house in between. saved me 13 years ago. Following (and modifying to fit my life) Flylady's routines allow me to keep the house in "ready for company" shape with little effort and time.

    Talk to your husband. Pick a time when it isnt chaotic and you aren't emotional.

    Laatly, lots of people here lose weight without exercising. I always was "waiting" for the urge to hit me to exercise before dieting. That urge is never going to happen. I'd get a Fitbit or other step counter. I bet you will be surprised at how many calories you are burning at work.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member

    You're life will be so much easier as a single mother with 3 kids working double shifts. Leave now!
  • jvanessa89
    jvanessa89 Posts: 332 Member
    d2othev wrote: »
    I appreciate the responses. I have limited time to socialize, so unless I'm at work, I really have no one to talk to about these feelings. We have talked about these issues before, but it just turns into him being angry at me. Our sex life is good, thankfully lol. I will look into getting a part time housekeeper. That seems to be something that I could do that I had not thought of before this post! And a few people mentioned a food scale. I have never used one, but I will go out and get one of those too.

    My husband will not help with the house work. The rare occasion that he has helped he was soo angry and made me feel so bad that it's just not worth the effort to ask anymore. He would also never agree to counseling. Maybe when I lose this weight I will have tons of energy and none of this will be an issue. God I can't wait for that day to come!
    I'm so sorry you're going through this.. you seem to put it all on yourself and blame yourself and it's wrong. He needs to work on his anger and be more understanding. Even if you were to lose all the weight and have more energy someday, you'll always remember how he treated you in your low time and how it wasn't right. You might even resent him later on if things don't get better. He should be loving with you NOW and work on himself and his anger issues just as he expects you to work on yourself. Kids pick up on everything, if there is tenseness and anger in the home they feel it.
    If you decide to lose weight, do it for yourself and not as a way to "fix" things. Love yourself as you are now and your positive actions will come from that, and not from trying to appease the anger of your spouse. I wish you all the best.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    d2othev wrote: »
    I could use some love, advice, and encouragement if anyone has some to spare ♡

    You're going to need to talk to him and ask him for more help. Are you asking him to help you? Don't worry about if it hurts his feelings. It sounds like he'll be angry no matter what but perhaps he could give you a little bit more slack to relax once you got home.

    As far as the weight loss, you don't need anything more than a calorie reduction to lose weight.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It's more about diet than anything and you can do workouts at home. I like to do blogilates workouts at home. I'm not sure how your relationship works but if you are both working then you both need to be cleaning the house and looking after the kids. I will leave dirty dishes in the sink for days if I need to in order to get the point across that I'm not doing it. It's ridiculous for you to be expected to work nurse shifts, clean the whole house and put up with the kids alone. Might as well be single.
  • kazz882
    kazz882 Posts: 29 Member
    Firstly I think you are being hard on yourself, you are doing an amazing job and should be really proud of yourself! Secondly I don't think anyone has the right to comment on your relationship, this is between you and your husband, what I will say though is, it would be great if you could get a little bit of 'me' time each week, I think everyone needs this! Keep your chin up and keep smiling!
  • carrieloveshk
    carrieloveshk Posts: 128 Member
    I hope things get better! My parents were very "traditional" even though dad was retired and at home he did NO housework at all because that was my mom's job. We had a housekeeper to help with cleaning and such which seemed to work really well for them. It gave my mom a bit more free time when she came back from work. I know everyone lives their life very differently so do whatever works for you!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    It's more about diet than anything and you can do workouts at home. I like to do blogilates workouts at home. I'm not sure how your relationship works but if you are both working then you both need to be cleaning the house and looking after the kids. I will leave dirty dishes in the sink for days if I need to in order to get the point across that I'm not doing it. It's ridiculous for you to be expected to work nurse shifts, clean the whole house and put up with the kids alone. Might as well be single.

    Yes, be single and then you can work nurse shifts, clean the whole house and put up with the kids alone.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Yeah, I am going to have to agree with the majority here. When my ex wasn't doing anything to help (mind you, he was unemployed at this point too, so he really wasn't contributing in any way) I flat out told him that YES I could definitely hold down my full time job, get the kids to school, make the suppers, I could do everything like a single mom, but if I was going to do that, I would do it as a single mom.

    It sounds like you guys aren't doing too bad in a lot of areas, you are happy, right? But it sure seems like it's because you are keeping everything happy by doing too much and harming your health. That's not sustainable. You are both working, so I do not understand why all the housework goes to you? My kids did their own laundry from about 5 years old because I don't have time; the suppers are cooked by whoever is home at that time (it's been all of us at one point or another, but usually now is the unemployed adult kid at home, since she doesn't have a job she throws in more house work). We are a family. He is part of your family and has family responsibilities.

    What happens when you are sick, or postpartum? Does he help then?

    I would also ask you to consider carefully what another suggested, is there any possibility he seeks to keep you out of shape because he is threatened by you looking good? Is he insecure in this way?

    You shouldn't be afraid to tell him you are doing too much. If you are afraid, that's a bad sign.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I feel for you, and I'm a guy. I can only tell you what I would do. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership. He works full time, so do you. He needs to get off his a** and help with the housekeeping. What freaking law says it's only your responsibility? Or could you not afford a PT housekeeper with your combined incomes? I hope you get some good advice here. We are here for you. I hope he reads this: Grab a vacuum or do some laundry, you lazy a**.