Stay-At-Home Moms 1/19-1/25



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I'm working on a sleeping deficit, but I did sleep better last night. Ladies, listen to me! If you or one of your family members are coughing, put Vick's rub on the feet and put socks over them. It helps a whole lot! I just forgot to do it the night before last, so I was coughing all night.
    Today is tumbling. Hopefully he will do better. The therapist said I can tell the instructor that Alex is "reserved" (which he is) but not tell her that he is autistic, unless I see a reason to tell her. So I need to tell her that today. He should do better today and over the next couple of weeks.
    If I am up to it today then I am going to do taebo this afternoon. I ran for thirty minutes on the wii yesterday which made me sweat but I don't know that it's enough to really do anything.
    I hope you all are well this morning and if you are not that you get better quickly!
    Have a good day!

    MM...I had heard that before and tried it. It worked!!! I hope tonight you get a better night's rest!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Oh my poor little guy!! Good thing he is young though cause man do they bounce back!! The day after christmas my son(Step) Was in a bad snowmobile accident! He ran into a tree cause he lost control. He got 13 stitches in his face, broke his nose, cheek bone, both radius and ulna in his right arm, and the ball of the femur in his right leg! He had surgery to screw the ball back on 3 screws! He had surgery later to fix his nose and cheek bone. He was a trooper through the whole ordeal! He was so amazing had it been me I would of cried like a baby. But he starts therapy this week and will be in a wheel chair for a couple months!


    On to other subject!!

    I got a treadmill off of freecycle!! I am so excited I get to pick it up thursday! I cant wait to use it and to get my dog on it too!!!
    My daughter turned 6 sunday we had a great time! She had the theme of camp rock She just loves Joe Jonas... She wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey ya know I couldnt find it anywhere! So I took her Joe Jonas poster covered it in plastic and we played pin the mustache on Joe Jonas!! It was a blast!!

    SO there is cake in the house and I cant wait till it is gone cause it is good!!! I am thinking that after it is gone I am gonna do a good flush of crap foods again! Back to the healthy I was doing really good till my kids came for christmas!! Now I have got to get back on track , cause my weight went back up a bit not much but enough to make me mad! I want to see it go down more Id like to get this weight off!!!!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Ok I guess I have no clue how to put a picture here...
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Morning Mommies,

    Well I sent Anthony to school today (the 3year old) I think he got to use to sleeping in in the mornings cause he was a grouch. Dad said he was bouncing off the walls last night so he needed to go back to school today so we'll see how he does with his leg. The 5 boys and myself have dentist appointments this afternoon, Elizabeth will go next time around he won't see them until they are 3 or unless something is wrong with there teeth, and she doesn't turn 3 until March. Not a lot new here this morning.

    MM-I have done that before with a couple of my kids, it works wonders.

    supermom--I use to roll a bath towel up and put my son on his tummy on the towel, it seem to work for him. A lot of extra tummy time also. Do you have anyone that would watch Ayden (sorry if I got his name wrong or miss spelled my brain is quit awake yet) so you could have an hour or so to yourself?

    CrystalOKeefe--So sorry to hear about your stepson. How old is he? It is amazing how quick kids bounce back. They sure recover quicker than we adults do.

    I am still trying to figure out what to have for breakfast this morning so before I grab something I shouldn't I had bettter go get something to eat. Talk to ya all a little later.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Oh my poor little guy!! Good thing he is young though cause man do they bounce back!! The day after christmas my son(Step) Was in a bad snowmobile accident! He ran into a tree cause he lost control. He got 13 stitches in his face, broke his nose, cheek bone, both radius and ulna in his right arm, and the ball of the femur in his right leg! He had surgery to screw the ball back on 3 screws! He had surgery later to fix his nose and cheek bone. He was a trooper through the whole ordeal! He was so amazing had it been me I would of cried like a baby. But he starts therapy this week and will be in a wheel chair for a couple months!


    On to other subject!!

    I got a treadmill off of freecycle!! I am so excited I get to pick it up thursday! I cant wait to use it and to get my dog on it too!!!
    My daughter turned 6 sunday we had a great time! She had the theme of camp rock She just loves Joe Jonas... She wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey ya know I couldnt find it anywhere! So I took her Joe Jonas poster covered it in plastic and we played pin the mustache on Joe Jonas!! It was a blast!!

    SO there is cake in the house and I cant wait till it is gone cause it is good!!! I am thinking that after it is gone I am gonna do a good flush of crap foods again! Back to the healthy I was doing really good till my kids came for christmas!! Now I have got to get back on track , cause my weight went back up a bit not much but enough to make me mad! I want to see it go down more Id like to get this weight off!!!!
    Here ya go! Just needed to change the caps to lower case!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Well I actually made it to the gym today. I usually just do a workout video at home. My oldest was in school and I took my youngest with my to the tots in tow program. She let me do 30 min on the eliptical so I was excited. Other than that a boreing day. Making dinner now. We are in Germany so it is almost 6 pm.

    abetterme- My two girls have dentist apts on Thursday. Our pediatric dentist actually sees babies as soon as they get teeth so my 7 month old is going. I find it a little strange but we will see.

    crystalokeefe- Oh how I miss freecycle. I got a tredmil off of there also. We did not move it with us and I wish I had. Sorry about your son! My oldest just turned 7 and she is crazy about camp rock.

    Everyone have a good Tuesday!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    New to site. Not so new to weight loss. I have struggled as long as I can remember with my weight. I have PCOS, which makes controlling my weight hard but if I get it under control it controls the PCOS. So it is a big cycle. Anyway I have been a SAHM for the last 5 years since my husband joined the military. Before I got pregnant with my lo I lost 60lbs. I however still have 20 of baby weight that I have never lost and at least another 20 beyond that. I have mostly been doing work out video's and walking since I can do that with my children. That is the problem because in the past in order for me to really lose weight I have to get a really good cardio workout in. I am eating the right foods and calories so I just need to find a god workout routine. Sorry for rambleing, just wanted to introduce myself a little.


    This is a great and wonderful site. Everyone here is really encouraging and helpful!!! Good luck!!!

    Yes it seems like a really nice site. I was already logging my food intake in a journal but this site is great espeically for the message boards. I am a message board addict!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Wow your poor son, Crystal! I am glad he wasn't killed or paralyzed or something, but that sounds horrible! I would have been a mess, probably more so from one of my kids being in an accident.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ok I guess I have no clue how to put a picture here...

    I was wondering where you poofed to! You poor woman & that poor boy of yours!! That looks painful! :frown:

    Thompson - good job making it to the gym already today!

    Beth - Zeke's been telling anyone that'll listen, "Daddy hurt me!" (the grocery store today, Micah's speech therapy, random people in the parking lot) so I am already getting a dose of the child blabs. :tongue:

    MM - I hope tumbling goes well today! I agree. Don't tell them he's autistic. Some people freak. *eye roll*
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Ok I guess I have no clue how to put a picture here...

    I was wondering where you poofed to! You poor woman & that poor boy of yours!! That looks painful! :frown:

    Thompson - good job making it to the gym already today!

    Beth - Zeke's been telling anyone that'll listen, "Daddy hurt me!" (the grocery store today, Micah's speech therapy, random people in the parking lot) so I am already getting a dose of the child blabs. :tongue:

    MM - I hope tumbling goes well today! I agree. Don't tell them he's autistic. Some people freak. *eye roll*

    3babybeans- Thanks. I actually went to the gym from 8-8:30 but it is already 6:30 pm where I am!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies.
    I just have to say I'm SO happy that it's Tuesday and my son goes back to school and my parents are gone and I'm jumping back on the wagon. I can't say I fell off over the weekend but it sure was draggin me along. Yesterday was the worst. By the time I went to bed I was literally sick to my stomach because of all the crap I ate. So today is a new day and I'm gonna get my workout in and I'm going to eat right.
    Hubby is home again...feeling a little better but since they don't have any work to do he's going to take another day off...yea :grumble:
    MM-yes the vicks and socks thing works....My mom used to do that for us as kids....crazy but it works.
    Crystal- your son is extremely lucky. A good friend of mine in high school hit a cow (yes a cow) on his snow machine and was in a coma for a while, when he woke up he was never the same. He had to relearn the alphabet and everything.
    Well I should get moving, I woke up late (Adi decided that midnight was a good time to play for a few hours) and I need to get my workout in.
    Have a great day
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    LOL Well, that makes a difference now doesn't it? You're in Europe somewhere? I'll have to go check out your profile.
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Good Tuesday morning everyone!!!

    I don't feel tooo bad this morning after my workout last night, so I'll have to make sure I jump on my workout right after BL tonight!!!!

    I hope you all have a great day!!!!
    Keep those kiddos safe!!!
  • supermom1114
    ok ladies, sorry but I have to seriously vent..... so I gained back the two pounds Id lost by Sat, munching when I was stressed yesterday didnt help... I was all determined to stick to it today n so far I have til I get a call from hubby that his readiness NCO is a dumb *kitten* n changed the type of orders their unit would be switching to so now Tricare, our health insurance wont be kicking in n he wont be getting paid til March!!! WTF!!! We have a 2 month old son who cant go to the dr now because he has no health insurance!! Hubby n I didnt get officially married until after Ayden was born so my dads health insurance covered Ayden for 30 days after he was born, n hubby's was supposed to kick in by now for his two month visit. AND hes not getting paid til March! We were planning a party to celebrate getting married since it was only at the JP but I cant put a deposit on the place I wanted to have it at or for any of the food etc etc so thats totally off.... I just want to down a big bag of cheetos n a coke n anything we have sweet in the house.... whats the point of losing the weight by March now anyways since Im not going to be wearing a nice dress for the celebration.... n all I do is sit at home with Ayden, who effin cares!! Im in a horrible mood and its looking like Im going to have to try and go fulltime at Bed Bath n Beyond if they have the hours for it, but I dont even know if the medical insurance kicks in right away or if it takes 3 months like other places..... ugh SCREW LIFE!! SCREW THE ARMY!! SCREW SGT WICK!!!

    sorry as u can tell im rather ticked... now im going to eat something, probably everything....:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member

    Supermom, get ready. SAHM unite! From us to you.

    So sorry about the frustration. That sucks big time. But March is still two months away, so don't give up. Can I give you a little something I did? I got my wedding dress on e-bay for $17 dollars. And remember, you are much better than the army and Sgt Wick and we all know you are definitely stronger than probably even you realize. The insurance thing really blows. I hate the politics of getting a job for insurance but then not getting the insurance. Nickle and diming. But we are here for you. VENT AWAY. :heart:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    MM-yes the vicks and socks thing works....My mom used to do that for us as kids....crazy but it works.
    Do I understand that you put the vicks on the feet and cover with socks for a cough? Can anyone explain how this works?
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Just my own whatever ladies. Went for my yearly, which is now being moved to every six months due to ovaries and pain on the cysts. Just want to monitor it, make sure that it doesn't change into something ugly as my whole family and their reproductive organs turn cancerous. Only 34, so not quite ready for the hormone replacement therapy that would come with getting my ovaries removed. But man, am I in pain now. After the poking and prodding from my doctor's visit, it always hurts 100 times worse. I feel so nauseous and doubling over here, but still have to work. And to add insult to injury, I have gained 4 lb since my last visit last year, which may not seem like a big deal but it is just another indication of me that I am letting it get out of control. Need to start reigning in a little tighter. Can I PLEASE just lose 10 lb before my next doctor's visit in six months. PLEASE!?!?!?! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Anyway, not a big problem compared to most, but my little :explode: for the day. Thanks for listening.
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    MM-yes the vicks and socks thing works....My mom used to do that for us as kids....crazy but it works.
    Do I understand that you put the vicks on the feet and cover with socks for a cough? Can anyone explain how this works?

    I'm not sure how this works, but both my girls got upper respitory infections the begining of January and I rubbed vicks on their feet and chest and they were better in 2 days and I got respitory infection too and didn't do my feet and chest for three days and after just 2 nights of vicking I was over it too

    So all i know is that it works!!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Wow your poor son, Crystal! I am glad he wasn't killed or paralyzed or something, but that sounds horrible! I would have been a mess, probably more so from one of my kids being in an accident.
    Crystal, that picture is scary (handsome kid though). My kids went go-carting over the winter break with my husband. I couldn't even go and watch because I knew I would just suck the fun out of it them. Kids are definitely amazing. Hope his therapy goes well.
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I'm not sure how this works, but both my girls got upper respitory infections the begining of January and I rubbed vicks on their feet and chest and they were better in 2 days and I got respitory infection too and didn't do my feet and chest for three days and after just 2 nights of vicking I was over it too
    So all i know is that it works!!

    That is awesome. You guys are great. This is the kind of stuff I need. My daughter is constantly getting fluid in her lungs and being diagnosed with "walking pneumonia" because of where it's located and hacking her poor little brains out during the night. Humidifiers, inhalers, etc., just aren't cutting it. But I am going to try this. You guys rock! Thanks.