I am tired of being fat



  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    @ninerbuff is right. MFP will be very supportive, but no one here will actually hold your hand through the process. You're not holding mine, right?

    This community, in the great words of Morpheus, can only show you the door: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gABS8a4wm9o&feature=youtu.be&t=6s

    Any progress you make will have to be from yourself, from your own discipline. Motivation starts you off, and will last about a day. Discipline is what's needed after that, and is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. All niner is pointing out is that if you're truly tired of being fat, like you say you are, then you'll do what it takes to find that discipline and get going.

    We're all facing the same choice. Becoming and staying fat is easy. Becoming and staying fit isn't necessarily hard, but it's a lot harder than the former option. It's your turn to choose what matters to you more.
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    I agree with you all
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Join a challenge...this has helped me
  • Domilg23
    Domilg23 Posts: 44 Member
    I don't have motivation..
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    Well I wanted to update since restarting this I've dropped 23 lbs and I feel much better and happier. I only have 52 more lbs to go I can do it :) I do appreciate the tough love at times I needed it to start but I'm not going back to being fat once I get to goal bc I can't I need to look forward.

    you are AWESOME!
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    This may sound negative, but I am motivated by hatred. I am fueling my motivation by a person I hate. I have a sweet revenge goal. When I am temped to eat, or blow off exercise, I think of the person I hate. That re charges my commitment to be successful.

    May sound twisted, borderline and odd, but the more I realize that I can do this, and ground her into the dust, the more motivated I am.
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    I will send you an add! I was in the same boat last July when I hit 30. I tried a lot of things. MFP is the only thing that has worked for me because of the motivation. The motivation of others keeping you going creates motivation within yourself. I have a learned a lot in the last year. A lot. My attitude in general is more positive. I have a long ways to go, and I am always ready to add nice people. I like your attitude! Trust me, you CAN do this!
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    Well I wanted to update since restarting this I've dropped 23 lbs and I feel much better and happier. I only have 52 more lbs to go I can do it :) I do appreciate the tough love at times I needed it to start but I'm not going back to being fat once I get to goal bc I can't I need to look forward.

    That's great, OP! :smile:

    If it helps, always remember that more important than motivation is DISCIPLINE. There have been many times where I had zero motivation to count the calories of a meal ("just order the whole pizza, you've earned it!") or go to the gym. This Monday, for example. I woke up feeling tired and generally awful. I had to keep checking that it was actually a Monday and that, yes, I had places to be.

    Motivation would have resulted in me sleeping. Discipline is what forced me to remember what I'm working towards, remember that my trainer will be pissed if he shows up early and I'm not there, and that I have yet to regret showing up at the gym.

    Discipline doesn't feel warm and fuzzy, but it gets results. Stick with it - you can do it!
  • stonewater119
    stonewater119 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't despair. I met a man today that lost 189 lbs yes that's correct 189 lbs just by following this program and tracking his calories.
  • PragatiV2016
    PragatiV2016 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi...I can totally relate to this...I've been fat for most of my life.... went down from 87 KGS to 60 KGS a few years back and then gained all of it back during pregnancy! I'm once again in this battle against weight!! Phew!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Create non food rewards for yourself for each week of sticking with it. Maybe a mani-pedi, maybe going to a movie, maybe a new video game... Weigh and log your food scrupulously, do your workouts, and reward yourself for success. This is called positive reinforcement and has good results.