Yoga for weightloss and building muscle?



  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    I agree with Psychgrrl - do not recommend learning yoga from a video. I believe proper lessons are crucial also, for the same reasons she states. Yoga can be extremely beneficial in many ways - but I feel strongly that poses must be done correctly and under the guiding eye of a good, well-trained, certified instructor to achieve maximum benefits and avoid injury.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    It depends on what type of yoga and how long/many times you do it. I've been doing yoga since I was 16. Right now, I do a 90 min vinyasa/hatha class (fast movement, breaks a sweat) which burns anywhere from 250-500 calories depending on intensity of that days class. It definitely gives you strength, balance, flexibility, confidence, a feeling a peace. I find it helps with appetite control, I really don't want to eat anything other than vegetarian after a class and you shouldn't eat two hours before.

    Some classes are mainly for relaxation and flexibility, some are more cardio based. Try a few out and find an instructor you like (either in person or online). If you combine yoga a few times a week with a calorie deficit you will notice an improvement. Especially in legs, butt and abs.
  • Annamarie3404
    Annamarie3404 Posts: 319 Member
    I just search until I can find one that I can do. My balance and core strength are terrible, and I hope yoga can help with this.

    They say if you aren't wobbly, you aren't challenging yourself.

    I'd recommend you find a class somewhere, be it at a gym or paying for a few classes at a local studio, and go with a guided lesson. That tends to be a really great "get your feet wet" introduction to yoga. There's likely more you can do than you think :mrgreen:

    I am hoping to get an instructor to do a session with me. I have yoga at my local gym, but they are intermediate level, and I cannot do those yet. I have to modify them. There is a local studio I like, and I'm willing to pay to go a couple of times a month. They are really good, and willing to work with me. If I had not signed a 2 yr contract at my current gym, I'd go to the local studio.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I've done yoga 2x week for years. Does it help with weightloss? Not really.
    But it does help with stress, flexibility, balance and strength.
    I'm still doing it and I've lost 39 lbs by watching my calories and adding other exercise.
  • Annamarie3404
    Annamarie3404 Posts: 319 Member
    @meritage4 . I've changed my eating habits at the beginning of this year. I got bored with the whole gym routine and want to change things up. I'll keep up with my cardio, but I have heard from many people how yoga has benefitted them. I hope it benefits me by helping my balance and reducing my stress/anxiety level. I feel relaxed, yet energized at the end of a session.