Where are my 5"4 ladies at??



  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    5'4"- started at 180 and got down to 122 and held steady for a few months- goal was 125 but lost a little more than expected. Now holding at 125 and trying to maintain. I was around 115 in high school but being older 125 is more realistic for me now and I'm probably more muscular than I was then- I do some lifting now. I'm also a small frame - I do think you have to take that into account when choosing a goal weight.
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    I am 5'4 and cannot lose any weight on 1300 calories, maybe I am not accurately logging (I know, I know), but just wondering what calorie goals the 5'4 ladies are using. BTW I am 40 years old, 133lbs, exercise cardio and weight training 4-6 days per week. I have a lower belly pouch and saddlebags I need to lose ( and yes I know, you cannot spot reduce).
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    I used to be 5'4" and would even claim to be 5'4.5", but I now have to admit that I'm 5'3.5". :smile: At age 60, I was at my top weight, 235. I was ecstatic when I got down to 135, but through the years, I've continued to lose, so now, I weigh 113. Both my doctor and my nutritionist say I'm too thin and they want me to gain back a little. That's hard, because I don't really want to do it. Right now, however, my weight tends to fluctuate between 112.5 and 117.
    I wear size 6 in almost everything, nothing smaller. I'm still quite big in the middle.
  • Branch1219
    Branch1219 Posts: 1 Member
    Recently gained a few pounds and weighed in at 123 today. Around 110 is a good goal for me. I was there a few years ago and liked how my clothes fit.
  • emmabrewster519
    emmabrewster519 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5ft 4 and was 140lb. I'm 16 weeks postpartum with my 4th child and think it's time to get my body back into shape. I've been doing this app for 6 days and through diet and doing turbo fire I have lost 6lbs. My ideal weight would be 112lb.
  • ToriGabrielle
    ToriGabrielle Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'4. Started at 175 and got down to 132 but gained back about ten lbs and now I'm 142 ish. I think my goal weight is around 125. I was so close. Sigh.
  • optimus9345
    optimus9345 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'4 and started at 160 down to 148 now hoping to get 115. I have not been below 128 in the last 5 years.
  • slimtastesbetter
    slimtastesbetter Posts: 8,124 Member
    I'm 5'3" (56 years old) currently at 136ish, would like to be closer to 132-133. Back in 2003 I lost 20 lbs on Weight Watchers. I went from 148 to 128. But I found for me personally, under 130 was not sustainable. I'm a runner with some muscle and am not willing to give up the amount of eating necessary to maintain a weight in the 120's. I was actually 138 lbs when my profile photo was taken.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I am 5'4".. normal weight before my new found goal of bulking is 115.

    I cut to 112.4 but I am bulking and now 116.4. I have 5 pounds gain to go!

    I can weigh 125 as long as I look 115.. make sense? So my process is far far from over..
  • morlanchaos
    morlanchaos Posts: 25 Member
    I am a tad under 5'4" and currently 150 after about a 10lb weight gain over past yr. Most active time in my life (high school) I weighed 141lbs. Once, I got down to 136 and it was very difficult to maintain. Apparently, I am built to be heavier than most everyone else my height :) Current goal is to get back to 140. At 150 I am a US size 8-10, 140 puts me at a solid sz 8.
  • emily120699
    emily120699 Posts: 32 Member
    Well I'm 5'5 lol but I have a 45 pound loss too and I'm about 135, wanting to be 125-130. Congrats on your loss!
  • Idle_Moon
    Idle_Moon Posts: 151 Member
    Started: 150 lbs / 32% bodyfatpercentage
    Currently: 127 lbs/ 22% bodyfatpercentage
    Goal: 116 - 121 lbs/ 18 - 20% bodyfatpercentage
  • morlanchaos
    morlanchaos Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'3" (56 years old) currently at 136ish, would like to be closer to 132-133. Back in 2003 I lost 20 lbs on Weight Watchers. I went from 148 to 128. But I found for me personally, under 130 was not sustainable. I'm a runner with some muscle and am not willing to give up the amount of eating necessary to maintain a weight in the 120's. I was actually 138 lbs when my profile photo was taken.

    I can relate :) I was about 140lbs in my profile pic. My body fights me around mid 130s. I literally feel like I am starving. Once I get up back up closer to 140, it stops. Just not worth it. You look great and much younger than 56. I hope to age gracefully as well. Good luck!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I'm 5'4" and maintain at about 118lb. Even at that fairly low weight, I don't really love the way my fat distributes (upper arms, below my navel, and inner thighs) but if I drop my body fat percentage any lower (even at a higher weight/more muscle mass) my menstrual cycle gets screwed up...so 118 it is as that's where I've found it easiest to stay with my current diet and exercise. Strength training can definitely make a difference in the look of your body, but unfortunately once you get down into the lowest healthy BMI range, sometimes there's just nothing more you can do about where and how your body stores fat.

    I'd love to be leaner (even if I were heavier - just less body fat would be great) but for me I just don't think it's a good idea for my long-term health from what I've experienced. It makes me pretty annoyed sometimes but my desire to live well overrides my vanity, so...
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I am 5'4".. normal weight before my new found goal of bulking is 115.

    I cut to 112.4 but I am bulking and now 116.4. I have 5 pounds gain to go!

    I can weigh 125 as long as I look 115.. make sense? So my process is far far from over..

    I feel the same way! I just started Stronglifts 5x5 and I'm hoping to drop to a size 4 but stay the same weight.
  • danibabii11
    danibabii11 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi!!! I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 165.... my frame is more muscular. My trainer looked me dead in the face and said "you would look sick of you got under 150" I never use charts anymore... my trainer had a little hand held machine she uses that measures muscle mass over my body fat. It all depends on your body type...