Will one binge derail me ?

been on track all week but tonight ive blown it ! It's hard to think ive not blown it all now ?????


  • Ruatine
    Ruatine Posts: 3,424 Member
    One day will not derail your weight loss unless you let it. Look at your deficit over the week rather than on a daily basis. It helps put one day being over into perspective.
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    Only if you let it
  • JeffreyBurkhalter
    JeffreyBurkhalter Posts: 67 Member
    Go burn some of the calories off. I'm having to do that today too.
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    No, but you might see a gain tomorrow (just water weight most likely and it'll be gone in a couple days. If anything it'll just set you back a couple days. Don't beat yourself up over it :smile:
  • cabwj
    cabwj Posts: 843 Member
    Only temporarily, if at all. Just move forward :smile:
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    It may.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Lillyloooo wrote: »
    been on track all week but tonight ive blown it ! It's hard to think ive not blown it all now ?????

    Absolutely NO. We literally cannot eat one meal that can cover 2, 3 days. After 2 days you'll be at a huge deficit again.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    No way. You're human. Tomorrow is a new day, so just pick up where you left off.
  • Ian_thompson
    Ian_thompson Posts: 13 Member
    We all do it. I do it every few weeks, mainly because of being busy with the kids and studying, best thing is to enjoy it. Don't dwell on it. Treat tomorrow as a new day and get back on it.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    One or two days is not going to blow it. You have to remember this is a long-term process not a short-term Sprint.

    To put things in perspective in March I went on a 4-day vacation to Florida. My weight was approximately 250 pounds. I ate too much I drank too much but I had a great time. There were one or two days where I probably drink my calorie limit for the day. Don't recommend you do it everyday but you have to remember this is a lifestyle change it's not a diet. I firmly believe that for this process to succeed you have to make it enjoyable.
    Today my way to the approximately 223 pounds.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Because most of us on MFP see this as a lifestyle change and not something short term, I actually think it's a good thing to fall of the wagon sometimes, to prove to yourself that you will get back on plan quickly afterwards. Because NO ONE should expect to be perfect at this for the rest of their life.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    No. That was yesterday and it's over now. All you can do is make a plan to eat better today.

    I think that kind of all-or-nothing thinking is the biggest issue I've had in the past: "oh I've lost the plot now, there's no point in even trying, see I knew I could never lose weight and this just proves it".
    Whereas I know damn well that as long as I have more days when I make better choices around food and exercise then I'll be OK in the long term.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It only will if you let it.
  • law102189
    law102189 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome to your new lifestyle. You will have binge days or meals...you're human. It's how you react to them that's important. Shake it off and move on. Once you train yourself to do that, your relationship with food begins to change. You are in control...you can savor every last morsel of a binge and get right back on track. If you know you're going to have a binge day, try to squeeze in extra exercise in the days leading up to it and bank your deficit calories. I'm doing that for this weekend, knowing I'll be over my calories on Saturday. Good luck...you can do this.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks everyone ❤️
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    I had a 2 day binge a few weeks ago. It happens. Take it one day at a time. One pound at a time. And don;t let one or two days derail you from your overall progress :) best of luck!
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    I try not to Cuz I feel horrible and lose sight on my weight .. if it happens it happens
  • kitkatlp
    kitkatlp Posts: 93 Member
    Lillyloooo wrote: »
    been on track all week but tonight ive blown it ! It's hard to think ive not blown it all now ?????

    Well, in order to boost your metabolism, I would advise that you allow for one cheat meal (not a whole day though) per week. Try to set some reasonable limit for your calorie intake that day, but let your body feel it doesn't need to keep some fat / muscle.
    As an example, last weekend, my daughter had her birthday party (yes, the whole weekend). We ended up going to a restaurant on the Sunday. That was my planned cheat meal. I ordered a Chicago Grinder Calzone (about 1200 calories for one pizza), plus a 250ml glass of red wine (about 190 kcal). I finished with a reasonable piece of the birthday cake. (I'd say about 200 kcal). I had a few fries and a few chicken goujons. (All recorded on MFP).
    I ended up with a calorie intake for that day of about 2500 for a BMR of 2000. (Breakfast 400 kcal / Lunch 2000 kcal / I wasn't hungry for dinner).
    Guess what? Next day, it had the courtesy to not show up on my scale !
    By the way, I've been doing it every week since 1st Jan (with some short periods of rest). I've lost 66 lbs so far.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Lillyloooo wrote: »
    been on track all week but tonight ive blown it ! It's hard to think ive not blown it all now ?????

    Absolutely NO. We literally cannot eat one meal that can cover 2, 3 days. After 2 days you'll be at a huge deficit again.

    Speak for yourself. A large pizza, non-diet drinks and ice cream can easily undo a weeks deficit.