Not Lost any weight for 2 weeks now, but I'm doing everything right aren't I...?

stardust_1992 Posts: 13 Member
edited July 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi There! Been using the myfitnesspal app for quite some time on and off, never posted to the community though so be nice!

24 days ago, I decided to lose weight. I'm fed up with living the way I am. Overweight, lonely, no pride in myself and no self worth, avoiding any interaction or going out because I am ashamed of my appearance and figure If I don't like myself, why would anyone else like me.
I tried CBT a couple of years back, and the therapist said I need to appreciate my good qualities more, rather than focus on my negative ones. The CBT didn't work. I ended up just telling her what she wanted to hear so I could get out of there and back home again. I've gone off track...

I tried dieting in the past. I lost 3 stone back in school. I was 19 stone when I was at 15! I pretty much starved myself. Since then diets have come and gone, but I believe to lose weight, you really need to want to do it, not just because you are a bit overweight and could do with losing a few lbs.
We'll the diet I'm on now has been the longest one since I lost that 3 stone. I lost 8lbs in the first 2 weeks.
It was a start, but I know in the first 2 weeks, the weight you lose is mostly water retention, so I didnt make a big deal of it.
2 weeks ago I made a promise to myself. I'm going to lose weight, get fit, and feel better about myself.
Since I made that promise to myself, I've stepped up my diet and started excising, something I've never done before. I'm eating healthier. More fruit, veg, wholegrains and fresh produce. And I drink nothing but water, about 1.5 liters a day. I bought a couple of 4kg weights the Monday just gone, and have been following a youtube video ( in case anyone is interested), doing 15 minutes of strength training and 3 15 second planks every morning since. Works up a real sweat. Completed my 4th day today. Almost died the first session, but today I made it half way through before almost dying! Completed it all the way through every time though. I've also been walking. I started doing a mile a day, I've pushed it to 2.2 miles a day now though.
I weight all my food out using analogue kitchen scales, and use the barcode scanner on the app. Ive been hitting about 1200-1400 calories each day for 3 out of the 4 weeks. despite all of this, I've not lost any weight for 2 weeks now. I'm still hovering around 110kg, give or take 1lb.
My scales are also analogue, they don't move, I even wear the same clothes when I weigh myself and make sure its the same time of day!

Why am I not losing weight, I'm trying so hard! It's depressing but I'm not going to give up though. I need to reach my target.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It's very important to weight loss for you to be super accurate with weighing everything you eat and drink! Even with boxed and canned foods-weigh it all!
  • eileenmccaskey
    eileenmccaskey Posts: 5 Member
    Keep at it, if you are noticing a difference in how long it takes to get tired that is great, do what you are doing and add more exercise as you can. I had the same problem, it took about 2 months to show, but then the weight came off very quickly,30 lbs the next two months. Be careful with your logging and increase your exercise a little each day or two.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    New exercises can cause water weight. The water helps the muscles heal. Every time you add new exercises, for the first 2-6 weeks, there's a good chance the scale won't move.
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    New exercises can cause water weight. The water helps the muscles heal. Every time you add new exercises, for the first 2-6 weeks, there's a good chance the scale won't move.

    This was exactly what I was going to say, because it happens every time I increase my exercise. I know the scale is just going to be a contrary *kitten* until my body gets used to the change. Be patient and continue doing what you're doing. You'll be pleasantly surprised after a while.
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    You should get a digital scale.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    Be cautious about logging/eating back your exercise calories. The intensity and duration of the exercise you describe doesn't burn a ton of calories-- I'm sure you're working hard, but don't eat a ton of food to "compensate" for your exercise.
    Also, as others said, be patient. Take photos. Measure with a tape measure.
    Two weeks ago, the scale said I weighed 2-3lbs less than it says now. I'm frustrated by this, and I know I need to tighten up my food logging. That said, I took measurements again today and my tummy is an inch smaller than it was 2 weeks ago. So I know it's happening; keep at it, slow and steady.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    Don't get discouraged. You might not seem to be losing flab but probably are. I always find the consistency of my flab gets more watery and begins to sag (generally looks more horrific than it did) and i get more orange-peel legs as i lose fat. Keep an eye on where the fat is sitting on you, and how it feels (how more wobbly it gets) this will give you an indication that your losing flab just not changing size yet. I always lose my belly last, but i can visibly see the flab ridge creep up my leg as i lose weight, the belly doesn't change size until everything else looks really good (so i sort of look like i've just had a kid :( all skinny arms and legs and giant watery belly). Keep at it, it will shift eventually. Also remember that your metabolism will change as you eat less and this may make you plateau for a while, keep at it, try a cheat meal (one larger meal once a month or when nothing has changed for a few weeks, not a 3+course thing, not a cheat day, a cheat meal), this might help kick your metabolism up a gear again.

    Remember to keep a record of your measurements not just your weight, it's more accurate than weight, keep a note of how your clothes feel on you, the differences in your body may be too slight for you to see, but you'll feel the difference in your clothes and others may notice what you don't.

    As others have said water retention/muscle inflammation when you've beasted yourself will make a huge difference too. I did a skate marathon (literally as it sounds, marathon on skates, it was awesome), I couldn't get one of my work skirts on 2 days later cos my thighs were huge. Few days after that - fitted as usual.

    chin up, carry on :smiley:
  • stardust_1992
    stardust_1992 Posts: 13 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Ive been hitting about 1200-1400 calories each day for 3 out of the 4 weeks.

    What happened on the 4th week?

    Took me a week to get going. The app says I can eat 1680 calories per day, in the first week, I was hitting that give or take 50 cals each day. Since then Ive been hitting under what the app says I can eat
  • frogisco
    frogisco Posts: 6 Member
    Its the most frustrating thing isn't it? Don't weigh yourself for a couple and see what happens.
    PS..your 110 kg and only eating 1400/day?? I'd die! i'm 95kg and allowed 1850 (according to this site). Good on you!
  • stardust_1992
    stardust_1992 Posts: 13 Member
    frogisco wrote: »
    Its the most frustrating thing isn't it? Don't weigh yourself for a couple and see what happens.
    PS..your 110 kg and only eating 1400/day?? I'd die! i'm 95kg and allowed 1850 (according to this site). Good on you!

    It is very frustrating. If I wasn't so determined to start turning my life around, I probably would have thought what is the point and gave up now. But I'm feeling positive right now, I've got a picture in my mind. I know what I want, and I want to get it, hopefully before my next birthday.
    I'm going to do what some others have suggested, and not just focus on what the scales say. Im going to take pictures weekly and measure my stomach.
    I started walking and following the above video last Tuesday, and I'm already feeling improvements. I went for my walk today. 2.5 miles in 50 minutes. My first walk was 2.2 miles and it took about a hour (I use the google fit app to track my walking route, speed, distance, time etc). And I am feeling less tired and sore after exercising each day. I'll have to crank it up a gear soon.

    Some days I struggle to hit 1400 calories! I've been cooking everything from scratch. measuring everything out precisely. Ive cut out things like butter/margarine, oil, fizzy pop (even diet), etc, and cut way down on carbs. I have 2 wheetabix with 150ml milk every morning, a banana to eat while walking, maybe one of those mug shots, or a tin of tuna on brown bread for dinner, and my evening meal is usually around 700 calories. If I've not hit 1200 calories intake by around 9 or 10pm, I'll have either an apple, banana, or perhaps a biscuit (don't judge me! =P)

    Just need them scales to start dropping down to 15st and I'll be very happy. Stage one of operation life improvement will be complete, then onto stage 2.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    Congratulations on sticking with it!

    Definitely take those pictures, I know I wish I had. I have very few of myself at the beginning because I always hid from the camera and now I have hardly anything to compare myself to.

    Remember to be kind to yourself, this is forever, not just a job to get done and then stop. There will be days when you go over your's not the end of the world.

    As Dory says...just keep swimming!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    dredremeg wrote: »
    You should get a digital scale.

    Ya, after I got my digital scale I was blown away about how much better it was over my analog scale.
  • fwitsend1277
    fwitsend1277 Posts: 288 Member
    Great work @stardust_1992