Doing Keto/Low Carb, need friends!

blondley Posts: 38 Member
I've been doing Keto/Low Carb for about a week now, looking for friends for support/food ideas :)


  • Matty_Bowman
    Matty_Bowman Posts: 39 Member
    Awesome! Keto is amazing and totally working well for me! Friend me if you'd like and we can work together! Take care!
  • BabyBabt
    BabyBabt Posts: 18 Member
    Good luck on your journey!
  • mthuber
    mthuber Posts: 9 Member
    I am mostly on a paleo diet it I do have occasional carb based meals. I do have a blog where I put out recipes for fun if interested. Friend me if you want.
  • sunshineannie
    sunshineannie Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting keto tomorrow. Just ate a waffle. Want to lose 15-20lbs
  • callemiramar
    callemiramar Posts: 47 Member
    I'm not exactly low carb (mostly Primal), but my carb count is a lot lower than the typical American diet. Good luck with your goals, add me if you like.
  • loafer0303
    loafer0303 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I've been keto adapted for 3 months now. Feel amazing. Lost a ton of weight. Key is to get your head around it. Add me if you wish. I have lots of good food ideas. Good luck
  • awildad446
    awildad446 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, happy with your good results. I been struggling a lot to lose weight. After one month doing low carb no weight loss at all. I think to much stress and not sleeping well and also some health issues too is some of my problems. I will try keto this week hopping for the best. Any advice will be appreciate!
  • Sohsen
    Sohsen Posts: 18 Member
    Before going keto you should consider your body type. Are you an endomorph, ectomorph or mesomorph?
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm on Keto too.. and here are the links to the specific groups for low carb and keto where you should find a good few friends on it :)
  • MrsCoachP
    MrsCoachP Posts: 5 Member
    Started keto on Friday (4/22) I've lost 2lbs since so I'm excited. I eat was eating pretty primal prior to this. Not having any sweet potatoes till I hit 15+ lbs lost! Add me if you like. I'm new to keto and need encouragement!
  • HayleyAnne012911
    HayleyAnne012911 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm doing a low carb/sugar diet as I was just diagnosed with diabetes. My sugars are closer to being controlled and today is day 15 with no soda. So proud. #KeepGoingEveryone!
  • Justn7883
    Justn7883 Posts: 4,764 Member
    Hey :)
  • wdelpilar
    wdelpilar Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm looking for someone to push me and me them.
  • RedSavvy10
    RedSavvy10 Posts: 33 Member
    Low carb is amazing! I've been on and off since August of last year and have lost 20lbs. Stick to it and you'll love it!
  • rerez2015
    rerez2015 Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2016

    I have lost 106 lbs. In the past 15 months.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Sohsen wrote: »
    Before going keto you should consider your body type. Are you an endomorph, ectomorph or mesomorph?

    I have never understood what this even means... I have a body like everybody else on the planet :wink:
  • psucato
    psucato Posts: 71 Member
    hi all on a 1200 cal 20 carb diet for 1.5 years lost 175 so far with 100 still to go would love to have u all as friends also if anyone wants a copy of my diet just pm me
  • suehbca
    suehbca Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I'm doing Keto lchf for 2 mos now. I keep losing and gaining water weight. I have lost about 13 lbs. I think logging all my food will help. Just starting today & also started premium. Looking for friends too! I love the recipe builder because I've made several sugar free treats & can add them to my diet diary.
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'm doing a low carb/sugar diet as I was just diagnosed with diabetes. My sugars are closer to being controlled and today is day 15 with no soda. So proud. #KeepGoingEveryone!

    That is so awesome! Way to kick diabetes behind! And no soda for 15 days! I'm not sure I can make it 15 minutes!(lol) (although it's diet,still like to quit)
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Just starting Keto tomorrow....!!! I set up the macros already and I'm nervous. I's going to be hard. Ive been a low fat high protein girl all my life. Unfortunately I also love bread, potatoes and chocolate too, so I think I will be in for a difficult few weeks. I am looking for friends to keep me motivated and suggest recipes.. this is way out of my normal lifestlye.. Also have pre-diabetic and epilepsy so hoping for benefits there too.