Teachers who gained weight due to teaching!!



  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    edited June 2016
    I worked as a middle school teacher for six years before starting my current position. I work at a virtual high school and teach seniors. The stress level dropped from about a 100 to a 10, and I can get up and go walk during the day, as long as my walks are short and between 10-20 minutes. I love walking around the block in the middle of the day! Saying that, I also have to watch myself so I don't mindlessly eat. So I have gained a little just from that. It's not happening this year!
  • ggrady3
    ggrady3 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, this past year was a rough year in which I got off track with eating right and exercising. . I used to jog/walk and or ride my bike 6 to 7 days a week for at least 30 minutes each day. Also, I was trying to eat better every 3 hours.
    I have been trying to get back on track, but it has been hard to do.
    I had been eating out of control which has affected other areas of my life.
    I want to get down to a certain size by school or the end of October, but I want to eat right and in moderation. If I buy ice cream, cookies... (Even almonds which are healthy for you when you do not over indulge) it would be gone in a day or two. I do not buy them often any way. I love my vegetables and junk, but I want to eat them in moderation.
    I was out of control, so I am somewhat fasting, not like a spiritual fast. I am drinking juice and water, and eating vegetables and fruits for a couple of weeks every 3 hours. This is about getting back in control (my mind). I am not necessarily doing this to lose the weight initially which will happen too, but to take control of what and when I eat. Then gradually I want eat a good breakfast (later lunch and dinner and snack) of protein and fruit each morning, but I want to find a variety good quick breakfast food and recipes. Usually during the school year I eat a boil egg and fruit for breakfast. This is quick and easy, but I want variety. Also, it has been better than other years - I could go without eating all day because of busyness. So in the last 2 to 3 years I have gotten better at eating through out the day.
    Also, I eat when I am tired. So when I go home i would eat instead of taking a nap (goal is to watch this).
    Teachers are busy and we work hard. We put our job and students before our health sometimes and that includes rest. If we do not take care of ourselves, how can we be our best with our students. Remember they are watching us even if it is not academics. I take the challenge.

    Was out of control and on my way to being in control : )
  • hollyegan98
    hollyegan98 Posts: 12 Member
    My biggest problem this school year was enjoying a sugary drink during lunch, skipping breakfast, then going out to eat because of its convenience! I was worn out some days and thinking about cooking was hard to do! I enjoy baking so that might had been another downfall for me! I love reading everyone's post! I checked and open house for me is the 25 of August! I am still trying for that minus 25 pounds before then! We can do it!!!

  • kristineceleste76
    kristineceleste76 Posts: 9 Member
    I've taught middle school for nine years. It is actually easier for me to maintain on MFP when I am at work. I have healthy snacks and bring my lunch to school (I have a microwave and fridge to help me). Because I stay so busy, I don't have time to think about food or munching. I will usually eat a lean cuisine or progresso light soup if I didn't prepack my lunch. I am constantly pacing around the room so it is much easier to get my steps in too. I run errands during my planning (check mail/talk to admin), I don't send students. This makes me walk more and get around too. I have found some really easy go-to healthy meals that work for me when I am really tired after work. I also spent a lot of time at Subway when I first started MFP when I did fast food. Yes, I got tired of the salad and same sandwich, but I told myself I wanted to lose weight more and I stuck with it. I keep only healthy things at school and I log everything before I eat it. Teaching IS very stressful. Exercise helps me with that but I admit I am usually pretty tired at the end of the day so I don't get my exercise in as much as I would like to.

    I struggle more during the summer. I am home all day with the snacks and chips that my boys eat. I also tend to socialize with friends a lot more during the summer, and that is a big downfall for me.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    See I'm struggling with the lack of movement now that I'm not teaching. I was getting 10,000 steps in a day EASY, and now I have to intentionally move to even come close. Let's put it this way, I had a child home today who had a fever yesterday so there was no going out (I still adhere to the 24 hour policy for the sake of humanity). I'll hit 3,000 steps if I'm lucky and I spent a chunk of my day in my kitchen climbing, cleaning, organizing, cooking, and cleaning some more.

    I'd like to say my drinking has decreased, but that would be a flat out lie. :|
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Now I'm getting nervous. I've been working in private early childhood classes for 8 years and am just now interviewing for charter/public schools. I have some really short days currently and the school I just interviewed has longer than normal school hours. And it's an under privileged student population. Ahhh...
  • hollyegan98
    hollyegan98 Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2016
    We definitely tend to be more active at school! How many of you come home after the first week of school and your feet feel like a ton of bricks! It's always an adjustment going back to school but I would agree about the steps!
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    I taught junior high for a few years before I took my current job (teaching inmates at Federal prison.) Teaching school, I would go home exhausted every day. I had no energy to workout or do much of anything. Now, while I work 7-4, year round, I go home with a desire to move. I either take zumba, yoga or get on the elliptical for an hour. The weight is SLOWLY coming back off.
  • zbernie
    zbernie Posts: 11 Member
    I find it easier to eat correctly but harder to work out during school year. Would like to be down at least 25-30 before school starts. Think I will close my room (HS) during lunch most days. That will actually give me time for healthy lunch. Think we all need to pack our gym bag and not go home first!

    Down 8 lbs. we can do this!!!
  • itootdaflute1
    itootdaflute1 Posts: 11 Member
    This last school year i made small side salads to go with my sandwich. I rarely went on a lunch run. I also packed granola bars in case the breakfast in the classroom program served an entree i dont like...i had an extra in case i needed a snack in the afternoon. I gave up sodas on December 28th - cold turkey - but my downfall is sweet tea. I'm allergic to aspartame, so diet drinks are out. I have found myself drinking a lot more water these last couple of weeks, though, which is good. I also downloaded the 30 day fit challenge app (the first week my thighs were jelly!). So far, I am down about 3 pounds. I would love to go out walking, but it's too darned hot here!

  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    kooshky wrote: »
    I have one more year before becoming a teacher. Maybe some of you can give me advice? :smile:

    Don't go in the staff room. If you are teaching in a building full of women, there will likely be 'treats' in there more often than not.

    I really am too busy to spend time putzing around the staff room eating donuts.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I'm an elementary teacher and fitbit wearer. I usually get between 5,000 and 7,000 steps per day. It's much harder to do that during the summer. Also, if you pack healthy snacks and stay away from the endless parade of treats and birthday cakes, weight management can be easier during the school year.
  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    hi, I am a teacher and director of a language school in Italy. I wish I could say it was only my job that made me gain weight. I am usually at school for an average of 12 hours a day. The thing is, if I had prepared meals ahead of time, woken up earlier to work out, skipped the glasses of wine cause I thought I deserved them for having to put up with the stress, I wouldn't have gained 20 lbs in the last three years. Time to focus on ourselves,guys because nobody else is going to do it for us.
  • kellyotero3591
    kellyotero3591 Posts: 1 Member
    Second grade teacher....I'd love to lose a size before going back late august. Back on here for accountability
  • wildfire1204
    wildfire1204 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm a HS social worker. At the time that I joined MFP in January, I had the same issue--my eating patterns were terrible due to my unpredictable days/stress. After I got into a routine though, I dropped 35 lbs by May. I became too confident a bit too fast, stopped logging, and really slipped back into old habits this summer. I've gained back 9 lbs since May, so i'll def. say that i've learned the summers are a bit more challenging to manage. It's all good though--I'm still down 26 lbs, i've learned from this "break", and thats what matters. Feel free to add me if you're looking for supports on here.
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    My problem is during the school year it was easy to eat away the stresses of teaching! I didn't do so bad during school hours! The problem was going out to eat and binge eating when I got home!
    It's the opposite for me. I actually do much better during the school year. I ate at the same time everyday-breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert. Now I find myself snacking throughout the day and I'm eating out more. I'm not doing bad, it's just not as easy as it was during the school year. However, my exercise has improved-I can go to the gym in the morning when it's less crowded.
  • ithacabelle
    ithacabelle Posts: 6 Member
    I am struggling to change my eating/exercise patterns for the summer. Between February and June, I lost 37 pounds. One of my best moves during the school year was to drink a greek yogurt smoothie as soon as the students got on the bus to get over that afternoon slump and make it to work out after school before dinner. Now that it is summer, I am either out of town or struggling to make a routine. An extended family vacation was a trial (although I did not gain weight!), and the water zumba and aerobics classes I was doing are at an awkward time now that it is summer. Today was my first day at home in the summer, and I ended up sleeping in. I need the motivation to get up and at 'em. Perhaps you all can help!
  • hollyegan98
    hollyegan98 Posts: 12 Member
    Cold turkey on sodas!!! Wow that is awesome! I have only had two mini cokes since starting and two coke zeros! I have found that added a line or lemon in my water seems to help! How often do you all weigh yourself? I do every three days so tomorrow is my third day! I hope to see a little bit difference! Fit Bit challenge app seems interesting might need to look into that! Today was a good run day...finally ran 20 minutes at 4.0 mph on the tredmill! My inner self keep reminding myself of my ultimate goal!
  • zbernie
    zbernie Posts: 11 Member
    @itoottheflute Have you tried stevia? Doesn't react the same way as other awe trees and comes in tons of flavors
  • hollyegan98
    hollyegan98 Posts: 12 Member
    I haven't but my new favorite low calorie drinks are called Steaz and Honest Tea!