Fitbit calories burnt



  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    I don't count my Fitbit calories

    It's soooooo inflated. Nope. Nope. Lol I don't look at my Fitbit for the calories burnt.

    I use my fight for friend challenges, weight input, and steps and stairs.

    The hr and calories tool is fubar ....there's a reason why Fitbit is getting sued for their hr ;)
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I don't count my Fitbit calories

    It's soooooo inflated. Nope. Nope. Lol I don't look at my Fitbit for the calories burnt.

    I use my fight for friend challenges, weight input, and steps and stairs.

    The hr and calories tool is fubar ....there's a reason why Fitbit is getting sued for their hr ;)

    My fitbit Charge HR adjustments are quite accurate. The longer you wear it, the more accurate it seems to be. I've even begun eating back almost all of the adjustment because I was losing faster than I wanted. Now that I am, my loss rate is more in keeping with what I planned.

    In my opinion, half the people in that lawsuit probably weren't wearing it correctly.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Im 172lbs and 5ft 5. Do you think its just over estimated as it doesn't go on my heart rate like most of the fitbits?

    I actually found that the models without HR underestimate by about 200 calories per day on average for me. Now this isn't the case for everyone, but just how it worked out for me. I've have the Blaze now and I lose/gain/maintain as expected based on it's burn.

    In the winter when Im not that active I avg around 2200-2400 burn and in the summer when I'm fairly active I tend to avg 2300-2500 burn. I'm 5'4.5 and in the mid 120's currently (was in the low 120's this past winter, but ate too much the past couple months and gained a couple lbs)
  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    edited July 2016
    capaul42 wrote: »
    I don't count my Fitbit calories

    It's soooooo inflated. Nope. Nope. Lol I don't look at my Fitbit for the calories burnt.

    I use my fight for friend challenges, weight input, and steps and stairs.

    The hr and calories tool is fubar ....there's a reason why Fitbit is getting sued for their hr ;)

    My fitbit Charge HR adjustments are quite accurate. The longer you wear it, the more accurate it seems to be. I've even begun eating back almost all of the adjustment because I was losing faster than I wanted. Now that I am, my loss rate is more in keeping with what I planned.

    In my opinion, half the people in that lawsuit probably weren't wearing it correctly.

    I have a garmen chest strap hr and I have a Fitbit. When I wear the garmen and the Fitbit, the Fitbit was inaccurate by 24 beats per minute...this adds up tremendously with calorie inaccuracies when you run an hour an a half. Fitbit was worn perfectly. I've had it for almost a year.

    They tested the Fitbit in a controlled environment and the hr isn't has nothing to do with people wearing it wrong

    I like my Fitbit for accountability reasons but I ignore the calories burnt
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I don't count my Fitbit calories

    It's soooooo inflated. Nope. Nope. Lol I don't look at my Fitbit for the calories burnt.

    I use my fight for friend challenges, weight input, and steps and stairs.

    The hr and calories tool is fubar ....there's a reason why Fitbit is getting sued for their hr ;)

    They are getting sued by less-than-knowledgeable people that guessed it was medical accuracy HR, though never claimed anywhere.

    And results vary even there - some have issue when they start exercising - some only when at higher HR levels - which some never reach anyway.

    For every example like yours where you saw it wrong compared to EKG accurate device - others show it right on - for what they do.

    But indeed, good reason not to trust it then for yourself.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm 5'8 and 147lbs (age 44). It's 3pm here and so far I've done 15,515 steps and fitbit is giving me 1793 calories burnt so far, 682 extra calories sent over to mfp.
    Yesterday i did 20,812 steps and fitbits full day projection was 2,630 cals burnt. For this, I got an extra 880 calories sent over to mfp. So I'm pretty sure fitbit over estimates for me. I've also reduced my height and stride length in fitbit by 2.5 inches, but haven't noticed much of a calorie difference compared to when I had the accurate numbers set in there.

    I have the Alta (no HR monitor), and am set at sedentary in mfp.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I burn 3000+ walking 23k+ steps though. 16-19k gives me 2500-2900 calories. I have the surge but have also use the zip & one

  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    My activity level is set to lightly active. I wouldn't say im more than lightly active. I was told its best to work out my TDEE and then take 500 or 1000 calories off that and thats the amount i should eat and to not bother adding exercise as iv already added in my exercise level in with my TDEE

    That can be true - if your TDEE has your exercise included in the estimate.
    I'll mention I'm set at Sedentary on MFP, on big sedentary day with less than 4K steps - I get a positive adjustment of about 100.

    Sedentary is really sedentary. Most people aren't. You got over 50 lbs to healthy weight for that 1000 deficit to be reasonable?

    But you are attempting to use a tool, MFP, that is designed to work with NO exercise included, give deficit - and you add exercise when actually done, and eat more - same deficit.

    But now you are trying to use it wrong with an average TDEE method that includes exercise.

    And it sound like sync with a device that is intended to help MFP work the way it's designed to.

    So either use MFP correctly with Fitbit correcting it.

    Or unsync the accounts - and your TDEE is what your Fitbit weekly report says. Take your deficit and manually set your eating goal - MFP activity level doesn't matter then, set to maintain and who cares activity level.

    I sync my fitbit and have my activity level on mfp as sedentary so get a big adjustment. I don't take the amount as gospel by any means. I like to know my TDEE and there isn't much of a difference between my average fitbit numbers and say scobbysworkshop for me.