Where are my 5"4 ladies at??



  • treegirl97
    treegirl97 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm also 5'4" (43 years old) and am around 128 lbs. My goal is 120 so nearly there but I can never seem to get below 125. I run and walk a lot and get an average of 14K steps a day.
  • jenn7129
    jenn7129 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 143 lbs. my starting weight was 160 and I got down to 123 but after two car wrecks and a surgery I put weight back on. My goal is to get back down to 130 and reevaluate once I hit that. Feel free to add me.
  • BreezyPeezy5
    BreezyPeezy5 Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm 5'4 and was 127 last year but the more I exercise, the more I gain and am now up 10 lbs from my happy weight. I want to be between 120-125. I don't want to be lower than that. But I'm having problems losing these 10 lbs and I'm scared Of gaining weight. Help!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm 5'4 and was 127 last year but the more I exercise, the more I gain and am now up 10 lbs from my happy weight. I want to be between 120-125. I don't want to be lower than that. But I'm having problems losing these 10 lbs and I'm scared Of gaining weight. Help!

    @BoryBreezy5 - Have you taken measurements at all? My trendweight recently went up 3.4 lbs (trendweight is a rolling 20 day avg), but my measurements got smaller.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    I can guarantee that, at 123lb, nothing is huge. You sound woman shaped.

    Currently battling middle aged spread. Mid 40s, limited in the exercise I'm able to do and ballooned to (does quick 14 times table on fingers) 160lb. In 6 weeks, have got down to 153, despite a post Brexit week of overindulgence in the vino department. Initial goal is 147 then will decide when I get there whether to aim for 140 or 133.
  • BreezyPeezy5
    BreezyPeezy5 Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm 5'4 and was 127 last year but the more I exercise, the more I gain and am now up 10 lbs from my happy weight. I want to be between 120-125. I don't want to be lower than that. But I'm having problems losing these 10 lbs and I'm scared Of gaining weight. Help!

    @BoryBreezy5 - Have you taken measurements at all? My trendweight recently went up 3.4 lbs (trendweight is a rolling 20 day avg), but my measurements got smaller.

    Thank you. I have not yet, but that sounds like a plan but my clothes are still tight. I feel like I'm doing everything right but these 5-10 lbs are so hard to lose.
  • olive1968
    olive1968 Posts: 148 Member
    Also 5'4" here. In theory my goal should be like 125, but I'm really just trying to get to 145 then reassess. I weigh 165 now which is just monstrous for me. The last few years the weight has come screaming on (I'm 47) and I am having a massive mental battle getting it off. I've logged in for 165 days (irony) and weigh the same as when I started. My goal right now is to just stop quitting!!!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm 5'3.5", started at 170 lbs and am now down to 135 lbs (size 6 jeans). Also would like to lose more from my belly and thighs (always the last to go!), but I don't have a specific number in mind. The lowest I've ever been as an adult was 120 lbs (size 2 jeans) but I don't think I would go lower than that. I'm pretty comfortable at 135 though so I'm not in any rush to lose the last bits.
  • slimtastesbetter
    slimtastesbetter Posts: 8,106 Member
    I'm 5'3" (56 years old) currently at 136ish, would like to be closer to 132-133. Back in 2003 I lost 20 lbs on Weight Watchers. I went from 148 to 128. But I found for me personally, under 130 was not sustainable. I'm a runner with some muscle and am not willing to give up the amount of eating necessary to maintain a weight in the 120's. I was actually 138 lbs when my profile photo was taken.

    I can relate :) I was about 140lbs in my profile pic. My body fights me around mid 130s. I literally feel like I am starving. Once I get up back up closer to 140, it stops. Just not worth it. You look great and much younger than 56. I hope to age gracefully as well. Good luck!

    Thank you! Good to hear you're not starving yourself just to get to a "number." You look fit and at a good weight in your picture. I'm sure you'll be able to get those 10 lbs back off. Even getting off 5 lbs you'd look and feel great. :-)
  • allyyyson
    allyyyson Posts: 22 Member
    My highest was 176 at 5'4. I'm currently 131, but my lowest ever was 117 and I would like to get back to that.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    I am 5'4 and am 47 now. Yikes! I have been at this "again" seriously since this past September. I started at 226 and now am around 166. I am extremely happy - but still see parts of me in the mirror that I'd like to disappear. :) I do the Strong workouts (like NROL4W) and do those 3x a week paired with a cardio class since that is what I enjoy. I try to keep my cals around 1580 max but I tend to be obsessive and eat less than that since I hate the red numbers when I go over. :):)

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    5'4" and 47 years old.. I will be 48 in 2 month..eeeekkkke!
  • CommitSudoku
    CommitSudoku Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'4"and my starting weight was 217 and I am now 208. My goal is to get to 150 and see how it goes from there, I haven't been under that sense sometime before highschool and I'm 25. Been on and off of this app for a few years now, really want this time to really count and get my weight down for GOOD! I'm really working on losing 30 pounds by my birthday (Oct 10), let's see if I get there!
  • Samanthor
    Samanthor Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 202 lbs as of today, down from a starting weight of 217. My first goal is to be 150 lbs by my 31st birthday (May 10, 2017), though ultimately I want to be down to a maintenance weight of 125-130.

    I've never had an adult weight below 145 before, and even that was only for a few months (I was in very rigid, unusual setting that I was unable to maintain when I returned to a normal lifestyle), so I don't know what my body will look like or how I will feel once I cross that barrier. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be 115 and worry I was still fat--even when I was in the 140s and 150s, I loved to touch my collarbone and hip bones and rejoice in how far I'd come. 127 is going to be so fantastic!
  • kadybug97
    kadybug97 Posts: 33 Member
    Over here! I am 5'4" and 138 lbs. I'm trying to get down to 123-128 I've lost 25 lbs so far but am struggling to get these final 10-15 lbs off! So any ladies out there that have successfully got those last few pounds off please add me
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    kadybug97 wrote: »
    Over here! I am 5'4" and 138 lbs. I'm trying to get down to 123-128 I've lost 25 lbs so far but am struggling to get these final 10-15 lbs off! So any ladies out there that have successfully got those last few pounds off please add me

    I'm the same exact stats as you. I've been down at 128, but I purposely got that low so I could bulk/gain gain muscle. I gained to 144, and now I'm stuck at 138. Actually, I'm not stuck...just not trying hard enough.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    5'4' present.
  • jlm021
    jlm021 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 42 yrs old. Currently at 178 and my first goal us to get down to 160 - I'll reevaluate then. In high school I was always around 115-125 lbs but I don't think that's a reasonable goal for me right now. I have felt really good around 155-160 previously and am just focusing on achieving that right now.
  • AdorePetite
    AdorePetite Posts: 13 Member
    5'3 ..was 125lbs 3 years ago, trying to get back to that. 30lbs to go. :(
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    arditarose wrote: »

    I need to be at a very accurate 1500-1600 calories to lose. I'm 140, lightly active, heavy weight train 4x per week, average 12-14k steps, no cardio.

    Walking is cardio.