What do you look forward to doing once you lose weight?



  • AussiePeach
    AussiePeach Posts: 49 Member
    Having my legs not rub together.
    Feeling confident when camping and hiking, instead of feeling out of place and fat.
    Feeling more confident in applying for jobs.
    Looking pretty and slim when I graduate uni.
    Not overheating all the time.
    Wearing all the lovely clothes I have that are a bit too small.
  • rodney_frm_1978
    rodney_frm_1978 Posts: 2 Member

    Just looking to look better without clothes. And with clothes. To get outta of the XXL unless your talking about my muscles. Fitness is not just for the young it's for everyone it's for me. I can get the body I want 37 is not to late to look amazing.
  • Remilia_Scarlet
    Remilia_Scarlet Posts: 55 Member
    Getting faster! The less dead weight I have, the better running feels.
  • River314
    River314 Posts: 66 Member
    Feeling good about myself.
    Riding carnival rides with my daughter.
    My husband being able to put his arms around me.
    No more chafing.
    Buying all the cute clothes.
    Being able to put on socks with ease.
    Not thinking of myself as ugly.
    Being able to see my feet without moving my boobs out of the way.
    Not having trouble with the seatbelt.
    Being able to comfortably sit in a booth.
    Better health in general.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    So many things! But mostly to be at my high school reunion looking better then high school. Shopping for sexy clothes again. And getting off my diabetic meds and blood pressure meds
  • kimwitt2009
    kimwitt2009 Posts: 24 Member
    I have reached my first goal to loose enough for my health insurance to pay for my knee replacement surgeries! I had to loose 20, but I have lost 24. I have been setting small 10lb goals to not get overwhelmed. I am enjoying being able to wear clothes that I have had stuffed in my closet. I bought a size smaller shorts the other day too! I can't wait to really go on a shopping spree. Oh, I did have to get a couple smaller bra's too. Hubby don't like that part, haha! But I loved it! I can't wait to buy a cute dress and some of those cool exercise clothes to use at the gym once my knees get healed. Having my surgeries in September and October. Good luck to all, hope you meet you dreams! <3
  • shoofly435
    shoofly435 Posts: 74 Member
    Riding again. As my reward I'm booking an 8 day mobile horseback riding safari in Kenya, Africa. (Next year - 35 lbs from now)
  • drpanther
    drpanther Posts: 2 Member
    My first goal, is to be able to see my feet, without having to bend over. I know it might sound stupid, but that is my first goal.
  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    Love all these!
  • stephaniej2888
    stephaniej2888 Posts: 93 Member
    Honestly...I can't WAIT to feel more comfortable naked infront of my husband.
    He married me at my heaviest point so I know he loves me for me and not something a scale says...but him seeing me naked since our daughter was born has just made me super uncomfortable and I can't wait for that to be GONE!
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    Wearing a bikini and feeling comfortable in it
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I have a pair or red jeans that I wore every 4th of July since losing the weight the first time. I tried squeezing into them this year shortly after joining MFP and couldn't pull them up over my thighs. Those jeans are my goal. That was the day I realized how much I'd really gained back.

    I can get them up now but they are still so tight I can't move in them....I'm getting closer
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Looking forward to a bulk. Eat more, get stronger.
  • OliverFiles
    OliverFiles Posts: 22 Member
    To have my girlfriend not be worried about my health, she doesn't care about how much I weigh, she's just scared of me getting an obesity related illness and losing me to it.
    Also, being able to wear clothes that aren't extremely baggy to hide my body because I'm insecure about what I look like.
  • Jolenetaylor5513
    Jolenetaylor5513 Posts: 226 Member
    Keep up with my daughter
    Go on adventures and do adventurous things
    Buy a whole new wardrobe
    Never ever let myself go back to were I was
    Find a man that is worth it
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    I want to buy a kayak and start fishing in it. I've been over 300 for a while and I think at my goal of 200 I will be comfortable in a kayak.
  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    No more "muffin tops" lol