(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    SUNDAY JULY 3RD - DAY 48 - "FIGHT FOR...!"

    Week 7 weighins are due TOMORROW! :noway: ahhhh :laugh:

    Today's challenge brought to us by: Krispy17 :drinker:

    Fill your MFP cups! Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water DAILY!

    With it being so close to Independence Day in the US I wanted today's challenge to reflect just WHAT this holiday is really about... The 4th of July is about more than just cookouts and fireworks, its about celebrating independence - something that had to be fought for...for so many of us this is much like our weight loss journeys...I encourage everyone today to think about what it is that THEY are fighting for on their journey whether it be to fit into those old jeans you used to love, to overcome an illness, get off medications, or just to be in overall better health...once you figure out what you are fighting for use that as motivation to push you through the harder times of this journey YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    1. “Fighter” Christina Aguilera http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PstrAfoMKlc
    2. “Fight for your right to party” Beastie Boys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBShN8qT4lk
    3. “Theme from Rocky” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PtvLTZS4Ik

    So I know this is one holiday weekend where there are so many cookouts and fun events it might be hard to stay on track. I would like for you all to share what you do to stay focused when there's so many yummy tempting foods around...or share what healthier choices you make when you go to a cookout or other event!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge *newly updated*
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    Here are some tips on how you can BBQ and not feel guilty afterwards:

  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks for the nice challenge Krispy17! Reflecting on what I am fighting for - avoiding future health problems is a big one. Type 2 Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, and I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies. So far I have been lucky and have not developed Diabetes, and part of what I am fighting for is to avoid that as long as I can. Another motivation for me is wanting to be a positive role model for my kids and help them live healthier, so they don't have to deal with the weight battle as I have done all my life.

    To handle the cookouts, I have tried to revamp my thinking about them....used to think about all the great food that would be there - now I focus on the great conversations that will be going on. I make sure to take something healthy and when we all sit around the table of munchies and chat, I have been strategically sitting myself in front of the veggie tray. I have really had to think about this this summer, because my house tends to be cookout central!!

    Have a happy 4th all!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thank you Krispy17! I love the challenge and reflecting on getting back into that fighter spirit. I felt a little of it this morning...(this is also a NSV for me...) I attempted the 4 mile workout this morning, and completed it!!!! I started feeling sore in mile 2, but was determined to work through it, by the time I was in mile 3, I started feeling great!
    We all have our goals, we are all fighters and survivors. I, for one, am fighting for a lot of things in my life right now. It's easy to get that defeatist attitude, but we are worth the fight :)
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    For Friday's challenge I did my regular workout but also moved large furniture & lugged rocks for a rock garden-very strenuous.

    My favorite exercise when I'm stressed has to be zumba-listening to different music is relaxing too. I have the zumba dvd's so I just get up & do it.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Did not notice Saturday's Challenge:
    But it is now complete. Just wanted to mention one of my 5 UNFAVORITE things about NOT EXERCISING or BEING UNHEALTHY:

    When out at a club with friends, I do not dance, I usually sit at the table watching the drinks or purses.

    The drinks & purces will have to watch themselves because I'm on the floor dancing.

    This is just one of the positives that motivates me each day.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Did not notice Saturday's Challenge:
    But it is now complete. Just wanted to mention one of my 5 UNFAVORITE things about NOT EXERCISING or BEING UNHEALTHY:

    When out at a club with friends, I do not dance, I usually sit at the table watching the drinks or purses.

    The drinks & purces will have to watch themselves because I'm on the floor dancing.

    This is just one of the positives that motivates me each day.

    Get on out there and dance girl! Then go home and log the calories burned !! :)
  • journey2size10
    Let's see...
    Im fighting for my independence to be different from my family. All of my immediate family have been diagnosed with diabetes and all are overweight. It's crazy that I am the only one without diabetes and I wanna keep it that way. Now, I'm fighting to be the only one who is NOT overweight or obese.

    For bbqs/cookouts, alot of people may not agree, but I feel like this. If I am kicking azz in the gym and watching my intake the majority of the time, one day will not hurt. Tomorrow we are bbqing and my plan of action is to eat lots of fruits/veggies before indulging in the bbq food. My downfall used to be alcohol, but now I'm gonna take some of the tricks I found on here and combine mio, water and vodka! hope I like it, if not, I will take a shot and then chase it with some crystal light or something.. have a great holiday everyone!!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    great job krispy17....i have spent alot of time thinking about the fight im in. i am in the fight to reverse my type 2 diabetes...i am in the daily fight to make healthy choices in my eating and exercising enough, i am in the daily fight to drink my water, i am in a daily fight with my attitude and outlook...and im in a fight everyday to save my own life.....

    but with each proper choice made, comes confidence, self-esteem and self-respect.....so due to the changes and results im seeing in me my fight continues!!!!!
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    I am in the fight for "me" . I don't know where I went the last 17 years, since I got pregnant with my first child. I used to be into many different sports and was good at them. I gained weight and lost my self confidence. Never felt good enough.

    My dad develped early onset alzheimers at around the age of 55. I am so worried that this will be me in 9 years. My doctor tells me exercise and eating right definitely helps my chances to not develop it. I hope so. Being 46 every time I forget a name or where I was going when I get up from my desk, I get worried! My girlfriends that are around the same age tell me that this is also a sign of being menopausal. I want to enjoy my life as I get older and closer to retirement, and I am going to get there!
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Awwwww I'm glad everyone liked the challenge for today...personally I am fighting for myself...I've spent most of my life doing things for others and letting myself and my wants and dreams be put to the side and for the first time here I am putting myself first...I am fighting to reverse this Type 2 diabetes so that it doesn't kill me...which put simply I am fighting for my life I don't want to feel like my life is restricted and let my weight keep me from enjoying and having the best things in life...thank you all of u for helping keep me motivated on this journey u really inspire me to push harder and move forward! Hope everybody has a very Happy 4th!!!!

    <3 Kristin
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I started this journey fighting to be healthy. From a chain smoker with asthma to now a half marathon runner. I continue to fight for my health but now I also fight to feel lean and sexy.!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    To continue this fighter spirit.....

    2 week plateau. I went through a 6 week one not long ago. I REFUSE to let this plateau get the best of me!!! Especially when I've been busting my BUTT with my workouts (omg soooo sore this morning!) How do I bust this? work on sodium intake...meaning I HAVE to bring my own food to work, chips every day aren't helping. What else???
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    I have not been good about posting or challenges this past week. Life has overtaken my ability to get on the computer. My son came in from Alaska (he is stationed there) and I am trying to get all the loose ends tied up (at home and at work) since I will be going on a 3 week trip. I promise to do better this week.

    I was a little worried about my weigh in today since I was winging it last week (I did work out almost everyday and I ate what I thought was pretty good, but when I dont journal you can never tell). However, this morning I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was down a pound this week and 8 1/2 inches and 2% body fat. YAY!! Just shows that the scale isn't everything. Since I have started MFP I am down 32 1/2 inches and 7.12% body fat. with only 9 lbs down. It always makes me feel better when I look at these numbers and the fact that all my clothes are really too big now. Hope this will show people that it isn't always about the scale, I too get frustrated when that evil object doesn't budge, but then I pull up my excel spreadsheet where I am tracking the inches and I am proud of what I have accomplished so far.

    My biggest worry starting Saturday is my trip. I do not want to go backwards from where I am and hope that I am able to continue the good work while I am away. I may not meet my July 25th goal, but as long as I don't add weight or inches I will be happy.

    Everyone have a fantastic day and Happy 4th.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    I am fighting for my life as well. For the past 10 years I've steadily gained weight ( used to be in fantastic shape-I was the one found in a gym or running somewhere. But after going back to work, I did not have time for me anymore & the weight packed on along came the health problems as well, mainly breathing, aches & pains. So, I am fighting for me today & everyday, in doing so I will become healthier & be around longer for my family.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Today I have been doing pretty good. I have lost 2.5 pounds this week. The last three days we have been doing spring cleaning. Tonight we are having elk ribs, home made potato salad, watermelon, a green salad, and maybe rootbeer floats. We have been cleaning house so I have burned a butt load of calories.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    To continue this fighter spirit.....

    2 week plateau. I went through a 6 week one not long ago. I REFUSE to let this plateau get the best of me!!! Especially when I've been busting my BUTT with my workouts (omg soooo sore this morning!) How do I bust this? work on sodium intake...meaning I HAVE to bring my own food to work, chips every day aren't helping. What else???

    just keep at it!!! really log what you are eating and figure out what's not right about your choices and how often you are eating - are you eating enough fruits and veggies?? Can you start leaving out unnecessary things that add calories like certain dressings or condiments or butter or oil? And check your work out routine - are you spicing it up or doing the same ole thing?!? DEFINITELY packing your own foods is the way to go and you will probably see more losses if you did that and packed good healthy foods!!!
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Today I'm back after a holiday weekend :)

    I shouldn't talk about how to stay on track after this weekend, but generally I tried to logg in everything I ate, so I know how bad I've been, and got to learn which choices were good for and which ones I should exchange against healthier ones. I may be a little obsessive about logging, and taking notes about everything, even though not being on track - information is everything.

    I am fighting to have more self confidence, when I am at work, lectures, presentations, a bar, at the supermarket, the pool or somewhere else :D
    I already notice that it's better because I am on my way and not letting everything go, floating and not thinking about it!

    Stay focused, your all great BOBers!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I have had a CRAP day. just CRAP. Moving is stressful and I hate it more than anything. Soooo, what did I do? Comfort food. Co worker got pizza for the kids today....yep, had 2 pieces of pizza, and some chips and dip. and only 4 cups of water when I've been having 10-12. Oh, and a doughnut. And I didn't workout this morning...which Tues has become my day off anyway. Burned TONS of calories this wknd between workout and packing. still the same weight. So, stress got the best of me. I just....lost it. I had one of those "f it" days. I'm sure I'll be over calories and everything else today. I'm feeling so so frustrated. Was really hoping to see a size 18 by late October. that will not happen now. And I know I'm whining and beating myself up and I need to get it back together and pick it up and get right back on the wagon tomorrow....I need a LOT LOT of motivation and support right now. Thanks, Kristy, for the input on my earlier post, I appreciate it! I HAVE to start being way more diligent in getting in veggies. I do great watching what kind of carbs I'm eating and getting in lean proteins and eating all my fruit... I'm gonna start C25k tomorrow....I have to do it walking/running in place til I get moved....but when I'm moved I'm going to restart it. Tomorrow is a new day, I have been big my whole life and I don't wanna be anymore. OK, sorry for whining, I just needed to vent!!!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    I have had a CRAP day. just CRAP. Moving is stressful and I hate it more than anything. Soooo, what did I do? Comfort food. Co worker got pizza for the kids today....yep, had 2 pieces of pizza, and some chips and dip. and only 4 cups of water when I've been having 10-12. Oh, and a doughnut. And I didn't workout this morning...which Tues has become my day off anyway. Burned TONS of calories this wknd between workout and packing. still the same weight. So, stress got the best of me. I just....lost it. I had one of those "f it" days. I'm sure I'll be over calories and everything else today. I'm feeling so so frustrated. Was really hoping to see a size 18 by late October. that will not happen now. And I know I'm whining and beating myself up and I need to get it back together and pick it up and get right back on the wagon tomorrow....I need a LOT LOT of motivation and support right now. Thanks, Kristy, for the input on my earlier post, I appreciate it! I HAVE to start being way more diligent in getting in veggies. I do great watching what kind of carbs I'm eating and getting in lean proteins and eating all my fruit... I'm gonna start C25k tomorrow....I have to do it walking/running in place til I get moved....but when I'm moved I'm going to restart it. Tomorrow is a new day, I have been big my whole life and I don't wanna be anymore. OK, sorry for whining, I just needed to vent!!!

    You said it best at the end ranewell - Tomorrow is a new day!! I have felt stuck the past 2 weeks too & it's frustrating! Trying not to focus so much on the scale. I have another friend who has goals set, but says "no deadlines, just get it done" - so don't stress about not getting where you wanted to by late October - you'll get there soon enough! Keep going - you can do it!!