These are my confessions....



  • Actavella
    Actavella Posts: 39 Member
    Open faced roast beef sandwich with gravy and fries yesterday at lunch! So good, yet so bad! I could feel it in my running today! All that sodium!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My confession this week will take forever...but now that I read the "what do you hate about the forums" thread...I don't want to b!tch...lets just say my TOM is kicking me in the pee flaps. I totally know why I'm not exercising, why I'm eating my face off, and being a psycho nazi. But today is the day I get my poop in a group!!! No more confessions that I had 2 chocolate chunk cookies for breakfast, or that I didn't walk OR go to the gym last night! No more admitting that I swan dived off the wagon and I'm to pissy to climb back up right now. But I have awesome friends on here that not only threatened to kick me in the knees, but also gave me great advice about pushing myself to go to the gym tonight whether I like it or not...
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Ugh I went camping this weekend and while I planned to stay on track I went a little off. Booze (ceasers and wine spritzers), a hamburger, potato salad. Then yesterday I had pizza for dinner and popcorn with popcorn salt. Bad sodium. I'm afraid to see the damage (although I know a lot will be water). I was only one pound from my first mini goal and now I will probably spend all week trying to get back there. Ugh.
  • kjevans1984
    I had a complete weekend off of my healthy eating lifestyle and just blew out - copious amounts of alcohol, burgers and fattening snacks!! Mind you I was partying with some friends who I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't log anything cause I was too scared to see the red! Back on track now :)
  • Happyhappy352
    I blew my whole day in one meal. I had a homemade Calzone for dinner and of course you can’t have one without washing it down with a few beers lol.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I had a bag of m&m's yesterday I just could not resist!
    I let each one melt in my mouth slowly haha they lasted
    all afternoon
  • Kappyoc
    Kappyoc Posts: 39 Member
    Our little town just opened up "Alpenfest" today. Closed down main street and its all food vendors and crafts. I KNOW where I'll be going for lunch and who can resist the hot Almonds and elephant ears! ARGH. I get shivers just thinking about it!
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    Last night, I had a double cheeseburger and fries from McDonald's at 11:30pm. And then went immediately to bed. And I feel like **** this morning.

    Your turn?? Give me a confession from this week....

    Here is RESULT!
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    Forgive me MFP, for I am about to sin.....going on a camping vacation next week and there are 2 cases of beer, 3 bottles of wine, 2 giant bags of tortilla chips and salsa in my car to go with me....yeah, I won't be checking in here until the 24th. But at least I have my confession out of the way! Only saving grace may be that I will be in the saddle every day for 6-8 hrs so will be getting a fair amount of exercise.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I am addicted to Hot Cheetos w/ Limon and ate a whole "grab bag" by myself this past weekend... after I put the calories into MFP I almost cried.

    By the way - I HIGHLY recommend the Eat This, Not That! book series. The Supermarket Guide one is AMAZING and I took it with me to grocery shop yesterday. I feel better about my pantry and fridge now! I got mine off Amazon for about $11. Anytime I am craving a "bad" food, I use the book and choose a healthier version of what I'm wanting. It's worked so far!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I had a chocolate covered donut for breakfast.

    Why is it even in the house????
  • jmore85
    jmore85 Posts: 36
    this is a great thread.... I ate 2 choco wafers at work the other day, didnt enjoy them, didnt crave them, didn't even want any more which makes me regret the whole thing even further