What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    My moment was when the Dr put me on a blood pressure pill for the first time in my life. Ironocally, it wasn't a year earlier when I landed in the hospital and wound up with a pacemaker or when my cholesterol level was much higher than the Dr wanted it to be. Nope. But the blood pressure thing turned the lightbulb on for me. Also, a couple weeks into my new lifestyle/eating plan, I was complaining about missing salty snacks and said I had to be careful to not obsess over my new "rules". My 18 yr old looked me straight in the eye and said "Mom, you know this family would fall apart without you. A little obsession isn't a bad thing".
    I haven't looked back since!
  • Wickedfaery73
    Wickedfaery73 Posts: 184 Member
    The first time I lost a lot of weight, it was when I saw a pic of myself dressed up to go out and thought I looked like a fat man in bad drag. This time it was my health and the scale going over 200.
  • tmumphrey1
    tmumphrey1 Posts: 43 Member
    I was at work & bent over to pick something up & my pants ripped. That was 6 months ago, I'm now 42lbs lighter!
  • ofcsfoster36
    ofcsfoster36 Posts: 50 Member
    Well you would have thought it would have been my first foot surgery due to diabetes, nope, then maybe the surgery where I lost my pinky toe due to diabetes,nope, still thought I had under control. The final straw and the moment I said hey man what are doing. Is when I was sitting in a hospital bed extremely exhausted and my liver failing, that's when I got scared that I might not get to play with my babies or coach my daughters soccer team again. Also I then thought I would like to play soccer myself again and who has ever seen a 400lb soccer player.
  • AngeloInTexas
    AngeloInTexas Posts: 52 Member
    That I'm a depressive overeater and all of my relationships seem to end when I'm overweight...seriously.
  • js8181
    js8181 Posts: 178 Member
    There have been multiple times. Once I was backstage and talking to a couple actresses in this play I was in. I described myself as 'athletic', because I thought that meant just strong. They looked me up and down and said, "Um, more like husky".
    Then I had hernia surgery and as I was healing realizing how fat my belly looked and how little muscle I could see. I lost 25 pounds. And gained it back in the last year. Now I've enlisted a trainer to get my fat *kitten* in gear. It's been helpful to have 'assignments' from her, instead of just 'go running! Do some pushups!'. That being said, I gained a pound of fat between my first and second sessions. Sooooo I'm probably doing it wrong lol.
  • mamacita99
    mamacita99 Posts: 66 Member
    Mine was when I went to a family reunion and hadn't seen one of my uncles for about 13 years. He got up to hug me and said "You've gotten so big"....when my aunt gave him the stare of death and he came back with "I didn't mean it like that, you just used to be so skinny" :( You can't fault the man for stating the obvious. I am probably 70 lbs heavier than the last time he saw me.
  • debhurley196994
    debhurley196994 Posts: 8 Member
  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    Honestly my moment was to improve myself while my husband was on deployment and when he got home, he'd come home to a cute wife ;) Haha, but mainly the reason was that my parents and grandma kept calling me fat until one day I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "I don't want to be fat anymore, I want to be healthy," and that's when I started to lose weight again and got down to 108 lbs, the smallest I've ever been (smaller than high school!).

    Now I wear super cute Japanese clothes because they fit better on me than Western clothes since they tend to run a bit bigger, even a size 3 skirt is too big.
  • jlj9287
    jlj9287 Posts: 51 Member
    My moment was when, after waking up several times to find my fiancé sleeping on the couch, I asked him why. He didn't want to hurt my feelings, but my snoring had gotten so out of hand that he couldn't sleep at night. I knew I was heavier than I cared to be, but knowing that this was affecting him too really put things into perspective. I didn't want to start our marriage that way. 3 months and 25 pounds later and he tells me no more snoring, so I'll take it!
  • szodyraa
    szodyraa Posts: 60 Member
    I've been made fun of my entire life and I i've most definitely been the duff of my group of friend forever but, some recent moment were going to church camp and not wanting to ride the zip line afraid I may embarrass myself if there was a weight limit, having to wear TWO flag belts for a game and everybody watching the man put them together for me and my younger brother (jokingly) telling me I was as big as a Cadillac :neutral: I am sick of my weight dictating what i can and cant do in my life :
  • JessCozzak585
    JessCozzak585 Posts: 4 Member
    I was visiting my parents for the weekend. The first thing my mom said when she saw me was, "You've really gained a lot of weight." This started a two hour discussion with both of my parents about how I'd never advance in my career if I stayed "fat." My brother also called me a bloated marshmallow that day. My family is filled with some compassionate people, lol.
  • debhurley196994
    debhurley196994 Posts: 8 Member
  • yellowboots_19
    yellowboots_19 Posts: 10 Member
    My "ah-ha" moment happened when my mom and I were shopping for clothes. A huge majority of them were too small for me, which upset me to a huge degree. But what really got to me was when I'd been changing in the dressing room and I saw all of the cellulite and fat all over my body. After my mom told me how concerned she was about my health, I just bawled like a baby. It was the worst moment of my weight journey, and despite the fact I lost a good portion of the weight, then gained it back, I've definitely made a vow never to go back to that again.
  • cabstar69
    cabstar69 Posts: 4 Member
    My aha moment was in December when I went to the doctor and had my blood work done. I'm type two diabetic and my A1C was 7.2, which is fairly high. He wanted to put me on a second medication. I was already on Metformin. Not only did I not take that second medication, in April I stopped taking Metformin. Thanks to counting calories and running I was able to lose nearly 20 lbs. I went back to the doctor this month and my A1C is 5.8, which is the high end of the normal range. The doctor told me I can continue not taking Metformin. So in the space of six months I went from being put on a second medication to not taking any medication for diabetes.

    Similar to me. My doctor called me with my blood results on Christmas Eve 3015 and said look I can't do this for you but it's not a case of if but when we chop a foot off and start treating you for blindness. That really scared the *kitten* out of me as I'm a photographer so I started on Christmas Eve and have lost 30 pounds so far. My last check up was good and I'm hoping to lose the pills by this Christmas :-)
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

    This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

    And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

    What was your moment?

    Mine hasn't been just one "aha" moment, my life has been a series of "aha" moments.

    Last year about this time I was told I am diabetic with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. That was my first "aha" moment. I fell off the wagon about mid-July, and when I say fell of the wagon, I mean I ate almost nothing but snack cakes, and fried/fast food for the last month. Yesterday was my birthday, at my birthday dinner, my daughter took a picture of me and was going to post it on Facebook. I couldn't believe how soft and out of shape I looked. Ugh! Yet another "aha" moment.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    I keep having my moments, but I can't follow through!

    I love photography, but hate to be in front of the camera. I used to be fifty pounds lighter and if I had something I felt to be unflattering, then I could move my body in such a way to mask or hide it. Fifty pounds later, I can't do that. The weight is all over and can't be hidden.

    I am about to move up into plus-size if I haven't already. Depends on the store.

    My butt is wider than the chairs at Cracker Barrel.

    My family has history of diabetes and a family member just had to get a leg amputation as a result.

    I am terrified of meeting people in real life romantically, because surely all the men I find attractive will only be attracted to "tight" women.

    I have acne on my face that is scarring my skin and this got worse as I aged and gained in weight, so it's probably my diet written all over my face.

    I am always the DUFF in my group of friends. Or at least that's how it seems to come off.

    And so many more....
    Me either!
    I am terrified of meeting people in real life romantically, because surely all the men I find attractive will only be attracted to "tight" women.
    I've also noticed that if men are attracted to me, I feel like they are . . . I don't know . . . defective somehow because I feel so unattractive. If they are attracted to me there must be something wrong with them too. (I don't say this makes sense, in fact, I know that it doesn't but feelings aren't rational.)

  • RitaRose91
    RitaRose91 Posts: 38 Member
    Mine is a couple things...first of all I've always been chunkier than others but was always active gymnastics basketball danced cheer all that stuff so it never really got worse than just a belly and thighs. But senior year I switched over to all things theater and worked at Coldstone so I gained 25 lbs which I thought nothing of it...now fast forward to 7-8 years later at 5'0" and 206 lbs with bad back bad knees and bad shoulders and seeing pics of me from my brothers wedding I knew I had to do something! So that's when I found a gym where it's all personal training and changed my eating habits. I'm down about 10 lbs now and it's been about 2 months.
  • emily_fox
    emily_fox Posts: 62 Member
    When, for the 3rd time in a year and a half, I got asked if I was pregnant. I am a typical "apple" shape, I gain everything in my tummy. By the 3rd time I got asked, I just said, "nope, I'm just 30 pounds overweight". Sure makes them feel awkward lol