convincing your significant other



  • tracyt829
    tracyt829 Posts: 3 Member
    I wouldn't put it towards your weight training. She just needs to be complimented and validation that you are interested, still care and find her attractive. Ask her to go on walks or a fun bike ride with a fun place as a destination. The more you pester her on her weight, she may resent you more. If you are looking better, she may be worried that other women will be attracted to you. It sounds crazy, but it could be crossing her mind. So, since you've been going to the gym and working out and seeing fit bodies, let her know you still love her and she's the one for you and that you'll always find her sexy and beautiful.

    My boyfriend and I (both of us are divorced and in our 40's) started working out together last year. I want to lose 80 lbs and he about 50. He always said I was the one who got him back to the gym. He does cross-fit daily and rides horses, I box and ride horses/bike when I'm not traveling for work. I was always a biking maniac and he would be exhausted. I lost 25, but an injury (mounted my horse and tore a meniscus) sidelined me for 4 months ( I had other issues too). He kept working out and I gained my weight back. He went from being really cute to hot. And I went from ok to a blob. I've been back working out that past 2 months pain free, my usual energetic self and working hard. He can work out every day with his desk job, sometimes 2x a day. I do my best 5 times a week (and sometimes non at all). When I was feeling down on myself, like your wife, he would make sure I knew how he felt about me. Even when I didn't say anything. He has always been supportive, knowing that I am working past some physical limitations and trying to lose weight and work out around my work. We try to work out at least once a week together.

    So, over all, just don't worry about her working out, sometimes the pressure will push her away. Instead, be positive about what she means to you..and don't wait for her to dig for a compliment. Invite her along on work outs, and if she goes, work out with her and make it an easy one that she can enjoy her time with you.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Offer to cook dinner some nights, and cook things that are tasty yet fit your nutritional goals. Or cook together (, or others) - try new cuisines and take turns picking recipes.
    Suggest activities/dates that are fun, but involve movement - amusement parks, hikes, swimming/beach days, boating, mini-golf or a driving range, walking to a restaurant instead of driving.

    When it comes up again or if you start talking about starting a family soon, then you can mention the little things that she's already been doing with you and ask if she wants to step it up or add in a few more health-improving activities.
    Having a lot of weight to lose can be overwhelming, especially if you aren't really sure if making changes is going to work. Knowing you need to overhaul your life and knowing it's going to take time and effort is daunting. No promises that it will spur her to join you, but any activity is good and you might get some support for your own efforts.
    ***I'm not suggesting you trick her into weight loss or police what she's doing, just see if she is willing to join you sporadically and make it enjoyable. She ultimately gets to decide what to do.

    And yes, keep making sure she knows you find her attractive.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    Hey all,

    Ive posted before regarding this but really need some help,

    My wife often complains about her weight, referring herself to a slob, horrid or fat. often times she asks why I find her attractive.

    When she does bring this up I ask her why not join me, ill help, make suggestions ect ect but then it falls off the radar,

    you guys got any advice?

    Yea. Don't say that. Say something along the lines of "you look great, let's bang," instead.

    love this ^^^
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    mbaby86 wrote: »
    well my husband started using mfp in 2014 about 2 weeks after I started, I think because Id lost weight (alot of water weight) he thought "oh it actually works"

    problem was the only things weighed and logged properly were the meals I cooked him whilst doing my own.

    when pregnant (had baby november 2015) he said "iv gained weight again but Im waiting for you to start again so you can do it for me"

    this did kinds piss me off because his weight his his resposibilty right!

    anyway 2 weeks ago he told me he had brought some diet/energy pills, I was not happy and when they came I did alot of research on them.....turns out they were banned a while ago as had something that could cause cardiac arrest as well as other stuff so I put my foot down, said he was not allowed to take then and I now plan, weigh and logg ALL his meals and drinks, even weighing out the rediculous amount of sugar he has in tea (he is trying to cut down on that)

    he is going to the gym every morning monday - thursday so Im hoping if he sees the weight coming off he will start taking it seriously for himself instead of relying on me.

    I wouldnt mind but he only has 10kg to loose where as Iv got around 25/30kg i want rid of

    my point is, as I got side tracked a bit lol, you could try helping by meal planning with her/weighing food out etc to get her started

    BUT thats if she really wants to, she may not, I spent years feeling rubbish about my weight, moaning at anyone who would listen....mainly my husband, id give random deits ago for a couple of weeks (usually costing me a load of money i didnt really have) and then giving up.
    I only got in to it when I was ready and I cant even tell you what made me ready, I literally just downloaded the app and started, had a break while pregnant and have only been back it a month now, yet only taking it seriously for last 2 ish weeks again.

    so there is not much you can do iness SHE wants to do something herself

    My opinion is that ephedra/ephedrine is fine in moderation. It's legal around the globe, just not here because people abuse it.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Do you find her attractive? Do you tell her that without being asked? Maybe start complimenting her more often. Let her know more often how you love her for more than her appearance.
    Tell her that you hear she is struggling with some tough feelings right now. Ask her if there is anything particular that made her feel this way or if she always feels kind of bad/insecure. Listen to her feelings instead of designing a work out or diet plan. Suggest seeking a doctor/therapy if she is constantly feeling bad/depressed. Sometimes you have to work on the mind before you can work on the body. Sometimes you need an outside professional helper instead of your loving spouse to talk things over. Sometimes you need medication before you can move forward.

    I think this is a very likely candidate. She is seeing you getting in better shape and is feeling insecure. My boyfriend was like this when I lost a bunch of weight.