Where are my big stomached ladies at?!



  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I'm 5'6" 157 lbs (down from 240) which is only a few lbs from the high end of normal weight for me and I definitely still have a fat stomach. I have less fat on my stomach in comparison to my lower body, but I am your typical pear shape. I've started strength training to try and change my body composition. I don't even care about seeing muscles in my core. I just want a flat and toned stomach. Unfortunately I'm not sure what weight I need to get down to for that to happen. :/
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited July 2016
    Linzon wrote: »
    Yep, apparently my stomach is going to be the last to go. The boobs were first to go, of course!

    Yep, naturally :grumble: We lose weight first where we don't need to lose from, and don't lose from the ONE place we want to lose from the most til the bitter end! At least that's how it's worked out for me... I'm seriously learning to accept my podge and realising it loves me too much to ever leave me lol
  • sexyj198527
    sexyj198527 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to using myfitnesspal and I think I really like it. I am currently 5'3 at 182 pounds that really bothers me since I had my last child 5 years ago via c-section. My stomach seems like it will never go down which can be very discouraging to my self esteem. So, I am deciding to take this one day at a time and see how I progress, because honestly I do not want a nip tuck lol.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    @erinsot, not an impossible goal but certainly one that is more challenging for us apple shaped folk than it is for a person who genetically stores fat in the thighs and hips - pear shaped. We see posts all the time on how to lose in those particular spots too.

    Visceral fat, the 'dangerous' stomach fat is relatively easy to lose through a calorie deficit and cardio.
    Subcutaneous fat in the stomach area is not as 'dangerous' (doesn't have the same effect on hormones etc), though unattractive to many, relies on a calorie deficit aiming at all over fat loss.

    It is more a case of deciding how far you want to lose to get those last pounds off.

    Here is me, I can love my stomach at this size. It is large compared to the rest of me, but it is subcutaneous fat, with decent muscle underneath so it gives me no health concerns.

    Cheers, h.


    Woah woah woah WOAH hang on, hold the phone!! ^^ THAT is "apple shaped"? No, honey! That is most distinctly an hourglass figure! Look at that perfect waist definition! Your bust bulges out, your waist dips in, and flares back out over your hips, like a Coke bottle. You may not have as lean a stomach as you'd like (hell, who here does?) but you are not apple shaped, and you look awesome!

    For perspective, this is apple-shaped:

  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    @AllOutof_Bubblegum Thank you for that picture! I've been thinking that my original hourglass had become an apple due to my huge 'Buddha Belly', but I can see from this that I am actually still an hourglass! (Or maybe an hour and a half... ;) ) (And H, you look great! :) )

    OP, I feel your pain and I'm fairly sure my stomach will be the last to go. It was never flat and toned even when I was young so I don't expect miracles, but although it's still very large I can see that it has shrunk and lifted a bit after losing 30lbs or so. I'm about halfway through my weight loss, so will be interested to see how it looks at the end!
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    Strange...it seems as though I'm hour glass as well! Even tho my tummy bulges I have the hourglass curves
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited July 2016
    Ok, first @ErinSot my apologies for the slight derailment of the thread. It is all about big bellies anyway.

    @Christine_72 thank you, but I think you know me well enough from the forum to know I am at a good weight, lift, have reasonable strength gains, but have left it a little late to make good muscle gains. I am the slowest recomp on record. :)

    @AllOutof_Bubblegum, I am your basic apple with a little ruler thrown in for luck. (I will post a before pic so you can see the apple) The waist definition is completely new this year and acquired through the 6+ year slow recomp. I have been known all my life as having little/no waist definition. My measurements in my late teens 34, 27,34/5. Now, same weight, 33, 26, 34. An hourglass would need a 23-4 in waist.

    Fortunately/unfortunately there isn't a pic of me sitting in a bikini, I avoid them. If there was you would quite clearly see that there is a roll, hidden in the crease belly button at my waist, then another roll. It would take more effort than I am willing to give to get rid of that.

    I am not trying to belittle anyone's tummy, or try to make mine bigger than it is. I have just been quite surprised (pleasantly I must say) by the responses and wanted to show/explain that even though it may never be one of those wonderfully flat bellies we see, we can have one that is proportionally bigger than the rest of our bodies, but still quite lovable.

    Me pre weight loss as a true apple
    ( sorry if you have seen the pic before, it has been posted a couple of times recently)

    wpvpru1ho5w5.jpegCheers, h.

    Nb. The bra top is padded, and did you note that I have no hips or bum to counterbalance the belly :'(
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    edited July 2016
    I've got a personal trainer. When I eat well, my stomach looks flat. When I eat badly, it puffs out and looks a lot bigger and rounder. I think it also happens when I eat bread. Maybe try some resistance training?

    You could also be retaining water from sodium
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Still working on the toning up part and still unsure re: if I need to cut a bit more first, but I went from apple to significantly less apples ;) . Started February 1st and I have three kids under 4. You can do it OP, just keep chipping away at it and eventually you'll have no belly left to worry about <3


    You look incredible! Good work
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I had double hernia repair above and in my navel. That part of my stomach will not come down. So I have 2 ab muscles, a round mid /upper abdomen, a protruding navel, and a flat lower abdomen. The whole deal makes my butt look flatter than it actually is. Thankfully my obliques are pretty defined and I have those lines from my side abs down to my hipbones like the 8 pack. My only hope is low rise jeans and loose tops.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    shinycrazy wrote: »
    The struggle is real! I solved this issue by wearing full panel maternity pants. I've lost 115 lbs and probably 15 inches off my waist. Down to a 14/16 in regular dress pants. Picked up a pair of full panel maternity slacks at goodwill on Friday. Gap, size freaking 8! I look proportionate and I'm super comfy.

    That's not a bad idea! :)
  • StuDuza
    StuDuza Posts: 34 Member
    I had double hernia repair above and in my navel. That part of my stomach will not come down. So I have 2 ab muscles, a round mid /upper abdomen, a protruding navel, and a flat lower abdomen. The whole deal makes my butt look flatter than it actually is. Thankfully my obliques are pretty defined and I have those lines from my side abs down to my hipbones like the 8 pack. My only hope is low rise jeans and loose tops.

    I have almost the same thing! I think I may have diastasi recti (DR). When I started doing sit ups, I realized I had a huge bulge in my stomach! I came across DR and Im assuming thats what I have. Weightloss is great but does nothing for my upper stomach.

  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    @JessicaMcB You look much taller in the second photo, did you have a growth spurt or something? your calves look about the same length.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @JessicaMcB You look much taller in the second photo, did you have a growth spurt or something? your calves look about the same length.

    LOL probably the result of the photos being taken at different locations, at different angles and me trying to line them up as much as possible @magicpickles
  • Zipp237
    Zipp237 Posts: 255 Member
    You can lose weight and tone up, but your body is your body and you may always be displeased with certain areas if you don't learn to accept them. So work on accepting the less perfect areas while you work on your body. Life is too short to spend it worrying about whether your body is enough. It is. You are.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Add me to this list!

    I can see now that my stomach area will the the last to leave (the dreaded apron. :( ), but thankfully the boobs haven't gone down that much. Seems like my thighs are the winner here. I have a long way to go (170-130ish). I'm currently doing strong curves (bb) to see where that takes me!
  • Wiccanandi
    Wiccanandi Posts: 32 Member
    I have a big belly and it never goes away, i was born with it and looked pregnant all through my teens, now i am 41 with 4 kids aged 22, 18, 3 and 6 months and still look pregnant. boo hiss. add me if you want as i could do with the motivation to keep at it
  • cglouie
    cglouie Posts: 33 Member
    Add me to the belly frustration group! After 63 lbs lost, my belly fat is still hanging on! I'm down to my last 5 lbs and should get to my maintenance weight range by mid August. I'll be starting recomp at that point and I'm really really hoping that as I build muscle, it will burn off the excess belly fat. If not, there's not much more I can do because after these last 5 lbs, I'll be at the bottom end of the healthy weight range for my height so I don't want to go down any further in weight.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,109 Member
    I am definitely in this group. I have lost 57 pounds and am 3 pounds from my goal but my stomach still has a lot of fat on it. It is frustrating and my doctor has advised me not to lift heavy, so I don't really know if there is anything I can do about it. I may just stay at a slight deficit for a while, but I don't really want to lose any more weight (other than the 3 pounds to get to my goal). I want to maintain with a 5 pound range and I am in that range so I feel pretty good, but I don't think I would ever wear a bikini. It doesn't look that bad from the front view, but the profile isn't pretty lol.