no appetite & can't gain weight

I moved to America 10 months ago, I'm 5ft 6 and was 110lbs then but my weight dropped to 95 and now it's at 100ish. Ever since moving here my tummy gets upset at dairy products and any meat other than chicken, I'm a picky eater anyway so this doesn't help. I've always been really skinny where my hips stick out but now my ribs are showing too and I'm scared for my health now. I'm supposed to have 2060 calories a day but I'm really struggling to get there, I don't have an appetite and whenever I eat I feel sick. I'm sick a lot and beginning to feel really weak everyday I need help!!


  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Sounds like your stomach is perhaps not used to the processing methods used in a lot of American foods. Perhaps you can try buying organic milk/meat. Also, you will unfortunately need to force yourself to eat calorie dense foods until your appetite returns. Peanut butter, saute your veggies in lots of butter or oil, meal replacement shakes, etc. You don't want to get to the point that you are hospitalized. I know it's difficult to force yourself to eat, but you need to really try.
  • manowarrule
    manowarrule Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah id see a doctor
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @chloectaylor Are you here on your own or are you living with a sponsor family? I see you are only 18. Please ask someone you trust to recommend a doctor and get an appointment as soon as you can. The other posters are right, this isn't something you should try to figure out on your own. You are right to be concerned, because your BMI of 16 is very underweight. I know you don't feel well.

    There are some resources here on MFP that might help you - just click on Help to the right of your user name at the very top of your home page. But more importantly, see a doctor soon. If you can't get an appointment within the next few days, go to a hospital to an emergency room.
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member

    KinkJarfld wrote: »
    Doctor, doctor, mister MD--please consult one.
    Yeah id see a doctor

    thanks guys, I will try to see one I just don't have insurance yet so I'm not sure on going to the doctor until I do
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member
    @chloectaylor Are you here on your own or are you living with a sponsor family? I see you are only 18. Please ask someone you trust to recommend a doctor and get an appointment as soon as you can. The other posters are right, this isn't something you should try to figure out on your own. You are right to be concerned, because your BMI of 16 is very underweight. I know you don't feel well.

    There are some resources here on MFP that might help you - just click on Help to the right of your user name at the very top of your home page. But more importantly, see a doctor soon. If you can't get an appointment within the next few days, go to a hospital to an emergency room.

    technically I'm here by myself, I got married so the only people I have are my partner & in laws. I've always struggled with my weight, could never get past 110lbs no matter how much I would eat. I have a lot of anxiety about being here alone etc. I think that plays a huge part in the problem
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds like your stomach is perhaps not used to the processing methods used in a lot of American foods. Perhaps you can try buying organic milk/meat. Also, you will unfortunately need to force yourself to eat calorie dense foods until your appetite returns. Peanut butter, saute your veggies in lots of butter or oil, meal replacement shakes, etc. You don't want to get to the point that you are hospitalized. I know it's difficult to force yourself to eat, but you need to really try.

    thank you! I will try that, I'm just really quite clueless about calories. some days I just don't have an appetite at all and other days I feel like I could eat everything we have. thank you for your help though!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,400 MFP Moderator
    edited July 2016

    Until you see a doctor try some of these foods. Including drinking calories like sweetened almond or soy milk or even a lactaid milk. You might have a lactose allergy.

    And dont restrict yourself on the types of food. Eat whatever you can to get calories.

    Nuts, butters, avocados and other fat sources are high in calories.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Even ice cream and candy. Get the calories any way you can.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Okay...if you do not have insurance, and it's going to be awhile until you can get insurance, please look up free clinics or your county health department, as you may qualify for free or low cost health care. Eat anything that appeals to you. Can your in-laws help you get health care?
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member
    Okay...if you do not have insurance, and it's going to be awhile until you can get insurance, please look up free clinics or your county health department, as you may qualify for free or low cost health care. Eat anything that appeals to you. Can your in-laws help you get health care?

    they know of a place nearby which is a free healthcare place for mainly homeless people/people without insurance, it's only open on Thursdays and every time we try to ring for an appointment they're fully booked. sorry, seems like a dumb question but what would seeing a doctor do? I'm not for sure how they can help me. we're still going through the legal process of becoming a citizen so as soon as it's possible I'm sure that my in-laws will be able to get me some good insurance
  • avadahm
    avadahm Posts: 111 Member
    I never have an appetite either, so to gain weight and get an appetite I work out a lot. I add powder to my coffee and water for extra boosts throughout the day as well. Some days I don't eat much, but hey, it happens. I'm usually starving after workouts though (even walks and basic toning exercise), so try that.
  • Summerberry1012
    Summerberry1012 Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2016
    Maybe try smoothies? The texture might be more palatable and it would help get some nutrients in you.

    Edit: you might be eating too inconsistently? (might explain the intense cravings one day but not the other) maybe try getting something down, like the smoothie or almond milk ideas, at the same times each day and hopefully that should get you going again as you recalibrate. Just a thought!
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member
    Maybe try smoothies? The texture might be more palatable and it would help get some nutrients in you.

    Edit: you might be eating too inconsistently? (might explain the intense cravings one day but not the other) maybe try getting something down, like the smoothie or almond milk ideas, at the same times each day and hopefully that should get you going again as you recalibrate. Just a thought!

    that would make sense, every morning until around lunch I feel sick & I can't attempt to eat breakfast, if I don't eat breakfast I try to have some hot tea. I'll be sure to try the smoothie idea, thank you!
  • almostanangel21
    almostanangel21 Posts: 143 Member
    It could be the stress. I'm trying to lose, but I've noticed that particularly nasty days kill my appetite and send me running for the cardio machines to put me in a better mood. Do you have anything that you can do that relaxes you, especially before mealtimes?
  • chloectaylor
    chloectaylor Posts: 14 Member
    It could be the stress. I'm trying to lose, but I've noticed that particularly nasty days kill my appetite and send me running for the cardio machines to put me in a better mood. Do you have anything that you can do that relaxes you, especially before mealtimes?

    I definitely think stress plays a big role, usually my partner works from early morning until lunch time and I think being separated gives me terrible anxiety, I could be feeling so sick and as soon as she comes home I feel ok and can eat lunch. like today she is working from lunch until late at night and I'm already feeling super nervous about that so the likelihood of eating while she is gone is slim. I don't really have anything that relaxes me, sometimes going for a walk helps but it's so freaking hot in Oklahoma I can't stand it outside!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited July 2016
    It could be the stress. I'm trying to lose, but I've noticed that particularly nasty days kill my appetite and send me running for the cardio machines to put me in a better mood. Do you have anything that you can do that relaxes you, especially before mealtimes?

    I definitely think stress plays a big role, usually my partner works from early morning until lunch time and I think being separated gives me terrible anxiety, I could be feeling so sick and as soon as she comes home I feel ok and can eat lunch. like today she is working from lunch until late at night and I'm already feeling super nervous about that so the likelihood of eating while she is gone is slim. I don't really have anything that relaxes me, sometimes going for a walk helps but it's so freaking hot in Oklahoma I can't stand it outside!

    OK, I put this suggestion on another poster who said they couldn't eat because of nausea. If it's stress/anxiety related, the best thing you can do is square breathing. It will help rebalance your 02/CO2 levels in your blood. You are more than likely hyperventilating and not realizing it.

    You can also practice doing other relaxation techniques like visualization, muscle relaxation, etc. It really does work. After a few minutes of square breathing you should feel better. Of course, once you stop you may start hyperventilating again, so just become aware of your body and what you are doing.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    Where are you from? I wonder if it would make you feel better to Skype with your family and friends, who you must be missing. Is there a big time difference? If you could time your Skype conversations to coincide with your partner's work time, it might help fill some of the time with social interaction. Just a thought.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Some years back, Mrs. also lost appetite and became dangerously thin. Among the advice a professional Dietician gave her was to drink "Boost", or a similar calorie-dense vitamin fortified meal replacement. That was along with generous helpings of ice cream, butter, and gravy on her other foods.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    @chloectaylor, Okla-kitten-homa? OK, walk outside before 7:00 am. You can stand that, surely. Get familiar with local tornado shelters.