


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Really, per what you said, you just need to eat less. If carb cycling helps you eat less, that's great, but it's not a long term solution.

    This too.

    OP, you just have to find a way of eating that helps you stick to your calorie deficit, but it must be sustainable for life. Good luck.
  • TheFatLadyPortrait
    TheFatLadyPortrait Posts: 21 Member
    Well, some of the things that help me when I am strugging with just the quantity of what I am eating is to eat more mindfully. Cut up my pizza slices into pieces smaller than the bites I would normally take and make sure to chew them slowly. I find that for me it isnt as much about how much I want to eat, but how long I want to spend eating. And as you eat more slowly it will give your body more time to recognise your fullness level. Having a light side like a salad or drinking a smoothie or an iced coffee made with almond milk (which is 30-40 cals for 8 oz) can also help to fill the hunger void left by cutting the portions on the high calorie favorites. I dunno if it will help you, but I thought I would throw it out there anyway. You never know what little thing will make all of the difference.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    johunt615 wrote: »
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time losing weight for some reason. I lost a bunch of weight a couple years ago and then I got complacent and put it all back on. I started working out again and eating better and lost the weight to get down close to what I lost before. Now i'm back up to the weight I was the first time I started. What is frustrating is I got to this weight and I've been working out. But I know my diet has been horrible. I think it's the amount I'm eating as opposed to what I am eating. Has anyone had this issue. I feel like as hard as I have been trying I am unable to lose the weight I did before. Some factors that have changed is I have a deskjob now. I think I am going to try carb cycling again and see if that helps me. Just need to find time at home and at work. My weight has me tired all the time and my legs always hurt.

    I'm calorie cycling and 2 1/2 weeks in and its great so far! I'm seeing a steady weight loss and I'm just beginning to feel more energy. Right now I'm not eating back my exercise calories but thats because I'm only walking. Plus I don't measure everything out (except cheese) so my exercise calories cover that for me, I'm only walking right now to just ease bad knees into it but I eventually may eat exercise calories later when I begin working out harder.

    Protein at every meal or a protein bar helps keep me full.

    good luck!

    What exactling is calorie cycling?

    I average 1250 calories however I don't eat 1250 daily. I eat 1 day 1499 calories, 1 day 1374, 1 day 1124, 1 day 1000 and 3 days 1249. I hesitate to say it again because I got blasted on another thread but its suppose to help stave off metabolic adaption. There is some scientific evidence around refeeding (eating at or above maintenance once in awhile) and so some in the bodybuilding world use it to cut fat and build muscle.

    I used this calculator to help come up with my cycle of calories....
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    johunt615 wrote: »
    I eat 1 day 1499 calories, 1 day 1374, 1 day 1124, 1 day 1000 and 3 days 1249.

    Those are some very precise calorie counts you've given. Do you need to hit each target exactly? Or is around 1500 close enough to 1499, for example? I would think it would take a lot of effort to hit each number daily.

  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited July 2016
    ziggy2006 wrote: »
    johunt615 wrote: »
    I eat 1 day 1499 calories, 1 day 1374, 1 day 1124, 1 day 1000 and 3 days 1249.

    Those are some very precise calorie counts you've given. Do you need to hit each target exactly? Or is around 1500 close enough to 1499, for example? I would think it would take a lot of effort to hit each number daily.

    I'm only in 2 1/2 weeks and I don't hit exactly everyday. Somedays I'm under and a couple of days I went over less than 25 calories. I also don't count my walking exercise calories YET to cover for overages even though I haven't gone over very much yet. I will add 50% back in when I start exercising more after I build up some stamina and ease the knees into it.

    mfp premium supports custom calories so once I enter it once for each days calories its automatically set for me each day. So far it has been very little effort. I open up mfp to log my vitamin every morning and see how many calories I have for that day (except Wed I know its my 1500 calorie day:)). On my low calorie days I leave off things like non nutritional snacks and foods for example Arctic Zone ice cream.

    I have a basic set of breakfast & lunch foods that I know are 200 & 300 calories and I eat the lower calorie meals on the lower calorie days.

    Wed my 1500 calorie day is my "controlled" cheat day eating just under maintenance, I eat my beloved potatoes and low calories "sweets".

    ETA - we will see if it keeps the dreaded plateaus away as some say, I have a long way to go.
  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    You can't out train a bad diet.
  • mastermaurice2
    mastermaurice2 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016

    gcooper7 wrote: »
    When I did carb cycling before I lost a lot of weight and wasn't eating as much as I do now. I know I've let myself go. Instead of eating one or two slices of pizza I'll eat 5 or 6. I really struggle with food. Carb cycling was easy because I did have to measure out my food but one day out of the week I could eat whatever I wanted to. I really do just need to do like you say and create a deficit.

    I did not realize I quoted all this. But I am trying to get back on track myself. I struggle with portion control and eating sweets too often. I can relate to this. I am trying to get myself back on track for a ten mile run I want to complete.
  • mastermaurice2
    mastermaurice2 Posts: 3 Member
    I struggle with the same thing and have let myself become relaxed and instead of eating just a slice or two of pizza I will eat the whole pizza. I am trying to get back on track myself because I want to do this ten mile run.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    johunt615 wrote: »
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    johunt615 wrote: »
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time losing weight for some reason. I lost a bunch of weight a couple years ago and then I got complacent and put it all back on. I started working out again and eating better and lost the weight to get down close to what I lost before. Now i'm back up to the weight I was the first time I started. What is frustrating is I got to this weight and I've been working out. But I know my diet has been horrible. I think it's the amount I'm eating as opposed to what I am eating. Has anyone had this issue. I feel like as hard as I have been trying I am unable to lose the weight I did before. Some factors that have changed is I have a deskjob now. I think I am going to try carb cycling again and see if that helps me. Just need to find time at home and at work. My weight has me tired all the time and my legs always hurt.

    I'm calorie cycling and 2 1/2 weeks in and its great so far! I'm seeing a steady weight loss and I'm just beginning to feel more energy. Right now I'm not eating back my exercise calories but thats because I'm only walking. Plus I don't measure everything out (except cheese) so my exercise calories cover that for me, I'm only walking right now to just ease bad knees into it but I eventually may eat exercise calories later when I begin working out harder.

    Protein at every meal or a protein bar helps keep me full.

    good luck!

    What exactling is calorie cycling?

    I average 1250 calories however I don't eat 1250 daily. I eat 1 day 1499 calories, 1 day 1374, 1 day 1124, 1 day 1000 and 3 days 1249. I hesitate to say it again because I got blasted on another thread but its suppose to help stave off metabolic adaption. There is some scientific evidence around refeeding (eating at or above maintenance once in awhile) and so some in the bodybuilding world use it to cut fat and build muscle.

    I used this calculator to help come up with my cycle of calories....

    Are you talking about starvation mode, or actual metabolic adaptation? Can you please share some links to that scientific evidence?

    Carb cycling is a way of eating that helps some keep a calorie deficit. The only magic it, or any other way of eating, has is the magic we give it. :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    I'd suggest eating whole foods, no sugar or carbs when you're free eating. Try to eat as clean and healthy as possible and don't use food as a reward! Good luck!
    fruits,veggies,grains,bread,etc all have sugar and carbs(because carbs are sugar and vice versa) in them. its all about a calorie deficit. its not about what you eat but how much.

    I have been good for the most part about how much I'm eating. Still human and still slip but I can honestly say I haven't had soda in two weeks except.for a small sip I took of my sons.

    of course we are all human. I have slip ups too. but I just get right back onto the so called wagon. just do the best you can.
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    So far I've been decent with the calorie deficit. I've still eaten whatever i want but not as much of it. I haven't had soda in two weeks which is big since that is one of my down falls. Now to give up potato chips. I haven't weighed myself though. Next week I'm going to see about getting back into the gym.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time losing weight for some reason. I lost a bunch of weight a couple years ago and then I got complacent and put it all back on. I started working out again and eating better and lost the weight to get down close to what I lost before. Now i'm back up to the weight I was the first time I started. What is frustrating is I got to this weight and I've been working out. But I know my diet has been horrible. I think it's the amount I'm eating as opposed to what I am eating. Has anyone had this issue. I feel like as hard as I have been trying I am unable to lose the weight I did before. Some factors that have changed is I have a deskjob now. I think I am going to try carb cycling again and see if that helps me. Just need to find time at home and at work. My weight has me tired all the time and my legs always hurt.

    You're right it is, it always is.

    You need to eat less than you burn, then once you have lost the weight you need to eat the same as you burn.

    Your issue has been, what mine was for 3 decades, you are goal oriented. When I get to this weight I will have done and can revert to normal. Your 'normal' makes you fat.

    So cut calories to lose weight (weigh and log accurately), move more to increase your calorie burn so you can eat more to lose weights, do some progressive weight training cos it is important to preserve as much muscle as you can

    And when you've lost your weight, eat the same amount as you burn...following the other guidelines in the line above
  • lista10
    lista10 Posts: 73 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time losing weight for some reason. I lost a bunch of weight a couple years ago and then I got complacent and put it all back on. I started working out again and eating better and lost the weight to get down close to what I lost before. Now i'm back up to the weight I was the first time I started. What is frustrating is I got to this weight and I've been working out. But I know my diet has been horrible. I think it's the amount I'm eating as opposed to what I am eating. Has anyone had this issue. I feel like as hard as I have been trying I am unable to lose the weight I did before. Some factors that have changed is I have a deskjob now. I think I am going to try carb cycling again and see if that helps me. Just need to find time at home and at work. My weight has me tired all the time and my legs always hurt.

    You're right it is, it always is.

    You need to eat less than you burn, then once you have lost the weight you need to eat the same as you burn.

    Your issue has been, what mine was for 3 decades, you are goal oriented. When I get to this weight I will have done and can revert to normal. Your 'normal' makes you fat.

    So cut calories to lose weight (weigh and log accurately), move more to increase your calorie burn so you can eat more to lose weights, do some progressive weight training cos it is important to preserve as much muscle as you can

    And when you've lost your weight, eat the same amount as you burn...following the other guidelines in the line above

    What she said, keep trying and try eating cleaner!
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited July 2016
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    johunt615 wrote: »
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    johunt615 wrote: »
    gcooper7 wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time losing weight for some reason. I lost a bunch of weight a couple years ago and then I got complacent and put it all back on. I started working out again and eating better and lost the weight to get down close to what I lost before. Now i'm back up to the weight I was the first time I started. What is frustrating is I got to this weight and I've been working out. But I know my diet has been horrible. I think it's the amount I'm eating as opposed to what I am eating. Has anyone had this issue. I feel like as hard as I have been trying I am unable to lose the weight I did before. Some factors that have changed is I have a deskjob now. I think I am going to try carb cycling again and see if that helps me. Just need to find time at home and at work. My weight has me tired all the time and my legs always hurt.

    I'm calorie cycling and 2 1/2 weeks in and its great so far! I'm seeing a steady weight loss and I'm just beginning to feel more energy. Right now I'm not eating back my exercise calories but thats because I'm only walking. Plus I don't measure everything out (except cheese) so my exercise calories cover that for me, I'm only walking right now to just ease bad knees into it but I eventually may eat exercise calories later when I begin working out harder.

    Protein at every meal or a protein bar helps keep me full.

    good luck!

    What exactling is calorie cycling?

    I average 1250 calories however I don't eat 1250 daily. I eat 1 day 1499 calories, 1 day 1374, 1 day 1124, 1 day 1000 and 3 days 1249. I hesitate to say it again because I got blasted on another thread but its suppose to help stave off metabolic adaption. There is some scientific evidence around refeeding (eating at or above maintenance once in awhile) and so some in the bodybuilding world use it to cut fat and build muscle.

    I used this calculator to help come up with my cycle of calories....

    Are you talking about starvation mode, or actual metabolic adaptation? Can you please share some links to that scientific evidence?

    Carb cycling is a way of eating that helps some keep a calorie deficit. The only magic it, or any other way of eating, has is the magic we give it. :)

    Here is one study on short term calorie cycling

    This one is a little different than I'm doing but still on calorie shifting and refeeding

    And here is another Which concludes more research needs to be done but refeeding does show an increase in leptin short term.

    Any how I'm not expecting magic and I don't even recall saying anything about magic :smile: . Hey these boards are exploding with folks saying they are stuck, plateauing etc so I did a little reading and saw that there is some, however small, early evidence that calorie cycling or refeeding MIGHT stave off a plateau. So I'm trying it out.
  • palulabear
    palulabear Posts: 2 Member
    I am too struggling with the scale numbers
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    palulabear wrote: »
    I am too struggling with the scale numbers

    Damn scales... they suck lol
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    Well, some of the things that help me when I am strugging with just the quantity of what I am eating is to eat more mindfully. Cut up my pizza slices into pieces smaller than the bites I would normally take and make sure to chew them slowly. I find that for me it isnt as much about how much I want to eat, but how long I want to spend eating. And as you eat more slowly it will give your body more time to recognise your fullness level. Having a light side like a salad or drinking a smoothie or an iced coffee made with almond milk (which is 30-40 cals for 8 oz) can also help to fill the hunger void left by cutting the portions on the high calorie favorites. I dunno if it will help you, but I thought I would throw it out there anyway. You never know what little thing will make all of the difference.

    Thank you. I'll give that a try
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    I did 20 minutes of hitting the heavy bag. Wasn't going crazy but I was punching it pretty hard. Needed to vent some frustration. Now I'm a sweaty mess. Maybe I'll do this for a while. Maybe 20 will turn into an hour. Messed up with the eating today though. I was doing good until dinner. Had 3 grilled sausage Brats. Ugh the disappointment, however almost 3 weeks with no soda for me.