Calling all Freaks, Geeks, Dweebs and Nerds alike!



  • SpontaneousHiker
    SpontaneousHiker Posts: 79 Member
  • fitcurves6693
    fitcurves6693 Posts: 3,401 Member
  • SpontaneousHiker
    SpontaneousHiker Posts: 79 Member
  • fitcurves6693
    fitcurves6693 Posts: 3,401 Member
  • imclynn
    imclynn Posts: 567 Member

    Just sayin. : )
  • imclynn
    imclynn Posts: 567 Member
    To reiterate... B)
  • fitcurves6693
    fitcurves6693 Posts: 3,401 Member
  • SpontaneousHiker
    SpontaneousHiker Posts: 79 Member

  • fitcurves6693
    fitcurves6693 Posts: 3,401 Member
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    *Lurks through past few pages of the thread* This is indeed the best way to start my day at work.
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    So literally all of these sexy beasts are going to be at the Chicago Con next month and the bestie and I are losing our minds because it this knowledge. :blush:

  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    Ever since Pokemon Go has been out, I've been going on long walks, this was my "Trainer" outfit from yesterday XD My waterfront is insanely packed with people playing this game. Its amazing T;T
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    Tialuna18 wrote: »
    Ever since Pokemon Go has been out, I've been going on long walks, this was my "Trainer" outfit from yesterday XD My waterfront is insanely packed with people playing this game. Its amazing T;T

    I feel like literally everyone is out and about trying to catch 'em all these days. lol! :smiley:
  • SpontaneousHiker
    SpontaneousHiker Posts: 79 Member
  • SEABDS_13
    SEABDS_13 Posts: 41 Member
    edited August 2016
    I am a HUGE movie fan. I love movies more than anything. I have over 70 in my collection. I enjoy Kevin Smith, Coen Brothers, Tarantino, Farrelly Brothers, Kubrick, you name it. I love all kinds of films. And of course, I'm a big Star Wars fan. I wear big geeky glasses (not in my profile pic) and have a ton of geeky shirts of which include South Park, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Bill and Ted, Ace Ventura, and much more. I am into tv a lot too. Not your typical nerdy/geeky anime or supernatural, but still quite into a geeky part of tv. I like Tim and Eric, South Park, the Simpsons, We Bare Bears, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Beavis and Butt-head, and so much more. I am a huge superhero fan and like to read comics. My favorite superheros are Spider-man and Batman. I prefer Marvel over DC. My favorite Graphic Novels are Maus and the Watchmen. I play lots of video games and recently my Pokemon obsession has returned to great lengths (Like how Pokemon was to me when I was in elementary school. So very important.) I can quote most Kevin Smith films by heart too. I also am taking CAD and want to be an Engineer, Scientist, or Director. So on the geekly scale I rate a 10 easily.

    Thanks for hearing me out my fellow geeks (the nerds and dweebs too) and I'll be back.
  • wdunnett1
    wdunnett1 Posts: 1,669 Member
    SEABDS_13 wrote: »
    I am a HUGE movie fan. I love movies more than anything. I have over 70 in my collection. I enjoy Kevin Smith, Coen Brothers, Tarantino, Farrelly Brothers, Kubrick, you name it. I love all kinds of films. And of course, I'm a big Star Wars fan. I wear big geeky glasses (not in my profile pic) and have a ton of geeky shirts of which include South Park, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Bill and Ted, Ace Ventura, and much more. I am into tv a lot too. Not your typical nerdy/geeky anime or supernatural, but still quite into a geeky part of tv. I like Tim and Eric, South Park, the Simpsons, We Bare Bears, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Beavis and Butt-head, and so much more. I am a huge superhero fan and like to read comics. My favorite superheros are Spider-man and Batman. I prefer Marvel over DC. My favorite Graphic Novels are Maus and the Watchmen. I play lots of video games and recently my Pokemon obsession has returned to great lengths (Like how Pokemon was to me when I was in elementary school. So very important.) I can quote most Kevin Smith films by heart too. I also am taking CAD and want to be an Engineer, Scientist, or Director. So on the geekly scale I rate a 10 easily.

    Thanks for hearing me out my fellow geeks (the nerds and dweebs too) and I'll be back.

  • druidkat7
    druidkat7 Posts: 691 Member
    edited August 2016
    Not much into Pokemon, but I LOOOOVE me some Magic: the Gathering.

    I also go total geeky-heart nerdgasm when it comes to:

    1) Webber's "Phantom of the Opera" and its sequel "Love Never Dies" (Do *not* get me started on the oh-so-delicious Ramin Karimloo who took the role of Erik to new and soaring heights for my music-of-the-night-loving heart)

    2) "Doctor Who" (Tennant & Smith...ohh-la-la!! And River Song, Amy Pond and Rose Tyler HAVE to be my three favorite Companions of the "new Who")

    3) "Star Wars"

    4) "The Matrix"

    5) "Superman" (the old Christopher Reeve movies.)

    6) "Roswell" (Yes, the old show from the late '90s.)

    7) "Ancient Aliens" (Found this History Channel show on Hulu. Binge watched it like peeps binge-watched "Breaking Bad")

    8) "Twin Peaks."

    9) "The Flash"

    10) "Lucifer" (Tom Ellis as Lucifer???? Ermahgerd!!!! o_O He's hot, Welsh, musically talented and...and...ten million kinds of sexy)

    11) Tarot/oracle cards; Crystals; Astrology (all three deserve the same spot would take me forever to list other nerdgasm-worthy stuff in my life...
  • galabrielle98
    galabrielle98 Posts: 507 Member
    Anyone going to Boston Comic Con? Finally going to a Con and I'm cosplaying as Julia from "Murdoch Mysteries."