Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • felicitymaywhite
    felicitymaywhite Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - is this still an active forum?
    JAYNEROCKS310 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone looking to join this thread. Imbalance at it again with this app. Just starting today looking for motivational support and friends. I get no support at home instead I get told dieting makes me cranky here you should eat more donuts. I'm a married mother of 2 ... Which anyone with kids knows it makes dieting that much harder. But I'm determined to fight for my health and to look better in clothes. I'll accept any friend requests.
  • MeLanceUppercut
    MeLanceUppercut Posts: 116 Member
    Tuesday Goals -

    I feel like I'm doing OK so far. I think I could be doing better though. One of my best friends is having a bachelor party at the end of September. I'd like to be down 20 pounds by then.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @wadwrich That is awesome! Good work!
    @felicitymaywhite Yep! There's people here still!
    @atitagain1958 Well done! That's quite a lot for 1 week!
    @magg1107 I love getting a mani/pedi. I haven't gone to a salon for that in ages, as I'm usually embarrassed over how weak my nails and hair typically are. They're getting better, so I may make an appointment soon.

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    I've set a goal to do 30 miles per week from my exercises. Seeing how much I adore cycling, I figure this is a very reachable goal. My legs feel pretty dang good. However, my arms still feel like limp noodles. I don't have much upper body strength. I'm debating checking yard sales for hand weights or perhaps just investing in a resistance band for upper body stuff.
  • jlolsen516
    jlolsen516 Posts: 18 Member
    Every year it's our tradition to go to the fair and spend a whole day there. Well yesterday was our fair day, and I ate so much junk. I knew I was going to before I went, and I told myself it was okay because it was just one day a year, and we try to make it as fun as possible for our 7 children. Today I feel hung over though. I didn't drink, and I don't drink at all, it's just a junk food hangover. Plus, it gave me a stomach ache while we were there too. I have been doing mfp and exercising almost every day for a month and am only down 10 lbs, but apparently my system has changed! I am proud of myself for doing it, but laying on the couch feeling sick and thinking it was stupid of me to try to eat yesterday like I have previous years.

    I had to get that out somewhere, and nobody in my family cares to hear me go on about my weight loss journey, so yall are the lucky ones. Haha
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jlolsen516 -- yeah, it's funny how our palates can change. I used to love greasy fried foods-- not often, but I found it delicious. Now it just seems kind of gross and heavy to me. Last week friends and I went out to lunch and ordered a couple of appetizers. There were cheese sticks and fried zucchini, bit I stuck with the grilled calamari-- so much tastier to me. Now if I could only lose my love of ice cream and cake!

    @mzfrizz15 -- great goal! If you go to, they have a lot of fun challenges you can join to track your mileage. I bet they have a cycling one.

    @lance-- I also feel I could be doing better and the scale agrees with me. I think 20 lbs by September is a great goal.

    @wadwrich -- Congrats!!

    @jayne and felicity-- Welcome to the thread!

    Sorry I'm missing so many of you in personals today. I'll catch you on the next round. :smile:

    Tuesday Goals:
    I'm honestly at loss for my goals right now b/c the scale is moving in the wrong direction. In the 6 weeks I've been eating at a lower calorie allowance, my weight has gone up rather than down. I've also been way more active lately, and I've been weighing my food whenever possible, so I'm really at a loss. I just checked all my reports on here and in the past 30 days, I've had 5 days over my calorie limit and only 2 days over maintenance. Needless to say, I'm frustrated.

    One thing that is apparent from my reports is that my carbs are high and protein is low, so I guess my current goal is to reverse that. I may also do a couple of days at 1200 net calories, just to try to reset my metabolism.

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners
    4. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 3/12
    Run at least 4/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    208 k done/ 792 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner + work out
    Wed-- walk gunner + work out
    Thurs-- walk gunner + work out
    Fri-- walk gunner before leaving for lake house
    Sat-- at lake house
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Tuesday goals: get a handle on my calories and macros, begin running again.

    I had started Couch to 5k and LOVED it, then I tore both meniscus in my knees. Terrible pain, but I have been able to avoid surgery so far. Doc said they should repair themselves, because aside from being overweight, I'm in decent repair. And I've always had knee issues, so what's new :wink: I need to ease back into it, start with walking this week, then I'll hope back into the program.

    When I stopped breastfeeding, I cut my calories back appropriately. It's a mental game with me. My mind tells me I need to snack when I don't. I need to figure out a way around it. I don't prefer chewing gum at all, and I'm drinking water like its my job. Mind over matter!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2016
    mzfrizz15 wrote: »
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    I've set a goal to do 30 miles per week from my exercises. Seeing how much I adore cycling, I figure this is a very reachable goal. My legs feel pretty dang good. However, my arms still feel like limp noodles. I don't have much upper body strength. I'm debating checking yard sales for hand weights or perhaps just investing in a resistance band for upper body stuff.

    Sure, and in the meantime, while you search the yard sales you can always use cans of soup or tomatoes, etc. Even gallon jugs with nice handles filled with water make good weights also.

    jlolsen516 wrote: »
    I have been doing mfp and exercising almost every day for a month and am only down 10 lbs, but apparently my system has changed! I am proud of myself for doing it, but laying on the couch feeling sick and thinking it was stupid of me to try to eat yesterday like I have previous years.
    I had to get that out somewhere, and nobody in my family cares to hear me go on about my weight loss journey, so yall are the lucky ones. Haha

    10 pounds in one month is very serious weight loss!

    wadwrich wrote: »
    Down to 275 for a total loss of 40 lbs. That's 1/4 of the way to my goal weight. Now the weight on my drivers license isn't a lie anymore.

    Woot! Woot!

    Tuesday Goals -
    I feel like I'm doing OK so far. I think I could be doing better though. One of my best friends is having a bachelor party at the end of September. I'd like to be down 20 pounds by then.

    That is totally do-able. Good luck.

    I get no support at home instead I get told dieting makes me cranky here you should eat more donuts.

    What makes me cranky is when I have been eating a lot of donuts and stuff like that and then go cold-turkey off of them at the same time as cutting my calories in half! Then I not only am hungry but also craving sugar which makes me a total B. Welcome and I hope you get the friends you are seeking.

    Hi - is this still an active forum?
    Been going strong for over 4 years now. Hop on in and share with us. We all started with more than 100# to lose and are at various places along our journeys.

    @those-I-missed ... next time!
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    mzfrizz15 wrote: »
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    I've set a goal to do 30 miles per week from my exercises. Seeing how much I adore cycling, I figure this is a very reachable goal. My legs feel pretty dang good. However, my arms still feel like limp noodles. I don't have much upper body strength. I'm debating checking yard sales for hand weights or perhaps just investing in a resistance band for upper body stuff.

    Sure, and in the meantime, while you search the yard sales you can always use cans of soup or tomatoes, etc. Even gallon jugs with nice handles filled with water make good weights also.

    Sometimes dollar stores will have cheap weights. i got mine from a place called Five Below. Everything is $5 or less. I got 1,2 and 4 pound weights. They also had pilates balls, yoga mats/blocks, resistance bands, jump ropes and other gear.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sorry for my grumpy rant earlier-- just frustrated. But I went to the gym to blow off some steam. I feel much better now though I'm still in a fight with my scale. :angry:

    @moody-- great tip! I would've never thought to check the dollar store for gym equipment.

    @niki-- I know what you mean. I decided to cut back the calories and raise my protein, but there's still gelato in my freezer! I will not touch it unless my protein is at 100 grams AND it fits into my short-term 1200 net calorie goal. Otherwise, it will sit there.

    @MrsFarrow -- I tore my meniscus a couple of years ago. Like you, I didn't need surgery, just some PT. I was so worried I would have to stop running, but since it didn't aggravate the injury or cause my any pain while running, my physical therapist said I could continue a light running schedule. Since "light" is how I would classify my running, it worked out perfectly. LOL! If you haven't already done so, I would highly recommend you go to a running specialty store and get fitted for shoes before you start running again. It's so easy to re-injure if you aren't in the proper running shoes.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners
    4. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 4/12
    Run at least 6/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    211 k done/ 789 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner + work out
    Thurs-- walk gunner + work out
    Fri-- walk gunner before leaving for lake house
    Sat-- at lake house
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I only met one of my goals from last week... I did make progress on not just my bench press, hut on all five of the StrongLifts lifts. Squat is up to 115lbs, and Deadlift is 135. Tomorrow I might make 140.

    I cycled instead of running my 5k. Tried today, and I could only run for a mile before I had to change gears down to a walk, but I made myself walk an extra mile so it all comes out in the wash?

    So goals for this week:
    1.) Hike at least one park or trail.
    2.) Get that 140 deadlift for 70% body weight
    3.) Hit Onederland before I leave for vacation next Tuesday. It's only .6 lbs away, surely I can do that.
    4.) Enjoy the pretty new underthings I bought today when I discovered I could now fit in mainstream bra sizes.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Tuesday goals: don't let life drive me to eat. I know that shoving food in my mouth doesn't make me feel better. I've gotten on track, surprisingly it was from the state fair. We went and I didn't over eat, one corn dog and some of my husbands beer. It was too hot for anything else besides icecream and I just didn't want to waste the calories on something that the kids would eat must if anyways.

    A clarification regarding our contractor. He had been giving us a soft bid of 150K and promising that he could do the job for that amount but when it came time for the hard numbers and the contract that is when his hard bid came in at 225K and didn't include anything beyond the paint on the walls. Flooring, tile, the whole kitchen ect we had to buy and he would install. I am SO done with him!!!

    Well I guess I won't have to stress about how I'm going to eat healthy without a kitchen this fall.
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone,

    It has been a busy week for me. I went to Houston on Friday to pick up my niece so she can stay the rest of the summer with me, but on the way I found out that my cousin had a massive stroke. After 4 days they decided to take him off life support, he hasn't passed yet and that makes it even harder for my family. He is breathing on his own but his O2 sats are only in the 80's. It is only a matter of time until he passes but no idea how long it will be. At least he is peaceful and doesn't seem to be struggling. This is especially hard on us after losing my brother earlier this year in January.

    Well enough of the depressing talk, thanks for letting me vent.

    As for my diet I did cheat while travelling but I kept my portions small and my mom went out of her way to get foods that were low in carbs. I did have a Schlotzski's sandwich though and it was delicious. If you have never had one it is warm deli sandwich on sourdough bun. Not sure if they are in other states but we have them here in Texas.

    So I am not going to go over my missed check ins for the past few days so I will just start with my Tuesday goals.

    I still plan to keep working out every other day and to increase my run/walk each time. My new goal is to go out and put some miles on my bike. I bought a new phone holder to put on my handlebars. I want to test it out. I hope that it is secure enough, I'd hate to drop my phone mid ride.

    @wadwich Congrats on the weight loss. You are doing great!

    @jlolsen516 It is ok to splurge every now and then, I once had a Dr tell me I should indulge at least once a week so I can have a controlled cheat of say a piece of cake instead of binging on the whole

    @mzfrizz15 like I said above I want to get back on the bike again. I haven't since I gained the weight back so it will be a nice change of pace for a workout. I hate using the treadmill and stationary bikes at the gym. It is so easy to quit whenever I feel the slightest twinge of discomfort. If I run or ride outside I have to at least have to go all the way back to where I started.

    @JAYNEROCKS310 I completely understand how hard it is to diet when no one else in the house is dieting. My family are all grown so they can at least cook for themselves. It is especially frustrating because almost everyone complains that they need to lose weight but they don't want to even try the same diet that I am on.

    @trinati2001 That sounds like a horrible contractor. Hopefully you aren't out any deposits by dealing with him. Good luck finding a honest reliable contractor.

    @moodybear2003 it is always amazing the finds you can get from the most unexpected stores. Thanks for the tip.
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Tuesday Goal: Survive this move, up and down a flight of stairs. That's been our workout this week!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)
    I wish the air conditioner was already installed in the bedroom window ... but I procrastinated to do it yesterday so now I'm left with a muggy room this morning. Ah, well, after I finish my breakfast of homemade yogurt with strawberries and walnuts I'll get right on that!
  • jlolsen516
    jlolsen516 Posts: 18 Member
    Okay second time typing this. It somehow disappeared last time...

    ☺ I did not do good yesterday at all! Well, correction, I did good all day, but then lost my resolve at night. I usually go to bed a bit hungry and tell myself to feel proud because that means I am doing this right. Last night I gave in to the beast and had a pb and j sandwich and a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream! Does anybody else picture their hunger as a literal beast trapped inside them? No? Just me? Okay then! Haha... (in case you are curious it's kind of a black panther/dragon mix. It has wings and a spike tail that it whips around while pacing when I'm hungry. I argue with it a lot and it sometimes growls at me.)

    Well today I will do better! It's a new day! If I learn from yesterday, it will at least just be a lesson. Today I am going for a walk even if I don't have somewhere specific to go. A walk around the lake is still better than an hour on the couch!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good Morning.

    @Trinati2001 ~I’m so sorry for the trouble with your current contractor. They do say that whatever you budget for home improvement to expect to pay 20% above that—but the numbers he is coming up with are ridiculous, definitely time to find a new one.

    @cjbrummet ~I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin, good to know he is peaceful and not in pain. I have a cell phone holder on my bike, I found it at a local bike shop—my phone zips inside of it and has a clear cover so I can still easily use my phone.

    @Karen ~I’m so sorry you’re frustrated right now. You have been really active, so it’s possible your calories are set a little too low—but it also looks like you’re making some adjustments to carbs/protein and trying to reset your metabolism. We’ve both been at this so long, we know what to do; so with the changes you're making I hope you see results soon! :smile:

    @Laurie ~I’m glad you’re enjoying your vacation in humid Houston! :wink:

    AFM~Not much to report. I’m watching what I eat really closely since I won’t be able to return to any kind of activity until Aug/Sep, it would be nice if I could lose some weight while I’m healing but I’ll be satisfied as long as I don’t gain anything. I learned about a new fitness place yesterday, it’s a boot camp type place but uses treadmills, rowing machines, suspension systems, and free weights in their sessions—location just a few miles from my house. I have a feeling it’s expensive (but then so is my gym membership), I plan to check it out after doc gives the okay.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    edited July 2016
    @cjbrummet I'm so sorry about your cousin! :( I also understand the boredom on the treadmill/stationary bike. I've been listening to audio books while I peddle on mine to help fend off the boredom longer. Almost done with Tom Sawyer now, lol!

    @badnoodle Wow! I think you did good! Any exercise is good exercise, so long as you don't get hurt, in my book! Go you! Don't feel bad about cycling instead of walking/jogging!

    @jlolsen516 Any exercise is better than no exercise! :) That was my excuse for walking 50 minutes trying to catch pokemon instead of being bored on the stationary bike this morning, LOL!

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    What I really wish is that I could resist the cravings for all things sweet. I can be good all day, but once that first taste of sweet stuff hits my taste buds, my resolve feels like it got hit by a wrecking ball! I also wish I had more confidence. I see so many people out and exercising without a thought in the world, whereas I have taken pains to pick routes where I won't see many people because I'm so embarrassed over how I look. :/
  • jlolsen516
    jlolsen516 Posts: 18 Member
    @mzfrizz15 haha pokemon go is all the rage right now, isn't it!? You're right though, walking around getting pokemon is a more entertaining version of exercise than being on a stationary bike!