All you 5'8" ladies

Just wondering what are you weight loss goals? What body shape and frame size are you? What are you expecting to get out of this journey?

I'd like to get down to my pre-preg weight of 150 lbs. I still have 20 lbs to go. After that I'd like to lose a bit more but it depends on how I feel. If I'm as healthy as can be and my body doesn't want to lose more then I'm not going to sweat it - unless I don't feel healthy enough. 3 years ago I was always steadily around 128 - 132 lbs and was in the best shape of my life - it would be nice to be there again but I'm not going to worry about that right off the bat. My body shape is smaller boned with an athletic frame (I think that's why I always feel my best at a lower weight.) I'm expecting to feel strong and to be a great example for my son!

Your turn =)


  • I'm 5'8 and about 138 right now. I've been fluctuating between 142-138 for months. I too was at my lowest last summer, at 127. I loved it. I wore whatever I wanted and didn't feel insecure about my body for the first time in my life. I had time to think about other things, talk about freedom. I would like to be 127-125. I have a short term goal to get to 132 I feel good at this weight, I am neither too skinny or chubby. I want to feel thin though and 127-125 is where I feel the healthiest and happiest.
  • im 5'8, but my goal weight is around 150- 160. that would be healthy for me i think seeing as im an athlete. ive been playing soccer since i was 7 so after 15 years and i have alot of muscle especially in the legs (like most people who play sports). i am at 178 now so about 20-25 pounds to go. i dont want to be too skinny, but i would like to be toned and strong. good luck=)
  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    I was 125 lbs before babies, and I'd love to get down that low, but I've started lifting over a month ago so I know I'll lose fat but I'd rather be 145 lbs and muscular than my previous 125 and have no muscles! I'm sorta pear shaped (I have wide hips), sort of apple.. My weight is in the love handles and belly and hips, but my legs and arms are skinny.. I've also got a med-large frame.. I just want to be healthy.. have a bikini ready body.. and lose the weight so I can get my tummy tuck/boob job and my new wardrobe I've been dying for! Good luck! Nice to see other tall ladies :) Seems like most forums I read are for the shorter gals.. !
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    Im 5'8 and going for about 160-170 but ive been over 300 lbs the majorty of my soon as im able to fit in something below a size 16 im gonna feel small...loll
  • allenlisa
    allenlisa Posts: 96
    I'm 5'9 and pretty much the opposite body frame from what you explained. My pre-pregnancy weight ranged from 140-150 (I was smaller in highschool 125-135) Anything below 140ish and I start looking anorexic. I'm 193 and my goal is 150 and like you If I'm happy and healthy at that I'll stop there but my ultimate goal is to just be healthy and set a good expample for my 4 kids.
  • supergirlpw
    supergirlpw Posts: 16 Member
    5'7" here....starting weight 158
    set a goal weight of 140 (seemed appropriate for my medium athletic body shape)
    the day i hit my goal i caught a cold and hadn't been sick in years!
    new goal more colds and i feel GREAT!
    might have been those intense spin classes?
    would LOVE 135 but losing those last few pounds was like pulling teeth and i had to look at how i wanted to live my life!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and aiming for around 130-140lbs...think I'll have more of an idea the closer I get to it. I'm around 178lbs at the moment
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm 5'8.75" (I usualy just say 5'9"). I'm medium - large framed (most people might say I'm large framed but I play rugby and know some truly large framed women). 145 is my lowest adult weight and I was truly happy at it (actually, upper body was a little too skinny while my lower body was still a bit heavy). I was a size 8. That's my current goal, but I'm working out a lot more this time so if I fit into my pre-PG clothes before 145 this time, I'll probably stop. I haven't been below 145 since 8th grade and have no plans to ever do so.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently very overweight at 234.5 pounds. Lost 4 lbs so far and I have a long way to go. I have always had a large frame. My goal weight is 140 but maybe less... I just want to get there first and see how I feel. I've NEVER been thin, so reaching my goal would be amazing. Putting on clothes without fat bulging out everywhere is something I'm so excited about. I just found MFP 2 weeks ago and I'm loving it so far!!! The food diary on my Android is amazing and I can even scan bar codes of the foods I am eating. Happy 4th everyone!
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    I'm 5'8.5" and started at 180 right after I had my baby. 140 is my current goal and I have 9 more pounds to go. Not worried about getting to a highschool weight like some people - I'm a woman now! Lol 140 would be nice but a lot of toning needs to happen too. Medium/small frame hourglass shape.
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'8, currently 195lb and hoping for 140.
  • smex14
    smex14 Posts: 48
    Hi guys, hello to you all! I'm 5'8" and currently about 175lbs. At my heaviest I was about 224lbs, so I feel I've done really well so far! MY ultimate goal atm is 154lbs (11 stone) but In the shorter term I would love to get below 168!

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member

    Nice to meet you all :)

    Very nice to meet everyone! =)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm 5' 8" and a medium frame. When I weighed between 150-155 lbs back in my mid-20's is when I seemed to look my best. I'm not going for an exact number. I'd like to be more fit than I was then, so I'm not sure what my final number will be. I'll be satisfied when I look defined/toned and all my health numbers are good (blood pressure/cholesterol). I assume I'll fit into size 10 or 12's in the end.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm 5'8.75" (I usualy just say 5'9").

    This is me exactly! =)

    I am also an athlete, but a dancer (so I need to look skinny enough for my artistic director to renew my contract!). I think 145ish is perfect for that goal, but I'd like to be a little under at the end of the summer (maybe 142-143?) so I have some room to add some winter pounds, which I always do!!
  • honeyX0
    honeyX0 Posts: 26
    I'm 5'8 and a large frame hourglass figure, my goal is 170... I have 20 lbs gone and 50 lbs to go. At 220 lbs I wear a 16 so I have no clue about what size I will be... but I am excited to find out ;)
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    I'm not going for an exact number. I'd like to be more fit than I was then, so I'm not sure what my final number will be.
    That is also how I feel. I'd like to get down to 150 (pre-preg weight) and then take it from there. Numbers aren't as important as health ;)
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    5'8" Started at 152, now stuck at 143. I figure I need to lose about 8-10 more pounds. How do I figure? I grab some fat on my left inner thigh, grab some more on my right thigh, some love handles.....I just figure it equals around 8 - 10 # Frustrated at being stuck though!!!!
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    How do I figure? I grab some fat on my left inner thigh, grab some more on my right thigh, some love handles.....I just figure it equals around 8 - 10
    lol - this made me laugh =)
  • daniilosnit
    daniilosnit Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'8 and I'm at 153.8 with a medium frame, my goal is 150. I was 187 three months ago. I was an athlete in middle and highschool and my weight was 145 but I was thin then. Based on how i look now I'm fine with 150 the weight is proportioned diffrently this time and I like my body more now than I did when i was in highschool. Anything more and I'll look weird