Ladies: How much protein do you eat daily? (For those exercising without focusing on muscles)

For those that are doing cardio exercises and not really focusing on building muscles. How much protein do you usually eat per day?


  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    I can't speak for them I try keep my protein at least at 120gr a day 150+ on workout days

    You still need muscles to run or do cardio , I think the minimum for women is around 60gr or something crazy low
  • OneTwentyThree
    OneTwentyThree Posts: 186 Member
    I can't speak for them I try keep my protein at least at 120gr a day 150+ on workout days

    You still need muscles to run or do cardio , I think the minimum for women is around 60gr or something crazy low

    What kind of exercising do you do ? And what sources do you use for all that protein ? If you were to eat less than 120 do you feel less energy, hungry, etc?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    For those that are doing cardio exercises and not really focusing on building muscles. How much protein do you usually eat per day?

    To help maintain muscle mass furing weight loss, it should be around .8 to 1g per lb of lean body mass or roughly .6g to .8g per lb of weight.

    And you should do some resistance training to work your skeletal system and not just your cardio system.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    I try to eat at least 100g protein per day, since it keeps me full and I want to avoid losing too much muscle as I'm losing weight.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I make sure I hit a minimum of 100g on days I workout, no less than 80g when I don't.

    I do have to have protein powder shakes on occasion to make sure I hit my goal but it's fine. Oddly enough, since I was overweight, I don't have a large appetite. My problem was always boredom eating (whole bags of chips) and not being active at all. So this does make it hard to meet my goal at times. Hence the shake.
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    Not enough. My goal is 100g, but typical is 50-60g. I have a hard time meeting my calorie deficit and getting enough protein at the same time. Something I need to make a point to work on.
  • srlekhak
    srlekhak Posts: 27 Member
    Between 40-60 mg. I find it very tough to include enough protein in my diet, but working on it.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    25% of my daily calories are protein
  • Zipp237
    Zipp237 Posts: 255 Member
    edited July 2016
    Around the recommended amount (66g for me), but some days less and some more. Probably more Less days than More days, tbh.

    I wouldn't say that I don't focus on muscles, but I don't do it obsessively. I don't try to build big muscles and I won't follow fads like eat this many calories at these times or eat lots and lots of protein or whatever comes next. I eat a healthy, balanced diet and I exercise to keep myself toned. I don't know if you'd call that "focusing" on it or not.
  • Calimama123
    Calimama123 Posts: 128 Member
    About 150 gm/day. I eat a lot of lean turkey, chicken, eggs, and nonfat greek yogurt.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I tend to get 1g per lbs body weight, more if I can squeeze it in.
    I am F, 62, 5'1 and 100-105 in maintenance. Keeping a higher protein level at my age is more important for muscle retention than if I was younger where .65-85g would be enough.

    Cheers, h.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    125g per day. I do cardio everyday and lift 3x a week. Even just doing cardio I still do 125g a day. I eat fish, cheese, greek yogurt with protein powder, cottage cheese. Eggs once in a while.
  • jmidd97
    jmidd97 Posts: 84 Member
    I do quite a bit of sport, and found my performance improved heaps at about 125g-150g protein per day. I'm female, 5'3-5'4, 18 years old and 113lbs.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 125-130 pounds. I eat between 85-100 grams a day.
    I do an hour of cardio a day plus weightlifting every other day.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I do cardio 5 days a week and lifting once. I average about 100g of protein daily.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
  • OneTwentyThree
    OneTwentyThree Posts: 186 Member
    LokiGrrl wrote: »
    I'm trying to do 30% protein which works out to about 144g. Protein is just difficult for me. I'm all like OH GOD PLEASE NO MORE TUNA. :cold_sweat:

    YES lol thats how I feel, I am so sick of chicken and tuna
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    LokiGrrl wrote: »
    I'm trying to do 30% protein which works out to about 144g. Protein is just difficult for me. I'm all like OH GOD PLEASE NO MORE TUNA. :cold_sweat:

    I so hear you on the tuna. My cat really loves me now though as she inherits the left overs. Luckily I can eat a whole lot of cottage cheese and yogurt.

    Cheers, h.
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    edited July 2016
    I try to aim for 100-115. Some days I'm around 90. Some days it's hard for me to get a lot of protein in.