Pokemon Go



  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    This Pokemon Go is set up by Niantic Labs (Google) on the portal locations of Ingress (Ingress.com) which I have enjoyed playing since it started. In fact most of the Poke stops and gyms were submitted by Ingress players. It is similar to a global game of capture the flag. I was walking at the time due to running knee pain and thought it would be fun to do. I enjoyed the competition and started running between portals to attack more. I kept this up for months until I realized I was running about seven miles a day and my knees didn't hurt. The interval running was the trick. I lost over fifty pounds and was in the best shape of my life. I even do half marathons now. The Pokemon players are a bit confused when I run up and play and run off because I am not playing their game. Now I only do Ingress runs when I am slowly trying to build up miles after a break. You don't have to stare at your phone the whole time which makes it safer in my opinion. I am one of the only Ingress players in my area that doesn't have a gas bill and also ride my bike to play. I have met some great people too. Level 15 if you are interested.
  • LunariusHaberdash
    LunariusHaberdash Posts: 44 Member
    edited July 2016
    I've walked about 15 miles this past week. If I keep going at the same rate, I'll be walking about 21 next week as we go for longer and longer walks playing it. :) It's good harmless fun, and we encountered someone last night who was playing and we became a wandering group of players and new friends. Our local players have a meetup every week down at our park and we all go out and hunt Pokemon and chat and have a great time as new people join.

    Best Gym Ever
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    How do you get Pokemon with higher CP?
  • wolfgirl78
    wolfgirl78 Posts: 56 Member
    You can power them up with star dust and breed specific candies and the higher your trainer level, the higher the cp will be on the Pokemon you catch
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    My husband and I are having a blast. I even get the kids at work helping me run around looking for them at the park and such. I'm not into levelling them up but I do want to catch them all! I have never seen my husband voluntarily take a walk until this game. Seriously been on him for months and now he has eggs to hatch.
  • LunariusHaberdash
    LunariusHaberdash Posts: 44 Member
    Had a great gather last night in Olean, NY. About 30 people showed up downtown at a local park. Great times were had, friends were made, and Pokemon were caught!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Anyone play ingress?
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    We went out to dinner with our kids and there were Pokestops and gyms everywhere! It was awesome!

    Caught my first Jigglypuff!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Anyone play ingress?

    Is Ingress for me. I like that it involves more planning and teamwork. There is something that just doesn't click for me in pokemon. The funny thing is that because I submitted a "couch portal" for ingress I now have a gym in front of my house.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    I love playing it. Be careful though. My mom informed me last night that people are putting lures on pokestops to attract pokemon go players and then robbing them at gun point (my mom is a dispatcher and has apparently had a lot of calls about it).

    So sad... And pathetic!

    But true. Adults should know better, I am concerned about the distracted children. Kids get too distracted, I saw a child run right into the pond in our local park, Looking for Pokemon.

    And why the emphasis on battles etc. Don't we have enough battles on TV news between the cops and civilians right now?

    Adults should know better,they are targets. It has been reported that adults have fallen from cliffs already. And finding dead bodies is not my idea of a fun time.

    I do see that organizations could get kids and parents to parks, etc. for events with this. But using it like it currently used? Not so good.

    If I want to take a long walk with my phone, I will use geocaching or simply listen to podcasts while walking. Not nearly as distracting.
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    I want to hurt anyone I see playing that game, not paying attention to anything else, and are in my way!
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    So far, and I am in the UK, I have seen what can only be described as dangerous behavior. I've seen people do an emergency stop in their cars as they "spotted" a pokemon, blocking roads, pavements, cycle paths (pedestrians that is - super irritating when you're trying to cycle), getting in the way of others who are trying to get somewhere, walking into trees/lamp-posts/getting really close to the edge of water (I thought that the players were supposed to be able to see their surroundings through their cameras?), neglecting their children (to a point whereby earlier today we saw two children (probably about 5 or six years old) almost fall into a lake - their parents were playing the game and let the children wander off so they decided to play by the side of and in the lake.

    Absolute madness. I cannot get over the idiocy of people.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Me and my dog are loving it, right now we walk round and go to the pokéstops (I have a 14 stop walk that I've tried to do the last 2 days and both days the servers went down) and I collect any Pokémon that pop up I have nothing high enough to fight at a gym yet so I'm just collecting and walking and in my first week of having the game I lost 4.9lbs.

    I have seriously been in a funk for the last 3 to 4 months, just about managing a 16 - 20lb gain, that is now a 15.2lb gain. If it can do this for me then I'm all for it, yes you do need to be aware, I avoid anywhere with loads of people due to being slightly embarrassed at being a 43 yr old Pokémon playing woman, i have perfected pokéstops on the go though.
  • AuraLynne
    AuraLynne Posts: 16 Member
    I love the game so far. And there are always good and bad with anything, especially something newer to the general population. A personal reason why I continue to use it besides it being fun, is that my husband is also starting to pick it up and do a bit of walking finally. And he's even asked to get our mountain bikes repaired.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    I think the good outweighs the bad with Pokemon Go. I love how it gets people moving, and interacting with each other. It's a fun social game, that gets gamers, kids, and adults outside participating in something fun together.

    Are there people that will take advantage of this? ..yes. Will kids become distracted, and excited? ..of course. We as parents can educate our kids on how to play the game safely.

    Get out there and play!☀️

  • nemmer315
    nemmer315 Posts: 6 Member
    I love it!

    I downloaded it for nostalgia's sake and seeing what used to be tiny grey pixels on a green screen suddenly become fully rendered 3D animations in the "real world"!

    I went out and played it properly on Sunday and it was amazing :) I had no idea that there were so many points of interest in my town. It's definitely making me look for excuses to walk to the shop or have a walk outside on my lunch break. It eats a lot of battery life, but I suppose it depends how long you use it for.

    You also get eggs that hatch when you walk a certain distance so you can set yourself goals. I think if it was integrated into the MyFitnessPal app, that would be amazing!

    I think zombiesRun! should be integrated as well.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I decided that Pokemon is just not for me as in I just don't get it. I did go out at 4:00 this morning and did an Ingress run. I ran four miles and racked up 100,000 AP linking downtown. Best part is I don't have to look at my phone while I am running because I know where each portal is. Ingress is what got me into running so I am going to stick with it. I also love to watch the confused Pokemon players when I run to what they think is a Gym or Poke stop in their game but a portal in Ingress. They can't figure out how run and play.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    My daughter caught a Pikachu yesterday!!! <3