I'm doubting I can handle all this change.

Hello there fitfam
I'm currently working a full time job where I'm constantly around food. (Mostly unhealthy) I have pretty much a lot of fitness and nutrition information I need to start my journey. I also follow fitness gurus on youtube and instagram, to get some of their advice. So here's the juggle. I'm wanting to start this along with starting college classes for the first time. I'm just doubting myself to even be able to handle work and school yet alone my focus on fitness. I don't know what to do


  • crystalmgriff
    crystalmgriff Posts: 23 Member
    Wanted to add this...it's crazy bc I'm so into fitness and health but only watching other people's journey. When I watch them and see their journey I'm so modivated to make a change but I never take action for myself.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    First, starting something new like college classes is supposed to help you form new habits or break old ones. Think of it as a clean slate! You will have a whole new routine to your day, so you can mold it into anything you want!

    Secondly, take it one step at a time. Don't think of ALL the many things you want to change. Change one thing. Then another. Don't overwhelm yourself. And remember that you don't have to eat super perfect all the time. As long as you stay within your calories, you will lose weight (or maintain, or gain, whatever your goal is). And as far as eating better foods for health and nutrition, I like to think of it as adding new things to my diet rather than changing everything I eat. I started having a snack of fruit and cottage cheese every day mid-morning. I started adding a veggie side dish to dinner every night. Not huge changes, just adding something good here and there. :)
  • dabry05
    dabry05 Posts: 14 Member
    I lost 100 lb in between march 2015-feb 2016. The thing that always failed me before would be that I'd try to do everything all at once. My advice would be to isolate the single worst thing you're doing for your health, and replace it with something better for you. Also try to do something that gets your heart rate up 3-4x a week for 30 min minimum. When you feel comfortable after you've made that adjustment, find something else that's a behavior that isn't getting you to where you want to go, and change that.

    For example, for the first month, I just gave up soda. Second month, it was really awful fast food (like high sodium Chinese takeout/Arby's type stuff). Third month, ok-ish (not obviously unhealthy) fast food a couple times a week, and so on and so forth.

    The thing that I think stops most people is they think they have to change everything overnight, and you really don't. I still am isolating things that aren't the best I could be doing with my life to be fit, and changing... and sometimes I feel like I have a long way to go. :)
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 461 Member
    yep, one thing at a time. Take a month doing that and then move on to a second new habit.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I note a shade of "all or nothing" thinking in your plans. Boy, I got a whole lot more done in a year when I started to leave that behind. Every action you take towards your health and fitness will help you get to where you want to go.

    Of course you can't change everything at once. You change one thing, and then another. If I were in your shoes, here's the priority I would make.

    1. Work out your college class schedule, your readings, and assignments first. Everything will fit around that.
    2. You can get lots of cardio running between classes.
    3. I am assuming your food-related work, with lots of temptation, offers food at a discount? If so, poor college student, take advantage! You mentioned that most of the choices are not so good, but scope out the healthier ones, and decide what portions daily would be appropriate.
  • nmagyar76
    nmagyar76 Posts: 13 Member
    I was able to workout more in college than I do now. I figured out a schedule that worked for me and made it stick. Good luck.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I think either you're not ready to lose the weight or you're just complicating the process a lot more than necessary.
    All you need to is enter your info into MFP to get your daily calorie goal and maybe try to move more. Eat less, move more! Watch yourself lose!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Wanted to add this...it's crazy bc I'm so into fitness and health but only watching other people's journey. When I watch them and see their journey I'm so modivated to make a change but I never take action for myself.

    Not really the same thing, but I'm a bit like this with craft projects! I have sooo many pages bookmarked, notes scribbled down, pictures saved and so on, lots of ideas I'd love to try. I'm unemployed right now so I really have no excuse. But I haven't started a single thing... there's so much I want to do that I don't know where to start!

    It sounds like this is your problem - you're overwhelmed with information, and although you're motivated you don't know where to begin. Like other people have said, just pick one thing and make a start. Once you have your college schedule that should help you to know how you can fit in some extra activity around your work and classes, too.

    Begin with one small thing, experience success, change another small thing, have more success, keep the ball rolling. :) As @jgnatca said, every action helps. Just start!
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    Quit your job, enroll in college, take a nutrition class and start your journey. You can do it!
  • crystalmgriff
    crystalmgriff Posts: 23 Member
    I think either you're not ready to lose the weight or you're just complicating the process a lot more than necessary.
    All you need to is enter your info into MFP to get your daily calorie goal and maybe try to move more. Eat less, move more! Watch yourself lose!

    Yess, I tend to overthink things. Thanks for the advice.
  • crystalmgriff
    crystalmgriff Posts: 23 Member
    kendahlj wrote: »
    Quit your job, enroll in college, take a nutrition class and start your journey. You can do it!

    I definitely can not quot my job. I own my own home so that's not an option. But thanks, wish I could☺
  • crystalmgriff
    crystalmgriff Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for amazing advice. I totally over think things. One day, one step, one change, at a time!! :smile:
  • 22Brentwoodgirl
    22Brentwoodgirl Posts: 51 Member
    You might just have "analysis paralysis". Just use MFP and track your calories to keep your intake in the appropriate range for your goals.College is a great time to start new habits! Find like minded people and hang out with them. Meet them in the school fitness centre, the pool, the weight room etc. Join a dance or aerobics class. Go to freshman orientation and join interesting activities. It is so much easier, and more fun, to be with active people. They will also be facing the same challenges you will. Enjoy and good luck!