the lies we tell

theGuest Posts: 117 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
do you ever find yourself in a crazing and tell yourself...

"it's just one cookie! it wont hurt!"
when you know it will turn into about 15


"they say indulging once in a while will help you stay on track... so a snickers bar is actually a good thing??"

that one is my fav.

what do you do to get over it??? cause i really want a cookie!



  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    do you ever find yourself in a crazing and tell yourself...

    "it's just one cookie! it wont hurt!"
    when you know it will turn into about 15


    "they say indulging once in a while will help you stay on track... so a snickers bar is actually a good thing??"

    that one is my fav.

    what do you do to get over it??? cause i really want a cookie!

  • Patwin55
    Patwin55 Posts: 100 Member
    If you don't have the self-control to only eat one cookie, have four ounces of skim milk with it and get rid of the remainder. I had to feed my cookies to my dogs. Prayer helps me, and an activity or hobby that keeps my hands busy so I can't snak. I hid all the chocolate in the back of the freezer, but I know where it is.... Balanced small meals are great because I only crave "bad" stuff when I am really hungry..
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    That is exactly what I did today....4 oreos later :tongue:
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member


    i'm having visions of me gnawing on frozen chocolate bars at like 1am.

  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    Keeping your hands busy is good. Take up crotching, it is supposed to be very time consuming...
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    I hid all the chocolate in the back of the freezer, but I know where it is....

    There is a huge Hersey Bar in my cabinet but a serving is 4 square = 200 cals and 20 g of fat. I would love to devour it but is it worth it to consume that much cals and fat in something that won't even fill you up!!!
  • bigdane321
    bigdane321 Posts: 233 Member
    I only ate one cookie! Really just one. I would never eat more. If you take two cookies and sandwich them together does that count as one cookie. I've never done that of coarse. It's not so much that I lie, I just confuse the truth a little. Hang in there MFP's you can't have your hand in the cookie jar all of the time right.
  • i was proud of myself. i gave the kids sunchips for a snack a few minutes ago and was very happy that i didn't have any after they were all gone.
    i just got done licking the inside of the bag.....
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    I hid all the chocolate in the back of the freezer, but I know where it is....

    There is a huge Hersey Bar in my cabinet but a serving is 4 square = 200 cals and 20 g of fat. I would love to devour it but is it worth it to consume that much cals and fat in something that won't even fill you up!!!


  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member

  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    That is exactly what I did today....4 oreos later :tongue:

    I'm impressed that you can stop at 4 oreos. I've been known to put away an entire bag of double stuff by myself in a weekend!

    I just have to stay away from them now. I'm testing myself with a bowl of miniature hersheys on my desk and I'm actually able to ignore them. Well, almost. Or, at least most of the time.

    Someday I may be able to face oreos but it may be a long time coming. :ohwell:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I just don't keep it in the house. It's easy for me since I'm in charge of groceries for my bf and I, and I don't have the money to spend on extras. Plus I just realize that I need to reserve my calories for useful things since I am constantly depriving my body of energy and making it feed off of itsself. That's mean enough without putting junk food in it :laugh:
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Flachix put a poem in here awhile back (and I'll probably mess it up) but it makes a great mantra for me when I want something I shouldn't eat...


    Hope that helps
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Oh my favorite is or was (no more negative thinking for me LOL)...I've already screwed up today....will start fresh tom....soooo why not go out w/ a bang! ......15 mins later and an empty ben&jerry's in front of a sad gal watching crappy tv late at night saying to herself....why?! :sad:

    That's what I've been visualizing lately anyway...seems to help in some twisted way! lol:ohwell:

    Usually I brush my teeth...and try to keep busy...if I'm lounging after my son is alseep I will cut coupons, paint my nails....wish I could knit lol...things like that....and OH and exercise....move to some cool jams after dinner when you want that snack....even if its for a little work up a sweat and get this rush and it shuts of the end up thristy and drinking water mmm!:drinker:

    anyway that's all I got lmbo...hope you win over that chocolate bar as sweet and frozenly delicious as it sounds:devil: aint' worth it hon! lol
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I was happy last night...I made chocolate chip cookies and ate ONE. I ate ONE! And I was all, "Wow that is SO sweet!" and just turned off by it LOL
    I used to be the kind of person that could eat half the batch!
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