Men in tights...

joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
Convo this morning got me thinking, is this something you all see at your local gyms? I'm talking about the under armour/Nike compression ones. I wear them on occasion, especially on deadlift days since I already have enough scars on my shins from the bar hitting my legs.

Out of curiosity, what say ye MFP - men in tights, yay or nay?


  • dangspecial
    dangspecial Posts: 2 Member
    I support men in tights because tights support men. Seems like a good thing.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Wear what you want to wear. I wear anything from running shorts, basketball shorts and cargo shorts, to capris and tights depending on the weather and my mood.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I see them sometimes in the gym...usually with a pair of looser mesh type gym shorts over.

    Personally, I would rather see a man at the gym in compression tights thats holds everything in place, than a man at the gym in loose cotton pants where everythin hangs free and moves...A LOT. :shudder:.

    But honestly......i dont care what you wear. If i dont like it....I wont look.
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    Damn it Jeolo, I never really paid any attention to what people wear at the gym. I see them, yes, but never thought much about it. Today, though, I'm gonna. Gee...thanks!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I wear tights usually on leg day and when I run (keeps inside of thigh from rubbing).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    I personally don't like to see men in tights. It makes the package really stick out and I can't avoid staring and it. I also think it looks feminine but to each their own. I see men in compression shorts a lot and I never think twice about it. Wear whatever you're comfortable with and what fits your needs.
  • JessicaJS23
    JessicaJS23 Posts: 1,863 Member
    Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!
  • estrimp81
    estrimp81 Posts: 53 Member
    I will wear them with a pair of shorts over them, but I don't really care if someone wants to wear tights to workout. Honestly when I walk into the gym and see a guy with his shirt off (in a family gym) that bothers me more. Just wear a tank top or something lighter. Just my opinion though.
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    Tights are fine. Booty shorts however...
  • ShrinkingKerrie
    ShrinkingKerrie Posts: 338 Member
    I don't see men in my gym wearing those but there is a man who comes to my spin class wearing cycling shorts and its hard not to look at what's protruding at the front haha. I don't mind what people wear, it's up to them.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Dunno about for deadlifts but for sports performance I was going to buy some compression stuff as everyone else seemed to be wearing it and read somewhere they made no difference bar the person thinking they made a difference. I decided to invest in more superhero socks to wear with shorts.
  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    Why not wear deadlift socks op?

    Thank you for this, didn't even know they were a thing. All I ever saw people use were the knee sleeves but as much as the Rehbands were I didn't want to ruin them.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    edited July 2016
    What is the hang up? Are we pretending that men don't have packages, or women don't have JJs? Or boobs? How many women walk around in tights that are revealing? Go to the gym, work out, wear what you feel good in, look at what you want to. Don't be intrusive if you're looking, and don't be offended if you're being looked at.

    Guess what? We're human...we're SUPPOSED to be attracted to each other!

    (I had to use euphemisms because I am SURE MFP would censor the correct terms in what is otherwise a rational adult discussion...bay-stids!)
  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
    Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!

    Tell us how you really feel lmao
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    joelo_83 wrote: »
    I personally don't like to see men in tights. It makes the package really stick out and I can't avoid staring and it. I also think it looks feminine but to each their own. I see men in compression shorts a lot and I never think twice about it. Wear whatever you're comfortable with and what fits your needs.

    This made me chuckle... almost want to power pose legs spread all over the gym now hahaha

    Pose away, just know that all of us women WILL be starting at your junk....So men might be too
  • jester13
    jester13 Posts: 408 Member
    I wear them. I like them to swear comfortably.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I have several pair of compression pants. Some are crop/Capri length, some are full length. I have no issues with them
  • huntergraymua
    huntergraymua Posts: 11 Member
    Wear whatever you like and is comfortable to you. If you're jogging down the street in a banana hammock, more power to you