Turning around really bad binging--anybody on Vyvanse or related? I really need something to help.

I have tried every diet, all types of meals/timing, intermittent fasting, exercising longer, shorter. I have major sleep issues and can't get my mind off food, eating, not eating ,etc. it's taking over my life and I really feel like I would be a good candidate for vyvnase. Any experiences on this or another drug similar?

I don't have a good "full" button...I've never been tested for add/adhd but wondering if this is part of the reason? I lost a lot of weight years ago but gained most of it back, BMI is around 28 now and I'm miserable. I exercise daily and it helps in the morning but I am in food hell daily trying to decide when to give in and eat, eat clean, cut carbs, try having carbs and low fat...nothing else has worked.

I am VERY bad with keeping portions small. eating frequently doesn't help, intermittent fasting makes me feel exhausted until I break it...and calories are still too high with it. then i just have total binge days.

The last thing I need to hear is having self control. I had excellent self control to lose 50+lbs years ago from size 16 to size 2....severe sleep issues developed from it...the binging began after years of dieting. Now I can't stay in a deficit and wakeup hourly if I manage to get through the day on less than 2000 calories.

I would like to hear from people who are dealing with this and finding solutions. I haven't had a period for years, even being overweight although i lost it when i was BMI 19. low progesterone/estrogen. not sure if this is even a factor with cravings/appetite control.

I feel like no amount of therapy will give me the will power with eating. If you have any experience with vyvnase or another drug please share.


  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Maybe that will help. Even fruit makes me crave more sugar. and low carb i feel awful. i binge on nuts and nut butters. heavy animal fat makes me feel gross. but yes cutting white sugar is definitely realistic.
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    You will feel much better about everything when you get your hormones straightened out. :)
    I hope that you can get to a doctor.

    Do you think that will help? I feel like my body is just broken.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    edited July 2016
    First of all, there is not one perfect way of eating to lose weight. As long as you are below your calories you will lose weight. Low carb, IF, frequent meals are just a few of the ways some people find make it easier for them to stay in a deficit. Others like 3 big meals instead of 6 small meals. Lots of protein, fiber, and moderate amount of healthy fat in each meals helps many people stay full longer. It sounds like you worry about losing weight the perfect way and if it doesn't work that day you give up and binge.

    Maybe start with eating at maintenance. Just practice tracking your food without any issues of hunger. Then make a small cut, 300 calories or so. You may get hungry but it should not be severe. After a week cut a little more until you are in a reasonable deficit for how much weight you have to lose. You don't have to go to two pounds a week if that makes you not sleep. Losing one pound a week while being able to sleep is better than trying for two and binging.

    And also realize that we all have off days where we eat more than our calories. Just brush it off and get back to tracking the next meal. No need to restrict yourself after or go on a binge, it is just part of life. Any diet won't work if you are consistently binging out of hunger or a feeling you messed up. But any diet that lessens calories will work if it is followed CONSISTENTLY.
  • earthakin66
    earthakin66 Posts: 49 Member
    You've already gotten some great advice here. I have ADD too and find my impulsivity control to be lacking, which leads to binges. That, and I believe sugar and flour send me into a frenzy. I agree that you should go to the doctor for tests. Even if you have reasons why you don't think it will work, cut out flour and sugar for one month and see if you feel better. It is only a month and you might see good results. You can add food back in to your diet, right now you are just trying to get an idea of what feels right to you. Once you eliminate foods you can add some back in slowly and notice how your body and mind react.
  • AussiePeach
    AussiePeach Posts: 49 Member
    Vynase and dexamphetamine aren't some magical weight loss drugs. From personal experience using them for non ADD related treatment, they have no effect on my appetite.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited July 2016
    You must see your gyno and get your hormones and thyroid check out.
    Iodine is essential for making thyroid hormone. If the foods you are eating contain none, make sure your daily multivitamin contains it (some don't).
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks everyone. i've had a lot of bloodwork done which just showed low estrogen and progesterone. it didn't reveal much else. i am already on armour thyroid for hypothyroidism. i guess ill go back to lower carbs with no wheat and sugar and see if that helps. i did it for years before. the more i restrict the less foods i have to choose from i suppose.
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Also hoping to hear from others who have tried vyvnase for experiences. everyone is different i know. but if i have this problem and it is used for BED I am hoping it may help.
  • thatdesertgirl777
    thatdesertgirl777 Posts: 269 Member
    I have been healed from this. Here are the things that helped me the most:

    1. The blog and book brainoverbinge.com . The technique they teach to stop a binge works great. I can't recommend the book enough, but there is tons of great info free on the site too. Nia shanks has great articles about stopping binging as well.

    2. Also helpful was limiting sugar to no more than 5grams per meal. This way I never spiked my insulin enough to cause cravings, but I could still fit in things like a tablespoon of ketchup, coffee creamer, etc.

    3. Similar to above, no refined grains. So basically only eat brown rice, whole wheat bread, beans etc. no white flour because it also turns to sugar faster and causes cravings for people who binge.

    4. Most importantly, stop counting calories. I've never met a person who has binge eating disorder, who hasn't started it by chronic dieting. Until you stop dieting and allow your mind and body to trust that you aren't going to restrict, you will continue to fight the binge monster. I waited until I was binge free for 6 months before I started tracking again. And I didn't gain while I wasn't counting, because I wasn't binging! I was able to follow natural hunger and fullness cues again.

    Good luck!
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    I have been healed from this. Here are the things that helped me the most:

    1. The blog and book brainoverbinge.com . The technique they teach to stop a binge works great. I can't recommend the book enough, but there is tons of great info free on the site too. Nia shanks has great articles about stopping binging as well.

    2. Also helpful was limiting sugar to no more than 5grams per meal. This way I never spiked my insulin enough to cause cravings, but I could still fit in things like a tablespoon of ketchup, coffee creamer, etc.

    3. Similar to above, no refined grains. So basically only eat brown rice, whole wheat bread, beans etc. no white flour because it also turns to sugar faster and causes cravings for people who binge.

    4. Most importantly, stop counting calories. I've never met a person who has binge eating disorder, who hasn't started it by chronic dieting. Until you stop dieting and allow your mind and body to trust that you aren't going to restrict, you will continue to fight the binge monster. I waited until I was binge free for 6 months before I started tracking again. And I didn't gain while I wasn't counting, because I wasn't binging! I was able to follow natural hunger and fullness cues again.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for this. when you say no more than 5 grams of sugar, that means no fruit? i understand if t hat is the case just curious.
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks for this. I don't know if I believe veganism is the answer. Nor is low carb, fad diets. But I agree about slowly trying to eat less. I feel like I can't eat throughout the day and have to fast to keep calories low.
    Here are some other suggestions:
    -- Gradually wean yourself to have lower calories. Say you're eating 2600 now, do 2500 for the rest of the week. Then 2400 the week after. Then 2300. It won't be as abrupt so I think it'd be less likely you'd feel so hungry all the time.
    -- Eat more fiber. This is one nutrient that is HIGHLY correlated with weight loss (as opposed to carbs, fat, etc).
    -- Eat less high-fat foods because they are very calorie dense. You said you don't like to have small portions -- well eating foods with a lot of fat, you will have to have small portions. One tablespoon of olive oil is 120 calories! You could eat like 10 tomatoes for that amount. Use non-stick pans and some water for sauteeing, and use parchment paper or a silpat mat for baking. And oil is unnecessary in stuff like hummus if you're trying to lose weight, you can just use water and it's essentially the same taste, but you get to have an extra serving.
    -- Emphasis on big volume meals -- so a ton of vegetables, legumes, and low-cal sauces (like balsamic, mustard, soy sauce) should be like 80% of what is on your plate. For starch, sweet potatoes, gluten-free pastas (not that gluten is bad, but these are made out of stuff that is higher in fiber and less processed than wheat pastas. Black bean pasta and buckwheat pasta I both found delicious, but rice pasta was hard for me to get a good texture). Asian noodles like soba, rice noodles, and udon I find very filling too.
    -- Use hot sauce/spicy condiments. I am not that tolerant for spicy food, so I eat it a lot slower, and drink water in-between bites, so I end up actually stopping when I am full!!!!! Siracha and chillies are good.
    -- Experiment with new foods and recipes, make food fun in that way. You won't want to scarf it down because you spent awhile making it, you'll savor it more. I recommend ohsheglows.com for ideas.
    -- Make a plan for the following day the night before. Then you don't have to make choices during the day, you just have to follow a plan. Decide amounts and calorie limits the day before and judging on what food you have in the fridge/on the counter. I like putting it in a notebook in a check-list format (I guess I like the whole satisfying "done!" checkmark) but I know a lot of people pre-log on myfitnesspal.

    Hope these tips help!!! I'm not sure if this will help you or hurt you, but these are my personal food guidelines. Don't read if you feel overwhelmed, ahaha! But do read if you want some guidance/suggestions on what to buy at the grocery store!

    Foods that are completely off-limits for me: animal foods (meat/dairy/eggs), processed foods with palm oil
    Foods I try to stay away from: packaged junk food like cookies/chips/ice creams, oils, white sugar
    Foods I eat but am conscious about limiting (like try not to go overboard): avocado, nuts, seeds, nut butters, flour
    Foods I try to eat daily: watery vegetables [tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, bell peppers], fruits [banana, mango, berries, peaches], legumes [black beans, chickpeas], grains (oats, noodles, rice, quinoa), spices, 3L of water
  • jeebieheebies
    jeebieheebies Posts: 68 Member
    Oh yeah, wasn't trying to promote veganism! Sorry if it came across that way!
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    No worries...any others with experiences with this? Thanks :-/
  • jxb1959
    jxb1959 Posts: 8 Member
    You have low estrogen and low thyroid. Have you had an MRI of your pituitary gland? Have you seen an endocrinologist?
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    No MRI. just tested prolactin levels via blood and they came out in range apparently. i see an endo for my thyroid.... :-/
    jxb1959 wrote: »
    You have low estrogen and low thyroid. Have you had an MRI of your pituitary gland? Have you seen an endocrinologist?

  • terriwik
    terriwik Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with BED a few months ago. It took me over a month to accept the diagnoses and ask for meds. It has been a LIFE-CHANGER. I'm not a stupid woman. I know right from wrong and BED has NOTHING to do with being hungry.

    I have type II diabetes and when I was in the midst of a binge, I KNEW what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. At the time, I thought I WAS stupid and quite possibly had a death wish as I'd eat myself to blood sugars in the 600+ range. It wasn't until I switched doctors and the new one asked me very specific questions and diagnosed me. When she told me about BED and that she felt I had it, I cried. Like a baby, I cried.

    I tried for a month to control it and I did . . . until I didn't. One day I lost the fight and ate till I was sick and then ate some more. It was a relief and a punishment at the same time. The constant chatter about food in my head was relentless. After that day, I asked for help and she put me on Vyvance.

    I still get "the munchies", but no longer get lost in binging. The constant chatter in my head is gone. I don't think about what my next meal will be (this was CONSTANT). I get hungry and I eat.

    Someone who doesn't have BED, can NOT understand it. But if you think you are a binge eater (NOT just someone who overeats -- there is a HUGE difference). Ask your doctor for help. ~~Terri