Anyone else have more than 50lbs to lose?

Hey, I'm looking to lose 85lb and am hoping to find others who have quite a bit to lose so we can travel the journey together and share support and motivation.
I'm 23 years old, female and living in the UK.
Comment with who you are and your start, current and target weights! And add me :)

SW: 226lb
CW: 226lb
TW: 140lb


  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    Hello there, I too have a lot of weight to lose. I intend to lose 100 pounds over the course of the next year. I have in the past lost a total of 180 pounds, but never got to my total goal weight of 180. In the past when I lost the weight it was a combination of exercise with mostly clean eating. Now when I say exercise, I mean a lot of very intense exercise. But as time went on I started to eat more and more crappy (bad for your) food, and it eventually overwhelmed the exercise I was doing. So my goal this time is to make the focus clean eating, and moderate exercise. I injured myself with all the bad eating and excessive exercise. Now the realization that I have had is that for lasting weight loss to occur, I must change the foods I want and crave. If the thought is Ill eat this good for you food until I meet my goal then I can have the food I really want, then I know that the weight loss will only be temporary. I know this is true as this is how it happened when i first lost weight. The lowest weight that I got to was 200 pounds. I felt fantastic. But day by day, bad choice after bad choice and now I am here at 270. I still feel better than when I weighed 370 or 400 but I hate it nonetheless. So in order for this change to be lasting, I have to change the underlying behavior. I am glad to hear you are on the journey. So there is my story. 270 to approximately 180 is my goal. I will achieve this through concerted day by day by day effort, and a *kitten* ton of action. Look forward to hearing from you.
  • nwd1976
    nwd1976 Posts: 40 Member
    Add me please
  • cindygogle75
    cindygogle75 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi dear I have around 55 lbs to lose and it doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere... I will be happy to help you with support and encouragement... Maybe I might be doing something wrong with my diet but I'm very determined to lose this weight
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    feel free to add me I've come from 288 to 253 with between 30 and 50 lbs to go.
  • mollydw
    mollydw Posts: 3 Member
    We're pretty identical. My starting weight is 223, my current weight is 219, and my goal weight is 130-140. Truthfully, my goal weight is just within the healthy BMI.

    I've been all over the map with my weight in my adult life, and I need to keep motivated, because when I lose that, I gain at a rapid rate. But I felt so much better, physically and mentally, at a healthier weight.
  • melhmltn2
    melhmltn2 Posts: 32 Member
    My starting weight is 263, my current weight is 259.2, and my goal is 170ish? Still haven't decided. I struggle with losing weight, normally within a couple weeks to a month I give up - gain all the weight back and then some. How I so wish I kept at it when I was 200 pounds.

    I'm considering having weight loss surgery, but I'm not comfortable with it - the rearrangement of my insides and I would be embarrassed telling someone (I'm not judging - just saying how I feel about it for me). So, I'm trying one last time. I've set several goals and I started this past week. 4 pounds is great, but do far to go! Step by step right?
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    Thad81 wrote: »
    Hello there, I too have a lot of weight to lose. I intend to lose 100 pounds over the course of the next year. I have in the past lost a total of 180 pounds, but never got to my total goal weight of 180. In the past when I lost the weight it was a combination of exercise with mostly clean eating. Now when I say exercise, I mean a lot of very intense exercise. But as time went on I started to eat more and more crappy (bad for your) food, and it eventually overwhelmed the exercise I was doing. So my goal this time is to make the focus clean eating, and moderate exercise. I injured myself with all the bad eating and excessive exercise. Now the realization that I have had is that for lasting weight loss to occur, I must change the foods I want and crave. If the thought is Ill eat this good for you food until I meet my goal then I can have the food I really want, then I know that the weight loss will only be temporary. I know this is true as this is how it happened when i first lost weight. The lowest weight that I got to was 200 pounds. I felt fantastic. But day by day, bad choice after bad choice and now I am here at 270. I still feel better than when I weighed 370 or 400 but I hate it nonetheless. So in order for this change to be lasting, I have to change the underlying behavior. I am glad to hear you are on the journey. So there is my story. 270 to approximately 180 is my goal. I will achieve this through concerted day by day by day effort, and a *kitten* ton of action. Look forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks for your story! We can stick to this together!
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    does it count if I've already lost it? :D I started with 86 to lose and still have just under 20 to go.

    Of course! Well done you!
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    nnji wrote: »
    Add me please

    Friend request sent x
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    Hi dear I have around 55 lbs to lose and it doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere... I will be happy to help you with support and encouragement... Maybe I might be doing something wrong with my diet but I'm very determined to lose this weight

    I seem to struggled daily with sticking to plan, I start the days off with good intentions but once it gets to mealtimes I just think "screw it" and have what I want :/ positive thoughts and keep plodding on!
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    lsutton484 wrote: »
    feel free to add me I've come from 288 to 253 with between 30 and 50 lbs to go.

    Added! Congratulations on your weight loss so far!
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    mollydw wrote: »
    We're pretty identical. My starting weight is 223, my current weight is 219, and my goal weight is 130-140. Truthfully, my goal weight is just within the healthy BMI.

    I've been all over the map with my weight in my adult life, and I need to keep motivated, because when I lose that, I gain at a rapid rate. But I felt so much better, physically and mentally, at a healthier weight.

    My goal is around 140 but I have no idea what weight will suit me best for my frame or height because I've never been that small in my adult life ... I guess I'm the same as you, as long as I have a healthy BMI then I'm happy
  • ellemybellamy
    ellemybellamy Posts: 11 Member
    melhmltn2 wrote: »
    My starting weight is 263, my current weight is 259.2, and my goal is 170ish? Still haven't decided. I struggle with losing weight, normally within a couple weeks to a month I give up - gain all the weight back and then some. How I so wish I kept at it when I was 200 pounds.

    I'm considering having weight loss surgery, but I'm not comfortable with it - the rearrangement of my insides and I would be embarrassed telling someone (I'm not judging - just saying how I feel about it for me). So, I'm trying one last time. I've set several goals and I started this past week. 4 pounds is great, but do far to go! Step by step right?

    Definitely baby steps! Put the surgery to the back of your mind - focus on fighting this yourself because once you get into the swing of things, you'll be so damn proud of yourself. Congratulations on your weightloss so far - you're already winning so keep it up :) we can do this together xx
  • brainnfun1
    brainnfun1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, when I started I wasn't sure of how much I wanted to lose, I just wanted to fit in my clothes again. I did what I have done before, shift my eating from larger meals to small meals, increase exercise, stop drinking alcohol. Ten years ago I lost 47 lbs over 4 months, but I didn't keep it off, lost again in 2008 and in 2012. This year I lost 10 lbs fairly easily. I participated in a weightloss class at work, and I learned two important things: diet is 70% of weightloss with exercise is 30%. So a good balance is critical. Second thing: I was considering juicing as I've heard good things about it, although it's not really appealing to me. The nutritionist said juicing is not what it's cracked up to be, especially because it takes a lot of fruits and vegetables to make juice. Then when I lost 24 lbs my health insurance offered me a diabetes prevention class for free. I don't have diabetes, or pre-diabetes, but I was concerned I'd lose motivation. I went seeking more motivation to continue losing. There I learned that indeed having support is great, but also learned that tracking what you eat is important for sustained weightloss. I started using myfitnesspal to track food. I had used it before to track my weight and exercise. But now I track what I eat, weight, and exercise. It truly has worked. I have lost 58 lbs, starting at 274.5 February 8 and was 216.5 this morning. I want to lose another 45 lbs to get to 170, which is normal for my height of 6'2". It's important to just keep on going, not to get discouraged, weightloss is not a straight line but more of a scraggy line with ups and downs. I read an article from a Spanish newspaper yesterday on how to lose the love handles and it reinforced what I do. Everyday I walk back and forth to the gym and ride the exercise bike for 50 minutes. Low impact, medium intensity, but I have lost by just sticking with it and doing it every day. I would love to join others in their journey.
  • alyssalechner
    alyssalechner Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My starting weight was 224, current weight is 197, and my goal weight is 140. I'm 21 years old and about 5'6. Not sure what a healthy BMI would be for me with my frame. I have always been "bigger" but it wasn't until I started college that I started gaining a lot. I ended my last year of high school at 170 and gained almost 60 pounds. I have lost some of the weight, but I can't seem to find motivation recently. I have become so inconsistent with tracking my food and I feel myself slipping. Feel free to add me! We can all help each other
  • AuntieGinge
    AuntieGinge Posts: 50 Member
    Hey, seems we have similar stats, my high weight was 233 (two weeks ago) current 231 goal 154 but we'll see when I get there!
    I had lost weight in the run up to my wedding getting to 179 but I let go of the rope! Over two years I've gained all the weight back plus, however I am a lot fitter than when I've previously been heavy which is a good foundation for taking things up a gear.
    I'm 34 and also based in the UK.
    I've been consistently logging in to MFP for weight and exercise but not so consistent at tracking food. Today is the day!
    Add me and let's support each other! xXx
  • Roze_Marie
    Roze_Marie Posts: 5 Member
    I'll be tickled to start with 50 pounds if I can lose that I'm going for more. I'd like to lose 100. I so sick and tired of being sick and tired :)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    Hey there! I'm 31, happily married mom of four rambunctious boys. Looking to lose a total of 75 lbs. I've already lost 31, and have 44 to go! Sending a FR now! :flowerforyou:

    SW: 210 lb
    CW: 179 lb
    GW: 135 lb
  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    Add me if you'd like! I'm 31 and 5'5. Lost 80 pounds before and then had 2 babies 11.5 months apart and gained 40 back. Now just need to lose 60ish to get to my goal weight!

    SW: 236
    CW: 189
    GW: 130