IIFYM/Reverse Dieting Question - Advanced

I have a very technical question and need some direction.

My goal is 16% body fat and an 8 pack which is where I was at with my 2nd to last child. In January I adopted a Paleo lifestyle and got down to 18% body fat, rocked a nice 6 pack and was happy with my progress. Eventually with the high fat intake and large deficit I hit a plateau and started going backwards. I got as high as 22%.

I found out I am 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph which explains why I stalled out on a high fat & protein diet. I also knew I was at too low of a deficit but needed a way out so I started reverse dieting. I was 115lbs when I started and at a 1100/1200 calorie intake. I worked my way up to 1650 calories adding in 50 calories weekly and I am at around 116/117lbs. I started with my macros at a standard mesomorph macro set of 40%C/30%F/30%P. Although my energy returned with the carbs increasing, I knew I needed to up my carbs again since my energy was still “off”. I went to 50%C/25%F/25%P and held that for 3 weeks and now when I just moved to 55%C/20%F/25%P. I believe that is my perfect macro number. I am losing body fat, gaining a small amount of muscle, and my energy has completely returned. I have noticed a slowing of my weight loss these last 2 weeks with my calories almost being at my maintenance level.

Workout wise I was doing 3 days HIIT for 20-25 min or ladders, 3 days weights, and then I would swap in running 2-3 miles for HIIT since I was training for a 5k. To switch things up, and since it is 115 degrees here in Phoenix and I am not running outside, I was just going simple with a T-25 workout video on my lunches at work. For those not familiar with t-25 I would call it a plyo/cardio video HIIT style as it goes in waves of intensity. They do have a lot of resistance training for your upper and lower body which is nice.

Anyway, I pretty much have maintained my weight over the course of the 8-week reverse diet. My waist, legs, and arms have all slimmed down and toned up and I have added some muscle. My body fat has decreased visually as my picture shows all though my body fat tester says otherwise. I have lost about 2-3 inches in my waist and added muscle so I know my devise is not working properly when it keeps going up, lol. I do have a fitbit that tracks my burns for the day and I average around 1900 calories a day out. Some days like yesterday were only at 1700 so I was only at a -50 deficit eating at 1650.

With all that said, here is my question. I am getting close to my calorie intake and I have to try and figure out what is next. I am still not at goal and I need to cut 4% body fat. In my mind I have 4 different options to think about….

1) Start subtracting calories slowly -50 a week until I get down to around 1400 (a 500 deficit) then reverse diet back up.
2) Cut out calories immediately to 1400 and then reverse back up.
3) Do a small cut down to 1500 and slowly go backward back down to 1400 or even 1300 and then reverse diet back up.
4) Or wait on my reverse and get up to 1900 then chose what to do from there.

What are your thoughts? The bathing suit is about where I am at now but not quite at a 6 pack.






  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    edited July 2016
    jemhh wrote: »
    alexis831 wrote: »

    I found out I am 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph which explains why I stalled out on a high fat & protein diet.

    What does this mean and how did you arrive at this conclusion? Somatotypes are psychological profiles (and completely bunk), not physical profiles. What you are describing is a person who is 75% courageous and assertive and 25% anxious and isolated. I don't understand how that affects your dietary needs.

    Very simple. There are 3 different body styles. Everyone is not 100% on one body type. Just as there are 7 personality colors on a personality test, not one person is 100% “red” if you will or at least I hope not! This is obvious common knowledge since you have varying body types all across the world.

    I build muscle fast, lose fat fast which is a standard Mesomorph but I am also leaner than most mesomorphs. I also always knew I burned carbs fast and used it as energy and I am usually carb crazy which is an ectomorph but ectomorphs do not build muscle as fast as I do. So I started to set myself at a standard mesomorph diet to start as a basis and update from there. My energy was better but I still wasn’t 100%. I added in carbs typical of and ectomorph but again ectomorph’s don’t build muscle like I do. Now I am not looking to bulk or be bulky so I wasn’t looking for a higher protein intake and I was okay with the higher carbs because of this. Knowing this information that put me at roughly a 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph. Then I tweaked my carbs more since I was looking for more energy to fit my workouts.

    Funny thing is I took a test and it had me pretty much dead on from what I was thinking. 13%Endomorph, 25% ecto, and 62% meso. The one question I answered different that gave me my endo score of 13% was really because I have a lot of muscle as a meso and my thighs are big with muscle compared to my waist not because of fat.
    Does that make sense?

    Body Type Protein Carbs Fat
    Ectomorph 25% 55% 20%
    Mesomorph 30% 40% 30%
    Endomorph 35% 25% 40%

  • BodayJohnnay
    BodayJohnnay Posts: 185 Member
    Curious, what kind of resistance training are you doing weekly? How many days? How intense are the workouts? Duration each session? (Not cardio related)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited July 2016
    I just skimmed your post because there was a lot of information in there and some of it is pseudoscience-ey.

    If you still want to lose weight here's what i'd do if i were in your shoes and at your current level of body fat.

    1.) I'd start working my way up to maintenance calories NOW to see how high we could push it before you start gaining. I wouldn't trust the fitbit as being 100% active accurate for what your maintenance really is.

    To do this we'd take your carb and fat macros and up them by 10% each week until you've hit maintenance.

    If you're eating 1,700 now this means you're macros are:
    233g protein
    85 g carbs
    47g fat

    This means you'd increase fat by 5 grams and carbs by 9 grams the first week. Then 10% from then on until you notice that you're actually maintaining.

    I think as for someone of your size and current physique seeing where you can actually push maintenance will be incredibly helpful in determing how long you should diet and how low you should go.

    Once you've maintained for a while (4 weeks is what i'd say minimum) then i would slowly lower all 3 macros by 10% every other week. I would probably do this for 8 weeks or so for what you want to acheive. Low and very very slow. Then again the low and slow reverse diet back up to maintenance.

    I really think dieting should be done on as many calories as possible and dipping too low especially when you're lean will promote negative metabolic adaptations.

    P.S. If you enjoy eating in this macro ratio continue to do so, however, consuming over 1.2g per pound of lean body mass has not been shown to be more effective. Essentially when your macros are split as they are your body is forced to use protein for energy as opposed to building muscle and repairing tissue. this is why carbohydrates are considered "protein sparing". What i mean to say is, you're not getting any extra benefit from over-consuming the minimum amount of protein required for active individuals.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Curious, what kind of resistance training are you doing weekly? How many days? How intense are the workouts? Duration each session? (Not cardio related)

    With 6 kids I am just doing t25 at work M-S for 25 min a day. In the beta phase they add in resistance weights and so on. They have a bazillion pushups, situps, squats, lunges, jumping, and so on. Nothing big as I am not lifting right now other than the occasional Saturday.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    edited July 2016
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    alexis831 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    alexis831 wrote: »

    I found out I am 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph which explains why I stalled out on a high fat & protein diet.

    What does this mean and how did you arrive at this conclusion? Somatotypes are psychological profiles (and completely bunk), not physical profiles. What you are describing is a person who is 75% courageous and assertive and 25% anxious and isolated. I don't understand how that affects your dietary needs.

    Very simple. There are 3 different body styles. Everyone is not 100% on one body type. Just as there are 7 personality colors on a personality test, not one person is 100% “red” if you will or at least I hope not! This is obvious common knowledge since you have varying body types all across the world.

    I build muscle fast, lose fat fast which is a standard Mesomorph but I am also leaner than most mesomorphs. I also always knew I burned carbs fast and used it as energy and I am usually carb crazy which is an ectomorph but ectomorphs do not build muscle as fast as I do. So I started to set myself at a standard mesomorph diet to start as a basis and update from there. My energy was better but I still wasn’t 100%. I added in carbs typical of and ectomorph but again ectomorph’s don’t build muscle like I do. Now I am not looking to bulk or be bulky so I wasn’t looking for a higher protein intake and I was okay with the higher carbs because of this. Knowing this information that put me at roughly a 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph. Then I tweaked my carbs more since I was looking for more energy to fit my workouts.

    Funny thing is I took a test and it had me pretty much dead on from what I was thinking. 13%Endomorph, 25% ecto, and 62% meso. The one question I answered different that gave me my endo score of 13% was really because I have a lot of muscle as a meso and my thighs are big with muscle compared to my waist not because of fat.
    Does that make sense?

    Body Type Protein Carbs Fat
    Ectomorph 25% 55% 20%
    Mesomorph 30% 40% 30%
    Endomorph 35% 25% 40%


    Somatypes are pseudoscience and a myth. They have been debunked. We certainly have different areas in which we gain fat, but our bodies are not defined by these three body types and our genetic potential for muscle mass and fat loss is relative to our species.

    body type and shape are a direct result of our genetic predisposition for fat gain and our lifestyle choices. the variation between body types of a relatively low body fat are strikingly similar.


    Edit: my point in telling you this is that macronutrient ratios should not be based off of this pseudoscience but off of the ratio that best fits your needs for energy and satiety.

    I understand what you are saying but they are not a myth. You have people who genetically gain muscle fast, you have people that genetically gain fat fast. All you did was add a name to those people. That doesn’t make it false just because it now has a name, lol. Without a name those people still exist right? ;) Then the macros are pretty common place. If someone gains fat fast its good to start by lowering the carbs and up the protein, again common knowledge.

    Like I said knowing your body is important and this give you a great basis and has for me then you tweak it to fit all the other variables in life which there are a ton!

    All this talk is great but I started out asking a question and if people want to argue with me about IIFYM and how I arrived at my perfect macro ratio then I will just move on and off of this board. It really isn’t worth my time especially since I know my macros are perfect now for my body type and what I want to achieve.
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    I have no advice, just congrats! Beautiful work!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited July 2016
    alexis831 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    alexis831 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    alexis831 wrote: »

    I found out I am 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph which explains why I stalled out on a high fat & protein diet.

    What does this mean and how did you arrive at this conclusion? Somatotypes are psychological profiles (and completely bunk), not physical profiles. What you are describing is a person who is 75% courageous and assertive and 25% anxious and isolated. I don't understand how that affects your dietary needs.

    Very simple. There are 3 different body styles. Everyone is not 100% on one body type. Just as there are 7 personality colors on a personality test, not one person is 100% “red” if you will or at least I hope not! This is obvious common knowledge since you have varying body types all across the world.

    I build muscle fast, lose fat fast which is a standard Mesomorph but I am also leaner than most mesomorphs. I also always knew I burned carbs fast and used it as energy and I am usually carb crazy which is an ectomorph but ectomorphs do not build muscle as fast as I do. So I started to set myself at a standard mesomorph diet to start as a basis and update from there. My energy was better but I still wasn’t 100%. I added in carbs typical of and ectomorph but again ectomorph’s don’t build muscle like I do. Now I am not looking to bulk or be bulky so I wasn’t looking for a higher protein intake and I was okay with the higher carbs because of this. Knowing this information that put me at roughly a 75% mesomorph and 25% ectomorph. Then I tweaked my carbs more since I was looking for more energy to fit my workouts.

    Funny thing is I took a test and it had me pretty much dead on from what I was thinking. 13%Endomorph, 25% ecto, and 62% meso. The one question I answered different that gave me my endo score of 13% was really because I have a lot of muscle as a meso and my thighs are big with muscle compared to my waist not because of fat.
    Does that make sense?

    Body Type Protein Carbs Fat
    Ectomorph 25% 55% 20%
    Mesomorph 30% 40% 30%
    Endomorph 35% 25% 40%


    Somatypes are pseudoscience and a myth. They have been debunked. We certainly have different areas in which we gain fat, but our bodies are not defined by these three body types and our genetic potential for muscle mass and fat loss is relative to our species.

    body type and shape are a direct result of our genetic predisposition for fat gain and our lifestyle choices. the variation between body types of a relatively low body fat are strikingly similar.


    Edit: my point in telling you this is that macronutrient ratios should not be based off of this pseudoscience but off of the ratio that best fits your needs for energy and satiety.

    I understand what you are saying but they are not a myth. You have people who genetically gain muscle fast, you have people that genetically gain fat fast. All you did was add a name to those people. That doesn’t make it false just because it now has a name, lol. Without a name those people still exist right? ;) Then the macros are pretty common place. If someone gains fat fast its good to start by lowering the carbs and up the protein, again common knowledge.

    Like I said knowing your body is important and this give you a great basis and has for me then you tweak it to fit all the other variables in life which there are a ton!

    All this talk is great but I started out asking a question and if people want to argue with me about IIFYM and how I arrived at my perfect macro ratio then I will just move on and off of this board. It really isn’t worth my time especially since I know my macros are perfect now for my body type and what I want to achieve.

    The only genetically fast muscle gain that I know of is male vs. female gain, due to the male hormonal profile.

    As for your original question, I wouldn't change something that is working. Eating more seems to be working for you.

    What test did you take to get your somatotypes, btw?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    And yes, you look amazing.
  • msalicia116
    msalicia116 Posts: 233 Member
    edited July 2016
    I understand what you are saying but they are not a myth. You have people who genetically gain muscle fast, you have people that genetically gain fat fast. All you did was add a name to those people. That doesn’t make it false just because it now has a name, lol. Without a name those people still exist right? ;) Then the macros are pretty common place. If someone gains fat fast its good to start by lowering the carbs and up the protein, again common knowledge.

    Like I said knowing your body is important and this give you a great basis and has for me then you tweak it to fit all the other variables in life which there are a ton!

    All this talk is great but I started out asking a question and if people want to argue with me about IIFYM and how I arrived at my perfect macro ratio then I will just move on and off of this board. It really isn’t worth my time especially since I know my macros are perfect now for my body type and what I want to achieve.

    I'm confused. You started a topic to ask the forum a question. But all you're doing is getting super defensive and spouting about how you know everything and you're a macro expert? Why even ask????

    You're clearly not going to convince anyone about these body types not being a myth. Lol.

    She's not acting like a know it all, she clearly outlined everything she has done and is doing because she knew everyone would be asking her these questions anyway. She added a point of reference as to why she made her macros what they are, and the question was lost due to the debate on whether that small point was a myth or not.

    I think the take away here is that she found macros that fit her. Awesome. Now she wants to know what she should do to reach her BF % goal. That is the point of this post. She thought of 4 options, and was inquiring if any of those were the best method, unless someone had a better idea.

    So, anyone? No need to make condescending remarks, it makes you sound like a child.
  • pbandalyssa
    pbandalyssa Posts: 86 Member
    I understand what you are saying but they are not a myth. You have people who genetically gain muscle fast, you have people that genetically gain fat fast. All you did was add a name to those people. That doesn’t make it false just because it now has a name, lol. Without a name those people still exist right? ;) Then the macros are pretty common place. If someone gains fat fast its good to start by lowering the carbs and up the protein, again common knowledge.

    Like I said knowing your body is important and this give you a great basis and has for me then you tweak it to fit all the other variables in life which there are a ton!

    All this talk is great but I started out asking a question and if people want to argue with me about IIFYM and how I arrived at my perfect macro ratio then I will just move on and off of this board. It really isn’t worth my time especially since I know my macros are perfect now for my body type and what I want to achieve.

    I'm confused. You started a topic to ask the forum a question. But all you're doing is getting super defensive and spouting about how you know everything and you're a macro expert? Why even ask????

    You're clearly not going to convince anyone about these body types not being a myth. Lol.

    She's not acting like a know it all, she clearly outlined everything she has done and is doing because she knew everyone would be asking her these questions anyway. She added a point of reference as to why she made her macros what they are, and the question was lost due to the debate on whether that small point was a myth or not.

    I think the take away here is that she found macros that fit her. Awesome. Now she wants to know what she should do to reach her BF % goal. That is the point if this post. She thought of 4 options, and was interested if any of those were the best method, unless someone had a better idea.

    So, anyone? No need to make condescending remarks, it makes you sound like a child.

    Meh. I've seen her arguing about the body type BS on like 3 different threads here so I'm over it. It's clear she's desperately pushing it.

    Regardless OP, I'm reverse dieting after 100 lb loss and I'm looking to maintain then mini cut and then reverse again to help my metabolism.
  • BodayJohnnay
    BodayJohnnay Posts: 185 Member
    edited July 2016
    alexis831 wrote: »
    Curious, what kind of resistance training are you doing weekly? How many days? How intense are the workouts? Duration each session? (Not cardio related)

    With 6 kids I am just doing t25 at work M-S for 25 min a day. In the beta phase they add in resistance weights and so on. They have a bazillion pushups, situps, squats, lunges, jumping, and so on. Nothing big as I am not lifting right now other than the occasional Saturday.

    Your progress is great btw!! Stay focused and consistent like you are and you won't be disappointed.
    Have you done a recomp lately with your current bodyfat and weight? (Sry been reading all day and my eyes are seeing multiple lol)

    Keep switching up your training method/routine. I would highly recommend more resistance strength training with free weights. You'll definitely build up more muscle, utilize those carbs and fats more efficiently, but appear more tone while doing your high intense movements.

    Do you have "performance" needs or focus is mainly how your "physique" appears? (Powerlifter/Bodybuilder) Both require different training methods as well as nutritional needs. (Energy)

    I do take into consideration what "somatotype" my clients are, BUT that is not where I distinguish their nutrition plan. I've had many clients who can easily gain as well as lose weight, regardless of their type. The nutrition plans I've had successful clients on would go against all research of body types.
    Limb length is a factor when we lift and how your form will be. Nobody lifts the same, yes the cues are similar to most, but starting and end position is different between them. Shorter arms vs long limb arms.(shorter arms appear bigger than longer limb even if muscle gained is the same)

    The takeaway, everyone is different which is why it's a guessing game for everyone with how much they consume vs TDEE.
    Just have to plug and play for whats best for you. I love "carb cycling" and intermittent fasting to help with fat loss, when my physique appearance is the main focus. Energy will be lower than the norm since in a deficit.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I understand what you are saying but they are not a myth. You have people who genetically gain muscle fast, you have people that genetically gain fat fast. All you did was add a name to those people. That doesn’t make it false just because it now has a name, lol. Without a name those people still exist right? ;) Then the macros are pretty common place. If someone gains fat fast its good to start by lowering the carbs and up the protein, again common knowledge.

    Like I said knowing your body is important and this give you a great basis and has for me then you tweak it to fit all the other variables in life which there are a ton!

    All this talk is great but I started out asking a question and if people want to argue with me about IIFYM and how I arrived at my perfect macro ratio then I will just move on and off of this board. It really isn’t worth my time especially since I know my macros are perfect now for my body type and what I want to achieve.

    I'm confused. You started a topic to ask the forum a question. But all you're doing is getting super defensive and spouting about how you know everything and you're a macro expert? Why even ask????

    You're clearly not going to convince anyone about these body types not being a myth. Lol.

    She's not acting like a know it all, she clearly outlined everything she has done and is doing because she knew everyone would be asking her these questions anyway. She added a point of reference as to why she made her macros what they are, and the question was lost due to the debate on whether that small point was a myth or not.

    I think the take away here is that she found macros that fit her. Awesome. Now she wants to know what she should do to reach her BF % goal. That is the point of this post. She thought of 4 options, and was inquiring if any of those were the best method, unless someone had a better idea.

    So, anyone? No need to make condescending remarks, it makes you sound like a child.

    Thank you! I keep getting blasted on here and was just looking for feedback on the calorie intake and where I should go from here. Kinda feeling beat up.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I understand what you are saying but they are not a myth. You have people who genetically gain muscle fast, you have people that genetically gain fat fast. All you did was add a name to those people. That doesn’t make it false just because it now has a name, lol. Without a name those people still exist right? ;) Then the macros are pretty common place. If someone gains fat fast its good to start by lowering the carbs and up the protein, again common knowledge.

    Like I said knowing your body is important and this give you a great basis and has for me then you tweak it to fit all the other variables in life which there are a ton!

    All this talk is great but I started out asking a question and if people want to argue with me about IIFYM and how I arrived at my perfect macro ratio then I will just move on and off of this board. It really isn’t worth my time especially since I know my macros are perfect now for my body type and what I want to achieve.

    I'm confused. You started a topic to ask the forum a question. But all you're doing is getting super defensive and spouting about how you know everything and you're a macro expert? Why even ask????

    You're clearly not going to convince anyone about these body types not being a myth. Lol.

    She's not acting like a know it all, she clearly outlined everything she has done and is doing because she knew everyone would be asking her these questions anyway. She added a point of reference as to why she made her macros what they are, and the question was lost due to the debate on whether that small point was a myth or not.

    I think the take away here is that she found macros that fit her. Awesome. Now she wants to know what she should do to reach her BF % goal. That is the point if this post. She thought of 4 options, and was interested if any of those were the best method, unless someone had a better idea.

    So, anyone? No need to make condescending remarks, it makes you sound like a child.

    Meh. I've seen her arguing about the body type BS on like 3 different threads here so I'm over it. It's clear she's desperately pushing it.

    Regardless OP, I'm reverse dieting after 100 lb loss and I'm looking to maintain then mini cut and then reverse again to help my metabolism.

    Sounds like you did amazing work! 100 pounds is huge! Where were you thinking of starting with the mini cut? How are you going to go about your mini cut? I am not sure which solution is best. In all we are both in it for the long haul so in the end it won't matter but it would be nice to get there faster.