Question about Eating Small Amt of Food that isn't Good For

OK, I think I've been doing really well - lost 36 lbs so far and I feel fantastic. But tonight, my younger son called (he's transformed himself from Mr.JunkFood to Mr. Fitness Guru of sorts). Well, sometimes I feel like.. be careful of what you wish for (or, in my case, pray for). :laugh:

He called to find out how I'm doing. All my kids are thrilled with my weight loss - the youngest, who got me on MFP, came over a couple of wks ago and was here when I came in fr my walk - she sat there literally w/her mouth open - in shock - at the difference in my appearance. Then when I visited her last wkend, we went walking EVERYWHERE. I mean - for hours.

Never did I think that w/in a few months, I could do that. (I actually thought I was headed for knee surgery - that made me super-serious about this).

So - I mentioned in passing (how foolish of me, grrr) that I'm having no problem with my diet, since I allow myself a teeny taste of anything that might tempt me. I used the wrong example - my (other) son had a small pkg of chips, so I allowed myself 10 or 12. Chips have always been my downfall, but they really don't tempt me anymore.

No, no, no, NO says son #2. He tells me I shouldn't do that - I should take a 'cheat day' and eat whatever I want on that day instead.

But I'm losing weight, feel great & don't want to eat all the stuff I used to eat!

He explained (in length) about how nutrition-less food will ruin my metabolism, & more stuff like that (I kind of faze out when he goes on like this). According to him, by taking a cheat day I'll fool my metabolism somehow (like I said, I fazed out).

Thing is, I'm very happy w/what I'm doing. Or am I wrong?


  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I reckon, if it's working for you (and it obviously is), then go with it. :smile:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    In my past experience, I have found that my "cheat day" turns into "cheat days" and it pushes me off my path quite a bit faster than a small snack here or there. If I have enough calories left in my daily allotment, I always allow myself something small, say for dessert, but I try and include something healthy with it. (For example this evening I ate a banana but put 1 T of peanut butter and 2 T of melted chocolate on it). I find that if I allow myself a bite or two, I'm not tempted to eat an entire chocolate cake on my "cheat day". Hope this helps :)
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    I would say keep doing what you're seems to be working well for you...36 lbs is awesome! Good luck!!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    If it works for YOU, then it works, period. I know he's trying to help, but he really should not be so preachy and realize that obviously what you are doing is working. I am similar to you in that, if I want a little treat, I'll have some. I don't say "no way, it's not cheat day." I am very good about moderation, which was not always the case. I used to think that if I ate one thing "bad" that I should just give up that day. Now I realize that a little bit is a whole lot better than a lot(unless it's broccoli)lol.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Do what works for you. I simply can not "eat clean" all week long - so I try and just give myself a little of what I want. Plus, if I allow myself a "cheat day" I am very likely to go WAY overboard and negate all the work I did that week. You're better off having those chips and then just trying to work them off (walking or whatever). As long as it works for you!

    Congrats on your weight loss!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i do what you've been doing... i deny myself nothing.. i just make anything i want fit into my daily food plan.

    and... as you can see... it's working perfectly well for me too *S*

    edited to add:
    mind you.. chips was a bad example as you said *L*... as they are so loaded with sodium and no nutritional value *L* .. i have what i love.. but.. i make sure it all has value...i hate wasting calories on food that does me no good as fuel *L*
  • NewLeafEats
    NewLeafEats Posts: 37 Member
    If what you're doing works, go with it. No reason to fix it if it ain't broke.

    A lot of fitness advice that is circulated about metabolism has no actual verifiable source. For example, there is actually no research done suggesting that eating more frequently stokes your metabolism. This is another one of those ideas that sounds suspiciously base-less.

    And in any case, who wants to worry about something like that? I'd rather deal with any supposed metabolism deficiencies associated with "cheating" a little every day (which I do), if it's going to keep me sane.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Umm... maybe Ive missed something in the last 63 lbs but I eat a small amount of what Im craving to prevent me from binging..... Everyone works differenty, if that workd for him great, but there are plenty of people out there who can consue 6000 cals in a "cheat day" and negate most of the work they did ALL week. And it isnt massive amounts of food, its pasta with a creamy sauce, mixed drinks, beer, ice cream (oh yes whole thing of Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough? Well over 1000 cals, used to buy 2 and finish 1.5 in a day)
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    as long as your showing results do what you feel you need to do for you and your body. I do the same as alexnadra_anne if not i will keep going for cheat day to days. I do have a couple high calorie days a week to through my metabolism off and it works for me.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    One thing about having a cheat day is to look forward to that day. I eat a lot healthier on my cheat days than I did when I was fat. I though nothing about putting down a double-meat burger with large fries and a coke... Trust me, my cheat days are 1000 times healthier when you compare how I used to eat...
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    Do what you feel is right. I do the same thing, if I feel like m&ms I take 3-4 and savor them instead of eating a gigantic hand full then moving on to a doughnut. That way I don't feel like I am depriving my self if my "needed" chocolate fix. :wink:

    To never eat your favorite things is not a way to live, just incorporate them in a way that they are not taking over.
  • aabyrer
    aabyrer Posts: 57
    IMO, i don't allow myself a "cheat day" because then that turns into the next day being a cheat day, and then it's cheat weeks. If it works for him, that's fantastic! But if doing what you're doing is working, don't change. Only you know what's truly working for your body.

    That being said, I very rarely deny myself something within reason. I'm here to make a LIFE change. I can't go the rest of my life without eating ice cream, chocolate, dessert, etc so why deny myself that now? I'm trying to find a way to limit my intake of junk food, but still be able to if I have enough calories left over at the end of the day. That may mean going on an extra walk, or doing ten more minutes of cardio or weight training, but it works.

    Good luck!!
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    i say do what works for you. what your son is saying may sound logical for some but it seems to me that we gained weight by having many cheat days. i cannot agree with having a cheat day because you will find yourself thinking about what your're going to eat on "cheat day" which in fact work against you. so i do whatever it is your doing, if u wanna have 10chips have them, but dont eat the whole bag. making healthier choices and smaller portions is really key. we gained the waited for over indulgence and dont let a day ruin your routine.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am the same way you are. I eat healthy 90% of the time, but allow myself the occasional treat as long as it's in my calorie range. It works for me too. I don't think I would be able to not do that. For me it would mean never eating with my family and friends... I'm just not willing to do that. Cheat days... I don't believe in those, except for the occasional holidays or special occasions. "Cheat days" seem like a diet thing to me. I don't look at this as a diet. I see it as a lifestyle. Keep doing whatever works for you. You're doing great!
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I don't do "cheat" days. I do Chocolate Fridays every Friday. I don't ever consider it a cheat because (1) I plan for it and work it in my calories. (2) I'm not cheating, I'm allowing myself something I enjoy and it actually stops me from binging the rest of the week and like one person replied, I don't eat unhealthy on my Chocolate day....I eat healthy so I can eat and enjoy my chocolate. It's not realistic for anyone to think they aren't going to eat something they want for the rest of their lives. I definitely would try to plan for it though or get a healthier version to eat. Example: I love Lay's Regular Potato Chips and Frito Lay's Corn Chips but I don't eat them anymore, instead I switched to no-salt wheat pretzels. No sodium, fat or guilt. Will I go the rest of my life without eating potato or corn chips? Probably not, but I will not eat them on a regular basis....only if I'm at a party or gathering and I don't have healthier choices. I prefer to save my splurges for something I really want and that will satisfy me with just a serving vs. 1/2 a bag. To me this is a lifestyle change and I prefer not to keep unhealthy options in the house to tempt me.....but that's just me. :flowerforyou:
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    "The proof of the pudding is in the eating", said someone (don't know who). If it works for you, then use it to your advantage.
    Kids... remember, they don't know everything.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I have the answer. I do. Really. Because like your youngest, I am a youngest. I also have a mother. And she is getting fit too. This means...when I read something I decide it is Gospel truth (my dad's a pastor, so I fully appreciate what this means) and I tell my mom. Its what we as youngests do. Our older siblings won't take us seriously but we know how to "trick" mom into it. Most of the time we're full of bull, we're just really good at sounding like it is hard and fast truth. I don't think my mom believes me anymore, mostly because I've decided to take advantage of her years of being alive when I wasn't and ask her about every random thing. It works out better for us, but sons may be different.
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks to EVERYONE responding!!!

    I'm on the east coast, and should be sleeping - I came home exhausted and tired, and wanted to hit the sack. But honestly, I'm so excited about all I can do now (in contrast to just a couple of months ago), that my mind is spinning!!

    Well - I wanted to make sure that this wasn't going to make me hit a plateau - of course, that might happen, but I'll deal with it.

    Yes - this is a life change for me, and having a cheat day - well, I'm less worried about binging as I am about - well, it just doesn't interest me!! Imagine - I lived for baked good, junk food, pizza (my daughter & I ate at Pepe's in New Haven when I visited her - we walked forever & walked it all off, & more - and we both agreed that pizza just isn't the big temptation it used to be).

    All the food that I'm buying is healthy now. Once in a blue moon my son buys something for himself - that's the only time I've allowed myself a small portion of that stuff. But I log it all in, and make sure the rest of my day is healthy stuff. I think that's why it doesn't really tempt me - I'm filling myself up w/nutrition. :D

    @kimi133 - yes, cheat days seem like diet stuff to me, too! I'd rather allow myself a meal (esp. if I'm going out - so far, the only food I think is worth eating out is Vietnamese food & similar - so healthy & tasty).

    @BabyDuchess - I love your idea of Chocolate Fridays!! Yes - if I figure in the calories, fat, etc, and don't overdue it... by listening to my body. It's amazing - I'm really learning to stop eating when I'm not hungry anymore. Wow. Took so many years, but I'm here!

    @pcteck2 - hahaha - so true. But I was the same - I remember when I was a teen - got into learning about nutrition (relearning what I knew back then!) - and after reading Adele Davis I threw out all the jello pkgs my mom had - before she got home fr work. OMG - was she ever mad. Hmmm - couldn't understand why... hahahaha

    @ilookthetype - loved what you wrote! Well, he's my 'younger' son, not THE youngest of the clan. The youngest will def tell him where he goes wrong, if & when she thinks he does, though. :laugh: (she's on here, too - she's the one who got me to join).

    @NewLeafEats - glad you posted that. He means well, but I'll ask about the actual studies to prove what he's saying, *if* he persists.

    And everyone else - thanks so, so much. Yeah, I know it's working for me, but it really helps to find out I'm not the only one who is eating this way - and it's working for all of us!! (Isn't it GREAT?!)

    It's working - no sense trying to fix something that ain't broke!

    He did say (which is too terrific) that they (my kids) want to join together to help me & get me a gym membership - so - I'll be starting that soon, too.

    I really have great kids!! :bigsmile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Looks to me like you are doing a great job and your son is talking out of his *** :smile:
    You will already have observed that everybody is an expert when it comes to weight loss. Everyone has their own theory on what is "right", and some people get very evangelical about it and won't acknowledge that there are lots of different ways to reach your goal.
    Just enjoy the praise, smile and nod when people tell you how you "should" be doing it, and keep doing what you know works!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If its working then carry way of seeing it is that by allowing yourself a taste or 2 you don't feel deprived and are less likely to have slip ups. Its the way I do it, if I want it and can afford it calorie wise I have it. Also my "cheat" days are not pig outs I stay in calories but don't give a flying fig what the nutrient ratio is...someone commented thats not a cheat day...maybe not but it works for me and i've been going since September without any "falls off the wagon"

    As for plateaus - they can happen regardless of what you are doing. I recently had a huge one, 3 months and only 3lbs lost but my inches were changing greatly. I reckon my body just needed to catch up!