Haters gonna hate

Ok - So, I am very happy with my lifestyle change and the results I've had so far. I'm down about 40lbs and still have about 40lbs more to lose to hit my goal. I love having MFP to talk to people who are facing the same struggles and successes as me but IRL (in real life) it's a lot different.

While most of the feedback I get from people who have not seen me in a while are very positive there is still some negativity when talking to others about my journey. Idk if it's a subconscious thing I do but whenever someone says how great I look, I tend to think about or mention how far I still have to go. Most people will say "keep it up" or something like "you look fine now, you don't need to lose that much". When the reality is, if I'd told them how much I wanted to lose when I started they would probably disagree with that as well. I have pretty much been able to ignore comments like that and just think about what I, personally, want for myself.

Something I have been noticing more recently is jealousy. It sucks for me because I don't want to make anyone feel bad or feel less beautiful then they are. I have recently spoke to an old friend - She chatted me up about her new business venture and asked what I'd been up to. When I told her about my weight loss so far I wasn't expecting any praise maybe just acknowledgement. She basically said "Wow, I'm jealous." and that was it. This is a friend that I met while doing the HCG diet a few years back. We have always been able to talk to each other about everything.. But I just didn't think I should continue on the conversation about how happy I was or how much 'fun' it has been. Another instance, I went to the bar on Monday. I haven't been going nearly as frequently as I did prior to the changes I made. I sat by a good "bar friend" who I have known for a couple of years. The bartender commented on how good I look and was the "keep it up" motivator, however...My friend immediately got very upset and repeated how fat, ugly, and old she is. It continued on the entire night and I believe that, combined with her buzz, created an argument between her and her husband. I'm at the office making my food, someone comments about how healthy I eat and they just wish they could do the same. Or I am trying to date a new guy and he motivates me by praising me or just listening to my woes, but then says that he is going to be like me and eat healthy...Sends me a picture of a huge salad with loads of dressing and something I, personally, would never eat and call it healthy.

Seriously, that kind of feedback just breaks my heart. I would LOVE to 'help' any of my friends understand what I do now about losing weight, about feeling healthy and happy. But would they even listen? Would they possibly have the determination and mind-set that I do right now? I'm so passionate about what I am doing that is changing my life, why wouldn't I help someone who is struggling like I was? I can't just agree with the lady saying she is fat and ugly and try to coach her on fixing it. Or disregard this guy for trying to eat, what he thinks is, better.

Sorry for the rant, I just barely know what to say when I am getting positive feedback - Trying to respond to negative feedback is even more difficult.


  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Haha thanks. I guess that's my motto but it's tough for me. I just want everyone to be happy damnit!
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    That's a good idea, cause I did feel that way!
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you!
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Hahaha that's awesome. That would be my total as well - 80lbs. I'm looking forward to getting to my goal and staying there so all my new friends (probably not from the bar anyways) just know me as that. Haha
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks for the advice @carmkizzle

    You're absolutely right that it is a mental battle... And that is a great thing to say because it's absolutely true.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    You and I have different definitions of "hate". Weight loss is a complicated issue for people and has many mental, emotional, and physical components. To take every little thing people say to/about you to heart is setting yourself up for a very unhappy life at any weight. Accept compliments, politely defer unsolicited advice, and be happy with your progress. Actions speak louder than words. If you are healthy & happy, that may well motivate those around you to want to take better care of their health and perhaps they will even ask you for advice. But their journey will have to be their own, just like we have our own. :)
  • sweetsoonergirl
    sweetsoonergirl Posts: 16 Member
    Haha thanks. I guess that's my motto but it's tough for me. I just want everyone to be happy damnit!

    I struggle with wanting everyone to be happy too and see value in themselves.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Well, I didn't actually mean "hate"... Haters gone hate is just a funny phrase that I decided to use for the subject. Regarding taking everything to heart, yes.. I do. I am a sensitive person, that's just me. However, I don't think I have set myself up for a very unhappy life. Thank you for your opinion @try2again

    @jrulo16 - Thanks
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Haha thanks. I guess that's my motto but it's tough for me. I just want everyone to be happy damnit!

    I struggle with wanting everyone to be happy too and see value in themselves.

    I always have to remind myself that people will do things on their own terms.
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    Oh yeah, I know where you are coming from. Some people called me fat. Now those same people say I'm too thin. Then we have the ones that can't say hi but can say wow you lost weight and walk off. Then you have the ones who laugh and mock. It hurts from time to time. But you can't let it get you down.

    Here's my motto if you will ... You can't please everyone all the time and only some of the people some of the time...

    You do for you. Keep striving. It's not our responsibility to change them. We can only change ourselves. The ones that are interested will contact
    you for help in due time. Until then put a smile on and don't let the conversation get to you. Talk about work or a school memory.

    It's tough being polite and friendly while being over excited about our journey. We want to share and feel we should be able to without condemnation. Truth is, people don't care. People want results without the effort. So let them be. Talk your successes and struggles with like minded people. You are doing great. Don't let a few get you down.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you so much @hypodonthaveme You're right. I was once that person without the mental strength to fix my weight problem so I know where they are coming from. I am sure if I did hear from someone about weight loss I had an "IDC" attitude as well. Thanks for the feedback!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Oh yeah, I know where you are coming from. Some people called me fat. Now those same people say I'm too thin. Then we have the ones that can't say hi but can say wow you lost weight and walk off. Then you have the ones who laugh and mock. It hurts from time to time. But you can't let it get you down.

    Here's my motto if you will ... You can't please everyone all the time and only some of the people some of the time...

    You do for you. Keep striving. It's not our responsibility to change them. We can only change ourselves. The ones that are interested will contact
    you for help in due time. Until then put a smile on and don't let the conversation get to you. Talk about work or a school memory.

    It's tough being polite and friendly while being over excited about our journey. We want to share and feel we should be able to without condemnation. Truth is, people don't care. People want results without the effort. So let them be. Talk your successes and struggles with like minded people. You are doing great. Don't let a few get you down.

    Off topic, my motto is "I can't please everyone all the time, but I sure can pee 'em off all at once!"
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    this is totally cynical (sorry) but i get the impression that 90% of peoples' intentions when asking me what i'm doing to lose weight is in preparation for figuring out why it wouldn't be feasible for them to do the same...because if they realize that it's feasible for them, then i guess they'd have their hand forced to do something about it knowhatimean?

    "i don't have time to go to the gym like that" [i go 4x a week]

    "i HAVE to eat breakfast" [i do 16/8 IF]

    "i don't have money to buy groceries like that" [i pre-cook all my lunches for the week]

    "no way i'd be caught dead making two or three different suppers" [i totally get that, but with a hubby who burns calories all day and a picky kid, that's the choice i make, plus i love to cook]

    and so forth and so on. i don't argue, i just say that it's tough but worth it.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    @cariduttry - You're absolutely right. Honestly, that used to be my way of thinking too.