Is peanut butter good for you?



  • hokiemom14
    hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    I guess I'm in the minority, but I say's not good for you. It has added sugar in it so if you are looking for just a filling snack I would be much more inclined to say buy a jar of almond butter which has no added sugar. It offers the same satisfaction and is great on apples and celery. It is more expensive, but if you are truly eating a serving a day then it will still last you a good bit of time. Of course you could make it fit into your day calorie wise if you really wanted to, but it's still not a great food for you. Just my opinion, but I am of the camp of clean eating. I really eat 95% of foods that contain no added sugars and perservatives and foods where I can read every ingredient on the list ;)
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Given the diet I follow, I would keep bananas on the list of not eating all the time HOWEVER, I'm a long distance runner who runs marathons, ultras, long distance relays, and participates in high intensity workouts, etc. So in that case bananas are actually fine for me and don't cause unnecessary weight gain.


    You might want to read the ingredients on a wider scope, it might open your thinking.

    Also curious how bananas cause unnecessary weight gain.

    Lol you can break down any natural food that far. Here is a link of lots of natural foods broken as far down as your banana.

    You can also break down the amino acids and proteins and minerals and sugars in a peanut as well. You were not comparing the same thing.

    And as far as how bananas may cause a bit of extra weight for people following a mainly paleo it's because bananas are a fruit higher in starch and sugar than other fruits. Again, not by any means saying they are awful, but there are other fruits that could be consumed at greater amounts with less sugar and starch. Bananas actually have a ton of great properties to them and are overall a great food (in my opinion). Just one to watch if you follow paleo.

    The only thing that can cause weight gain is an energy (calorie) surplus...

    Exactly, and many people do not know how many calories are in certain fruits. It's just one of the higher ones so when you follow a diet where you try to keep sugar low, the extra calories can sneak up on a person without them realizing it. Not everyone tracks their calories every single day to know that.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Mine was just in the minority lol.

    Yours was just incorrect...

    It's not incorrect for the diet I follow. I've stated that from the get go. Lots of people do not consider peanuts to be healthy for their diet.

    See, this is not a reason that peanuts are unhealthy. That lots of people think something is not an authority. Lots of people think all kinds of crazy and ridiculous things, for example, that we never landed on the moon.

    Also, you seem confused about the distinction between "X worked for me, this is my experience" and "doing anything besides X is unhealthy." I like eating a mainly whole foods-based diet and getting my meat from a farm and eating in season as much as possible. If someone were interested in why that works for me, why I enjoy it, or in doing something similar, I'd explain (and going back to the vegan thing, if someone asks a sensible vegan about their diet they will usually enthusiastically explain why it works for them). What's different and not reasonable is asserting that because you like eating a particular way that eating other ways are unhealthy.

    The claim that eating paleo is healthier than other ways of eating is unsupported and false. That doesn't mean that it might not be an enjoyable and healthful way of eating for an individual, of course it can be. But to claim based on that that peanuts are unhealthy is simply wrong and shows a basic misunderstanding of nutrition.

    I have never once said that paleo is a healthier way of eating. I simply said that is what works for me and have stated why. If anything it may have just given him a new life style/diet to look at. No harm done passing along info that he may not have been aware of previously. Bottom line, I suppose that the original poster was not looking for any input other than that peanuts are healthy for the majority of people.

    Except you did. You flat out said they were unhealthy.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Indeed. Specifically:
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    I guess I'm in the minority, but I say's not good for you.

    Not "not something I eat" or "not within my diet," but "not good for YOU," directed to the OP, of course.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member

    elphie754 wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Mine was just in the minority lol.

    Yours was just incorrect...

    It's not incorrect for the diet I follow. I've stated that from the get go. Lots of people do not consider peanuts to be healthy for their diet.

    See, this is not a reason that peanuts are unhealthy. That lots of people think something is not an authority. Lots of people think all kinds of crazy and ridiculous things, for example, that we never landed on the moon.

    Also, you seem confused about the distinction between "X worked for me, this is my experience" and "doing anything besides X is unhealthy." I like eating a mainly whole foods-based diet and getting my meat from a farm and eating in season as much as possible. If someone were interested in why that works for me, why I enjoy it, or in doing something similar, I'd explain (and going back to the vegan thing, if someone asks a sensible vegan about their diet they will usually enthusiastically explain why it works for them). What's different and not reasonable is asserting that because you like eating a particular way that eating other ways are unhealthy.

    The claim that eating paleo is healthier than other ways of eating is unsupported and false. That doesn't mean that it might not be an enjoyable and healthful way of eating for an individual, of course it can be. But to claim based on that that peanuts are unhealthy is simply wrong and shows a basic misunderstanding of nutrition.

    I have never once said that paleo is a healthier way of eating. I simply said that is what works for me and have stated why. If anything it may have just given him a new life style/diet to look at. No harm done passing along info that he may not have been aware of previously. Bottom line, I suppose that the original poster was not looking for any input other than that peanuts are healthy for the majority of people.

    Except you did. You flat out said they were unhealthy.

    And she doubled down on that claim two days into the discussion:

    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Mine was just in the minority lol.

    Yours was just incorrect...

    It's not incorrect for the diet I follow. I've stated that from the get go. Lots of people do not consider peanuts to be healthy for their diet. I accept that I'm the only one on this thread. That's ok. I have a diet that has worked and continues to work great for me. I was just sharing my personal insight. It does not make it wrong by any means lol.

    You pushed your personal goals onto the OP.

    Didn't push anything at all. Simply stated I do not think it's good for you given the diet I follow. People talk all day long on here about goals and what works and does not work for them. This has worked wonderful for me and made me feel overall much better on the inside as far at bloating and indigestion. Other people stated why they think peanut butter is great and gave their reasons as well. Same difference. Lots of different ways to achieve a desired result.

    I think hokiemom just isn't getting that saying "not good for you" is not a claim about how it affects her.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,988 Member
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    I guess I'm in the minority, but I say's not good for you. It has added sugar in it so if you are looking for just a filling snack I would be much more inclined to say buy a jar of almond butter which has no added sugar. It offers the same satisfaction and is great on apples and celery. It is more expensive, but if you are truly eating a serving a day then it will still last you a good bit of time. Of course you could make it fit into your day calorie wise if you really wanted to, but it's still not a great food for you. Just my opinion, but I am of the camp of clean eating. I really eat 95% of foods that contain no added sugars and perservatives and foods where I can read every ingredient on the list ;)
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Given the diet I follow, I would keep bananas on the list of not eating all the time HOWEVER, I'm a long distance runner who runs marathons, ultras, long distance relays, and participates in high intensity workouts, etc. So in that case bananas are actually fine for me and don't cause unnecessary weight gain.


    You might want to read the ingredients on a wider scope, it might open your thinking.

    Also curious how bananas cause unnecessary weight gain.

    Lol you can break down any natural food that far. Here is a link of lots of natural foods broken as far down as your banana.

    You can also break down the amino acids and proteins and minerals and sugars in a peanut as well. You were not comparing the same thing.

    And as far as how bananas may cause a bit of extra weight for people following a mainly paleo it's because bananas are a fruit higher in starch and sugar than other fruits. Again, not by any means saying they are awful, but there are other fruits that could be consumed at greater amounts with less sugar and starch. Bananas actually have a ton of great properties to them and are overall a great food (in my opinion). Just one to watch if you follow paleo.

    The only thing that can cause weight gain is an energy (calorie) surplus...

    Exactly, and many people do not know how many calories are in certain fruits. It's just one of the higher ones so when you follow a diet where you try to keep sugar low, the extra calories can sneak up on a person without them realizing it. Not everyone tracks their calories every single day to know that.

    Then you should state that...
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    hokiemom14 wrote: »
    I guess I'm in the minority, but I say's not good for you. It has added sugar in it so if you are looking for just a filling snack I would be much more inclined to say buy a jar of almond butter which has no added sugar. It offers the same satisfaction and is great on apples and celery. It is more expensive, but if you are truly eating a serving a day then it will still last you a good bit of time. Of course you could make it fit into your day calorie wise if you really wanted to, but it's still not a great food for you. Just my opinion, but I am of the camp of clean eating. I really eat 95% of foods that contain no added sugars and perservatives and foods where I can read every ingredient on the list ;)

    So peanut butter is not clean but almond butter is clean? Lol!

    If only someone sold peanut butter without added sugar.

    Those words never came out of my mouth. In my other responses I have clearly said that of course there is peanut butter without added sugar. I prefer almonds over peanuts. Not sure why such the negative tone from everyone about my very simple opinion of peanuts. I do not judge any other person on how and what they eat and choose to be supportive over others diets. I am by far not the only person who chooses almonds over peanuts.

    Because you said "it's not good for you," a statement that projects onto others your personal opinion. "It's not good for me" would have been more appropriate.

    Wow! Lots of hate over 1 word. If you're asking me, I say that I don't think peanut butter is that good for you and I also mentioned the diet I follow. However, if it keeps the haters away then yes, I suppose I should have said "me". Btw, everyone seemed to give their personal opinion. Mine was just in the minority lol.

    Not just one word, you stated an opinion on a blanket statement saying that peanut butter has added sugar, which can easily be taken that all peanut butter has added sugar, and then another blanket statement that almond butter has no added sugar which can be taken as all almond butter has no added sugar. That is very misleading information.
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I love Peanut Butter. It's high in fat, low in sugar and it's got a decent amount of protein. It's usually my "go to" snack. It keeps me full until my next meal.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Peanut butter is a great calorie dense food which provides healthy fat and protein. This is on my list as a healthy food, and becuase it is calorie dense, I have to limit the amount, but if you can fit it in your diet, I am all for peanut butter on just about anything you like including just a spoon.

    Other nut butters a good (a fav is coconut almond butter) but nothing compares to the creaminess and taste of classic peanut butter.

    @RoxieDawn Do you make your own coconut almond butter? If so, recipe please. If not, source? Thanks.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Peanut butter is BAD and EVIL.... for my waistline :wink: There is nothing in it that is unhealthy, unless you're allergic to peanuts!
    It is super yummy and has decent amounts of fat and protein and makes any dessert taste better.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    I didn't read through all 3 pages,but I'm still stuck on OP's 2nd post in the thread that said they never really had peanut butter. How does this happen?

    I also want to ask how the hell people start an argument over peanut butter? This ain't a great moral quandry people. It's a nut spread.

    There is no reasonable answer to that question on MFP, sorry :(:(
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,713 Member
    I didn't read through all 3 pages,but I'm still stuck on OP's 2nd post in the thread that said they never really had peanut butter. How does this happen?

    I also want to ask how the hell people start an argument over peanut butter? This ain't a great moral quandry people. It's a nut spread.

    Sooooooo would you say arguing about peanut butter is nuts?

  • AJF230
    AJF230 Posts: 81 Member
    Since I've started tracking food that I eat, Its been eye-opening. Peanut butter was one of my unknown overages in the past. I would toast up an English muffin, and just COVER each side with as much peanut butter as I could get on there before it got all melty and ran off. Then I actually took the time to figure out what "a serving" means. 2 TBSP is a serving, and 1 tablespoon essentially just covers one side of the muffin. Not skimpily but not thick either. Needless to say I was probably getting 400-500 Cal of PB on my 100 cal English muffin. Now, that's barely acceptable as a breakfast (maybe throw some banana on top), but its NOT acceptable as a mid-morning snack, which was principally what I was doing with it. Yikes.

    Portion control is an experiment in humility. "Oh, wait, I have to live by these rules TOO?!"
  • jammer1963
    jammer1963 Posts: 106 Member
    KasimH1996 wrote: »
    I don't usually eat it but I heard its good for your health. My question is it good for you. I would probably eat meridian smooth peanut butter (100%). I would also eat 2 tablespoons a day.

    I don't care if it's good for me or not, I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER!! LOL Seriously, I do like it so I find a way to make it fit into my daily diet routine. Typically, my nightly snack is 2tbs of Peanut Butter on a slice of Bimbo Bread. It fills me up and satisfies my PB craving. :)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I love it but I don't eat it for a few reason. The protein/calorie and beneficial nutrient/danger ratio is too big. I can think of a dozen nutrient dense, high protein and low calorie foods I'd rather consume. They can be loaded with toxins and fungus and is a pretty potent carcinogen (if you eat enough of it). Peanut crops are heavily contaminated with pesticides, they contain too much omega-6 and contain oxolates.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Peanut butter is BAD and EVIL.... for my waistline :wink: There is nothing in it that is unhealthy, unless you're allergic to peanuts!
    It is super yummy and has decent amounts of fat and protein and makes any dessert taste better.

    There are a lot of things in peanuts that are unhealthy, as well as some nutrient benefits.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I have it every morning. Is it responsible for my success? Sure, why not ;)
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    KasimH1996 wrote: »
    I don't usually eat it but I heard its good for your health. My question is it good for you. I would probably eat meridian smooth peanut butter (100%). I would also eat 2 tablespoons a day.

    Yes, it is a good for you. o:)

    Many consider it a "superfood", and it shows up on lists to include in your diet. Is peanut butter a superfood for runners? Heck, even Rachel Ray calls it a superfood that boosts your energy and improves your health, so it must be true - right? B)

    I prefer to use the Smart Balance brand, and it is a regular part of my diet (lunch sandwich for me).

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,988 Member
    This idea that peanut butter is unhealthy is absurd...
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I love it but I don't eat it for a few reason. The protein/calorie and beneficial nutrient/danger ratio is too big. I can think of a dozen nutrient dense, high protein and low calorie foods I'd rather consume. They can be loaded with toxins and fungus and is a pretty potent carcinogen (if you eat enough of it). Peanut crops are heavily contaminated with pesticides, they contain too much omega-6 and contain oxolates.

    Buy Jiff, Skippy or another commercial brand and the risk is incredibly remote. The irony is the risk is increased somewhat at the health food stores who grind their own. But, even with that increased risk, there is no evidence of an outbreak here in the US. If you consider US consumption levels, I think we can eat peanut butter and still sleep soundly. It helps, of course, to get information from reputable sources.