(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    WEEK 8 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Stay afloat! Try not to go over calories every day this week!

    *Week 7 results will be posted soon!

    Today's post brought to us by: SiouxPrincess :drinker:

    Extra challenge brought to us by SiouxPrincess: Log all your food and exercise for the week, make sure you get at least 30 mins a day. It doesn't have to be all at once. You can space them out in 10 min intervals. Get moving!

    Most people start new diets on a Monday, by Wednesday a lot of them have given up. We all need a reason for the things that we do and the things we want to accomplish, but be sure you're committed to losing weight for yourself. Then, take things slowly, Keep focus on why you started your lifestyle change, was it to be healthier, to have more energy or to be here for your kids/grandkids. Whatever your reason keep your focus, have a reminder close at hand. Whether its a list or a picture keep this with you, focus on it when you need that extra push.

    1. MY HUMPS - Black Eyed Peas http://youtu.be/iEe_eraFWWs
    2. HUMP DE BUMP - Red Hot Chili Peppers http://youtu.be/OM9uMJWtNww
    3. THE CLIMB - Miley Cyrus http://youtu.be/NG2zyeVRcbs
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    What do you focus on to get over that Wednesday hump?

    To ranewell - everyone rally around her and give her all the support you can give!!!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge

    FRIENDLY REMINDER:flowerforyou: - upcoming weekly challenges:
    Thurs July 7 nosey_rosey
    Fri July 8 mindeyc
    Sat July 9 UltraRunnerGale
    Sun July 10 Ping_A1C2U
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    @ranewell: don't worry too much about the food explosion yesterday for 2 reasons.

    - as nlsalvatore already said, today's a new day, to restart on being in calories :)

    - and more importantly you've been very consistent in the last few days (and probably weeks - haven't check your diary further than last week) but yesterday didn't seem too bad, and maybe a little zigzagging your calories might be good to finally hit that plateau you've been on for 2 weeks ;) from time to time our bodies need a cheat/free day/meal to reboost the metabolism.

    don't worry too much, and head off today :)

    For all the one's having a plateau or a weight gain in the last weigh in, don't think about it too much, this might be part of the process!! stay focussed and maybe try a little zigzagging your calories :)

    What I realised that my weight loss isn't a steady decrease, but more a decreasing slope with strong undulations on the way :)

    every time I'm at my lowest afterwards I'm immediately a lot higher (but not as high as the time before) and then it goes down to a new lowest and up again and so on :)

  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    and how to get over the wednesday hump?

    I'm thinking of how I can fit in all those clothes I see at the shops and I'll fit in the skinny sizes :) and being fit for work, since night shifts are easier to take when your physically fit!

    and as a reminder I've hung up the invitation for having a presentation of my diploma thesis at October 6 - want to look good (and competent there) - I know being skinny doesn't necessarily mean looking competent, but since as a med student I should look authentic, while promoting health :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks for the extra support :) I needed a push. I had intended to wake up at my regular 5:00 this morning in ninja mode...I woke up at 6 to birds chirping, my phone had completely frozen at 3 am! It's fine, I will do weights and a power mile tonight!! I'm allowing all the stress to sabotage me, and that is MY fault and I need to fix it ASAP. I am thankful for everyone's support, it really re-energized me this morning!!! (Plus my sis lost 30 lbs, I can't let her catch up to me when I have SOOOO much farther to go than she does! LOL)
    I like the idea of a visual. I have 2, a green dress in that size 18 that's my mini goal and I found a pair of shorts that is around the ultimate size I want to be at (I will reassess at that time, I've never been that small!!!) I need to have something to carry with me at all times...I did go over calories yesterday, but I will NOT the rest of the week. and I will try zigzagging.
    Powering up Ninja skillz! Let's do this!!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Zigzagging? Explain further, please!

    And to get over my Wednesday hump, or any other day for that matter, I tend to start my day logging onto MFP! Seeing so many people doing what I am doing and facing the same struggles to reach our goals reminds me I am not alone here - all the encouragement is very motivating & helps get me over the hump!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    To ranewell:
    We are all going to slip up on occasion. The trick is to accept what has happened and to move on. I spent a year on a plateau and my weight would not move. I focused on what I had accomplished instead of where I wanted to be. That kept me on track during that time.

    To get over the Wednesday hump I would have to say that I focus on how far I have come and I know that this is a continuing journey. I sometimes have to work to get past one day, one hour, one minute. There have been times when I have almost given up but my family and my health are more important than the donut or the chips that I so enjoy. (ps: tried a donut a while ago and it tasted like grease so now when I look at fat food I picture grease dripping out of it.) It is a great deterent for me.

    We all have our own reasons. We just have to remind ourselves of the reasons and try harder to stay focused. ONE DAY, ONE HOUR, ONE MINUTE
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Happy Humpday, everyone. Sorry I've been out of toouch - lots of travelling.

    Here's how to tackle the Humpday blues...start it off with a bang. First thing this AM, got up, did 50 situps and 50 leg lifts for each leg. Woke up feeling like I can tackle anything today. It's a great way to start the day! Hope you all have a fabulous day!
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    @nlsalvatore: zigzagging calories is to be over net calories one day and under the next, not in a particular rhythym, because sometimes your metabolism needs to be boosted after always being low in calories, and this is why we may have a plateau for quite some time.
  • to get over the hump....I have a goal bikini and a goal outfit hanging up...the bikini I see as soon as I open my eyes, the outfit as I walk into the bathroom...it helps alot, what really helps is taking pics every month and seeing the changes from the previous month as I'm getting closer to being able to wear the outfits.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    This week's biggest loser goes to............
    :bigsmile: Soufsidekitho with 7 lbs lost and 3.30% of her body weight lost!!!

    :bigsmile: Denise11161978 with 1.8 lbs lost and .94% of body weight lost!

    :bigsmile: ksutte with 5 lbs lost and 1.94% body weight lost!

    Congrats!!! and keep rockin it this week everybody!!

    all results can be found at our Web site: www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge

    Shoutouts to our new members this week - please add them as friends and welcome them to the BOB challenge:
    :flowerforyou: Tmochava
    :flowerforyou: acrowebeahm
    :flowerforyou: bathsalts
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    THURSDAY JULY 7TH - DAY 52! "Take control!"

    WEEK 8 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Stay afloat! Try not to go over calories every day this week!

    Today's challenge brought to us by: nosey_rosey:flowerforyou:

    Sometimes it feels like our diet is in control of our bodies. Today I want you all to take control!! Everytime you want to "pig out" think to yourself.... do I really need that in my body??? Take control of your body today and stay under your calorie goal!

    1. Janet Jackson Control
    2. P.O.D Alive
    3. My children's favorite hehehe
    peanut butter jelly time

    How do you take control of your own diet?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I'll answer Wednesdays and todays. Ways that help me stay focused is a picture I have next to my bathroom mirror of me freshmen year of college. I look at that picture and see that it can be done, I can become skinny again! I also control my diet by having low cal "goodies" for days when I want to pig out. I have skinny cow cups of ice cream that are only 150 cals, and I also keep the 100 cal Oreos, Chips Ahoy, etc, while also having yogurt, bananas, and apples available.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    you are doing well....we all have our moments......
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i take control by pre-planning and portion control.....i drink lots of water and use diet sodas as a treat, not a staple
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    I take control by logging as I go, planning meals ahead of time if i'm going out, and weighing the nutrition vs the amount of exercise i'll have to do to regain it, or the amount of weight loss i'll be giving up if i indulge.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    I take control by planning ahead if we are going to be out to eat. I will usually look up the restaurant's website & nutrition info and decide ahead of time what to order. I need to be better about planning ahead at home though. I have also lately been asking myself, when I feel like snacking, whether I am really hungry or not. If yes, I have something, and if not, I skip it.

    @Ping- I like your thought process about how much a food is going to cost you in nutrition or exercise!
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    I take control by reading through the posts on MFP daily. All of those before and after pictures are an inspiration to me. And the enthusiasm of our fearless leader and all my other friends on BOB keep me looking forward to my final goal.
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I maintain control by planning my meals especially when we are going out for dinner. If at all possible I will look up the menu so I can make my decisions prior to getting there - less likely to change then.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    *Peanutbutterjelly peanutbutterjelly peanutbutterjelly and a baseball bat!*

    Thanks for that...that song ALWAYS makes me giggle!

    I'm still learning to take control. One way is to set up my own schedule. I have a certain time I work out, it becomes part of my day and I don't let myself get out of it (unless I'm truly ill or my injuries are getting the best of me...in which case I still do something) the only person who can control what I eat and what my workouts are is me.

    One of my friends posted this on FB and considering the week I've had, it is something I needed to hear, so I will share!

    "When we go through some things in life we have to remember we may see it as a set back, but really the set back is set up for our come back."
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Take control...well that's what I've been doing the last three months. Started 3/21/11 and as of this week I went to try on a skirt that I haven't fit in in years because I had nothing else to wear for work (didn't do laundry...oops). Size 8 woohoo!!!. I still have 13 lbs. to reach goal but it was very satisfying to have to go shopping because my pants are to baggy on me. Hope this doesn't sound like bragging but I've worked hard to get to my goal weight and somehow I finally start to see the results I hoped for. Keep going. Keep doing the counting, the exercise because truely it will happen for you. There were many days I got discouraged or went over my calories but I kept the goal in sight and kicked my butt (with a lot of support from my mfp friends when I felt alone).

    NSV: this week has been very satisfying and exciting for me, feel I've accomplished much
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