Haters gonna hate



  • shandy4487
    shandy4487 Posts: 72 Member
    I totally feel ya on this! If someone tells me "wow you're losing weight!" I just say "thank you! That's very nice of you to say" and I leave it at that. It's hard because I wanna talk about diet and exercise all the time lol, but pretty much zero people want to hear about it. If someone actually asks what I'm doing, and I say "exercise and eating less" they are like oh never mind. They want to hear it's a magic pill or something. So now as a joke, I just say "Trimspa, baby!"
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited July 2016
    The guy? Yeah, that doesn't read as jealousy or anything else with negative/sabotaging motive behind it. It sounds like he's making a genuine effort to try to relate to you.

    You know...to find common ground when it comes to something you evidently convey in real life as a topic you are very passionate about and consequently consumes a large part of your life. If I had to guess why, probably because you bring it up/talk about it a lot, as indicated by "...or just listening to my woes...". To many people, and especially men who don't normally pay attention to food beyond eating it, a salad is healthy as that's what multiple advertising companies have said it is.

    And that's without getting into the whole ball of there's people (men and women alike) who are "problem solvers". For you or me we're just venting when we talk about our woes. We don't want anyone to actually fix anything, just empathize or even sympathize. But for these folks, they see it as coming to them with a problem and proffer the solutions they can think of to solve whatever.

    Anyways, since that's possibly a POV you haven't considered, I present it for such. If people are truly toxic, I can vouch removing them from your life does wonders for ones morale. And success, for that matter.

    Break a leg on the remainder of your journey!

  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Don't try to change your friends. Just accept them for who they are. They will change if they want to.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Your fitness/diet goals are just that: yours. I'm willing to bet all those people are too polite to tell you they don't care.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Yeah - I am not trying to change anyone or make them do something they don't want to do. I just don't know what to say in response to "I'm so fat, ugly and old"... I've gotten some good ideas here that I'll put to use!
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I tore a tendon in my calf a short time ago. It happened at a pistol match, as I do action pistol shooting. I told my shooting buddy I would be out 4-6 weeks. He said it's because my trainer is pushing me to hard. It had nothing to do with my training. So, I did not reply, and have not spoken to him since. I don't need negativity. A real friend will stick with you no matter what.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    True. Thanks!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    I'm down 108 lbs so it's now noticeable. I never told anyone in my real life what I was doing, especially the coworkers (judgey, catty, junior high mentality). It finally became apparent around 40 lbs so the comments started. More support than I expected actually. I've had to learn to just say "thank you" with compliments and not add anything that puts myself down, like that it goes slow, or how much I have left to use (work in progress.). I keep this stuff off Facebook (although last month I linked a profile of me that I did for a weight loss blog because I was in the right mindset to finally do it and I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone with a lot of things related to my body/weight) and I don't add anyone on here that I know in real life. I don't bring up the weight loss stuff in conversations, but will answer questions when asked. I find I get more out of the fitness aspects of this and will talk about classes, lifting, what my body can now do. Still have the catty comments but don't really care and that's a measure of how far I've come mentally as well as physically.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks for your reply. And congratulations on your success!
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited July 2016
    I think I may have interperted this in a more negative light. The fact that you want acknowledgement, whether positive or negative, beyond a "I'm jealous" statement tells me that you might be discussing this more than people care. To be honest, not a single person cares about your weight loss aside from you and maybe your doctor. I'm not saying that this is an intentional act, but what is said after the comments made by the bartender? Did you just say thanks and move on, or did it lead to you discussing it. Same should be looked at for other comments or supposed negative reactions you have encountered. You state the desire to discuss wanting to lose more, so I'm just curious what else is being said.

    Now that isn't to say that these people are not jealous. I have a friend that is actually very thin, but gets very jealous if I get attention from other males and not her when we go out, despite the fact that I am married. It's just who she is and I deal with it because it's more of a reflection on her than me. But somehow I am just doubting this many negative reactions to call for a "haters gonna hate" rant without more going on. When I realized this was happening to me, I started to be more conscious about what I discussed, even if I meant well. So you might want to look into that. Sometimes good intentioned help comes off as arrogant.

    On the other hand, I might be reading this as more negative because I've been up for 28 hours. Haha. The crabbiness is settling in.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    Don't let anyone get to you. You are doing great and doing it for you.

    There are many people who will be "jealous". Some feel that way because they think they cannot do it (they can, they just have not committed to change). Some do not like to see someone else succeed (they may not even realize that they are behaving that way.)

    Just remember, you are doing what is right for you. :)
  • jkp429
    jkp429 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight loss is a battle of will against what feels comfortable and what's difficult. I have lost a lot of weight over the years and gained it back and losing it again. There is no magic to it but you have to set realistic goals that you can reach. Focus on being healthy and the weight loss will follow. Take time to understand why you do the things you do such as:
    1 Eating habits?
    2 How you perceive yourself?
    3 We all have excuses but why?
    We all too often compare our weaknesses to others strengths and that is a combination to fail. My only suggestion is stay positive!!!!!