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Synthesized Meat

zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
(Not a debate so much as a thought experiment. )

Let's say that sometime in the next several years, we develop the ability to create any kind of meat in the lab. Steak, lobster, hamburger -- whatever. We can do it. And it's been proven incontrovertibly safe. Biologically and chemically, the synthesized meat is indistinguishable from "real" meat. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, would you be OK eating this new food?

Now let's go it a step further. I want us all to put our imagination caps on. You've been whisked centuries into the future, and society is now much like what you would see on "Star Trek." All food comes from replicators. People are taken aback at the thought of food actually coming from soil, or from animals. How would you adjust to that?

What's the point? Well, we can already grow skin in labs for purposes of grafting. More complex tissues cannot be much further away. I think the artificial production of food, once it's scaled up, could be a revolution on several fronts -- eco-friendliness, sustainability, food safety, cost, etc and so on (more things I'm probably not thinking of.

Unfortunately, such a revolution will probably be met with heavy doses of irrational fear. Consider how terrified people were of "horseless carriages," or airplanes, or electricity. Now we take those things entirely for granted.

So: do you embrace this new future, or do you, like the factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution, toss your wooden shoes (sabot) into the machinery (sabotage)?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    People adapt to environments they are put in. In other words, if all they grew up on was synthesized foods, they willing accept it.
    It's been that way for centuries now.
    What I see in our future is countries relying less on oil and more on natural energy so they won't be handcuffed to other countries (like the Middle East) and trying to keep great relations because of resources instead of common ideologies.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, such a revolution will probably be met with heavy doses of irrational fear. Consider how terrified people were of "horseless carriages," or airplanes, or electricity. Now we take those things entirely for granted.

    About 35,000 Americans die every year in horseless carriage accidents. I was riding my bike last October when a driver of a horseless carriage ran a red light, hit me, and I spent the rest of that day and most of the next one in the hospital. I disagree with you about the fear being irrational.
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    And it's been proven incontrovertibly safe.

    It would be the first thing in history to be proven incontrovertibly safe. I mean, even animal meat hasn't been proven safe, what's happened is that we've established that the risk of properly prepared meat is acceptably low for most people.

    This probably sounds like pedantic nit picking, but I think it goes to the heart of your question. I have no doubt we'll be able to grow meat in a laboratory. I don't doubt that it will be safe. But we can't prove it and won't be able to, there will always be question, and in light of our history, some amount of incredulity is wise and appropriate on peoples' part.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    i would not eat flesh even if its created in a lab the thought makes me sick
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited July 2016
    YES - if it were healthier (or just as healthy) as the real thing. In a heartbeat.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    edited July 2016
    I love eating meat currently. I would definitely eat artificial meat if the taste was the same, it is had more or less the same proteins and fatty acids and what not I get from meat consumption, and if the cost was the same or less than regular meat.
    I would not pay extra even if it were more "ethical" because I have a very snug budget as the provider in a single-income household.

    I am also a Trekkie and science-fiction nerd. I welcome scientific advancement and to do no harm to Earth in the process is a big plus.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    There's actually a Kickstarter campaign for exactly this currently. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, if it pops up on my Youtube again I'll come back and share it.

    I like the idea in theory but in all honesty I don't know how quick I'd be to try it.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I'm in. I already have no quarrel with eating the dead. If I can eat the same without the death, I'm fine with it.

    The fact is, that as our population continues to expand, this will become necessary. Animal farming already requires a lot of land and resource use, for the amount of food produced, and it will just get worse as demand continues to rise.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited July 2016
    Found it. Supermeat.

  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited July 2016
    I wonder why they need so much money to get this supermeat going? You'd figure a college would at least have a sample by now. Does not sound that hard to do.
    Or are Biomedical and biomolecular engineers at CalTech, Stanford, and MIT that worthless?
    I wonder, wonder, wonder if it's just a scam site for raising money.
    Here is their begging site: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/supermeat-real-meat-without-harming-animals-food-technology#/
    Compaints : http://indiegogo.pissedconsumer.com/ "ITS PARADISE FOR SCAMMERS"
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited July 2016

    The real stuff. LOL
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    Nope. I enjoy raising animals and eating them too much. I also enjoy hunting animals and eating them too much. Those preferences sabotage nothing.

  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Nope--if it ain't got hoofs it ain't meat ! I'll be Dead before I have to worry about it :)

  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I'm actually looking forward to this. I love meat, but I would transition in a heartbeat.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    But people don't need meat so it doesn't matter. Theres already plenty of meat-like substitutes out there. Your question is irrelevant.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    But people don't need meat so it doesn't matter. Theres already plenty of meat-like substitutes out there. Your question is irrelevant.

    That's not the question - those are made from plants and eggs and other grown foods - he's asking if there was a way to create food from waste, create food from the constituent atoms without growing it in or on the earth, would you eat this?

    Even plant foods are harming the environment, at least where I live. Fertilizer runoff is killing the rivers, lakes, and to some extent the oceans. Pesticides are killing the bees, and using so much land for cultivation reduces the wilderness available to animals and other plants.

    I don't ever want a future with NO natural foods, but if we could scale it back to a sustainable level that would be fantastic.
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    There's a company that is already making great strides towards making lab meat a viable option. There was a recent interview with their CEO on Sam Harris' podcast that I found pretty exciting. From what they discuss, already the meat they produce is far more efficient (I believe they said it takes 3 calories to make 1 calorie of lab meat rather than the 27 calories it takes to make one calorie of meat from an animal), healthier since it is grown in a sterile environment and does not need to be given antibiotics, and tastes the same. They can even control the kinds and % of fat contained within to make it healthier or taste differently. I think right now where it falls short is texture.

    I'm probably over hyping the current state of things but there's so much promise in this to be healthier, better for the environment, and without the need for animal suffering that I kind of get amped about it too much. In any case the podcast is definitely worth a listen.

  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    But people don't need meat so it doesn't matter. Theres already plenty of meat-like substitutes out there. Your question is irrelevant.

    That's not the question - those are made from plants and eggs and other grown foods - he's asking if there was a way to create food from waste, create food from the constituent atoms without growing it in or on the earth, would you eat this?

    Even plant foods are harming the environment, at least where I live. Fertilizer runoff is killing the rivers, lakes, and to some extent the oceans. Pesticides are killing the bees, and using so much land for cultivation reduces the wilderness available to animals and other plants.

    I don't ever want a future with NO natural foods, but if we could scale it back to a sustainable level that would be fantastic.

    The easiest way to scale it back would be less people = less people having kids. Which totally isn't happening because people think they need to make 5 more of themselves.

    But no I wouldn't eat the lab grown meat, meat isn't even healthy for you in the amounts people eat and I assume animals would still be used in the process.