Lose 10lbs in July 2011 Challenge -->>Support Group

Hi everyone ..

I would like to have us communicate more with each other through out this month of July. We all have a goal, - lose 10 lbs - it is achievable but we need " focus " , hard work, motivation - and support. Losing weight is never easy, let's not make it harder by doing it alone - join the group conversation- share your daily victories, anything you are proud of for the day,, week - you accomplishments..

" it is important that you recognize your progress and take pride in your accomplishments. Share your achievements with others. Brag a litle. The recognition and support of those around you is nurturing. "

Success isthe sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out .

So - go ahead, share your victories, no matter how small they may seem at first- if we keep repeating them , they will become new healthy habbits that will " add up " :)

But don't forget , this group is here for the days when you feel you need to scream, cry and went... we are all in the same boat, if nothing we can listen to each other, sometimes that's all a person needs, someone to listen ...

And i have to add something else- I know we all have a " goal of 10 lbs " for this month, but even if you don't reach that goal , don't get discouraged. Do your best.
Remember :
Winners compare their achievements with their goals, whilelosers compar their achievements with those of other people.

No two people are alike. Some of us will lose more than 10 lbs.. and some won't lose more than two. There are so many factors that play a role , but let not the number define you and your efforts. Do YOUR best.. :)


  • skinz2k2
    skinz2k2 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm in
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    I'm in as well!
  • DanniR88xx
    DanniR88xx Posts: 22 Member
    i'm in! i'll give it me best shot!
  • acole5690
    acole5690 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in, when you have support it makes it easier to keep on track with your diet and workouts.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I forgot to add the link to the " origin " of this group :) -


    So .. for those of you that don't know - this is more like an " additional " to another topic - the link above takes you to the place where we post our results- weekly for this month- and this topic is additional to it. .. Hope i'm not confusing you guys :)
  • gmz1026
    gmz1026 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm in too! I go on vacation the second week of August and would like to be down another 10 pounds (I'm cheating and extending my challenge a little bit! lol)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Count me in too!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Good luck to everyone!
  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 160 Member
    I just joined in on the other thread. :) This is awesome!
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm IN! :-D Gonna start exercising hard and watching my portions.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Glad we've got a supplement to the challenge...I have a vent and a self-atta-boy. I'm bad for just not caring at all about anything when I get in a bad mood. It's not that I eat to comfort myself, I just go existential and start counting nothing as mattering. Times like this affect me more heavily in my eating than anything else. (Like my profile says, I'm a food junkie. Why say no to something if it doesn't matter? Eating for apathy, in other words.) This morning our car started acting stupid...happens right at the time of the month when all the bills are due and when we absolutely cannot afford to have it happen. So thus far, it's been a pissy, "I don't care day".

    The atta-boy though is that despite the mood, I've avoided the cupcakes the boss brought in the other day, and the freezer full of ice cream, and I even managed to get in my "Smoke-break dumbbell workout". So here's to hoping I can turn my frown upside down, and not fall of the wagon by the end of the day. Thanks for listening...hope all is well for the rest of you!
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I am here if anyone needs to talk. Just please make sure you post your weights on the other site. I will check this group as well. But it would just be easier to have weights all in one spot.

    This group is 159 member strong so I will not be contacting everyone individually to make sure you post. So please post on the other site and know that if you don't post in 2 weeks then you take the chance of being deleted from the spreedsheet.
  • navywife33
    navywife33 Posts: 31
    I'm glad that there's a support group for this month... cause man do I need it!!! So far this month has started off rocky... Gramma died, family in town visiting going out to eat all the time, 4th of July and a hectic work schedule... ugh! I need to tell life to back the hell off already and let me do my thing!

    How was everyone's 4th of July? Even though we're not Canadian we also celebrated Canada Day last Friday... I need to have someone standing in my kitchen yelling at me saying-- YOU DON'T NEED TO EAT THAT RIGHT NOW!!!
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I think that at one time or another we all need that. You might try not leaving things out on the counter top for easy snaking. Also you might set a time that you will not get anything to eat. Normally a time that is hardest for you not to snack. You could set an alarm in the house or on your phone to remind you not to eat. Another trick is to drink a glass of water when you find your self wanting a snack. Then wait 30 min to see if you are still hungry or if you were just wanting to eat out of habit. I hope these ideas help you out.
  • fitboricua
    fitboricua Posts: 40 Member
    Hey everybody! Can I join the challenge???? I will love the support.

    Also I will like to know what's everybody doing excercise wise? following any program? wlaking , running, etc...
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    yes you still can join ..

    everyone that asked to join please visit this link


    that is the original topic where you need to put your weight etc. we started last friday- and we will weigh in every friday.
    Rules are - you have to post your weight - no matter what even if there is no change in your weight- if you don't - you could be taken of the list.. so please post your weight update each friday .


    but here : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/275317-men-and-women-lose-10lbs-in-july-2011-challenge

    Thank you guys :))
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Cynthia- exercise .. for me it's really " busy "

    I'm at my gym about 4-6 x a week. They have a lot of group classes i try to take as many as i can.. and if i don't like a class i do my own circuit workouts- i'm more like a " boot camp " workout- i try to keep my heart rate arround 140-180 that is my avarege.. and i do it about 80-100 minutes.. Saturday's we have " boot camp " at the gym.. it's really intense last week i burned 620 kcls in one hour.. - i belive in " pain " and a lot of sweat , if i'm not feeling discomfort while exercising.. and afterwards- sore muscles- i don't count it as exercise :)
    That's just me.

    I have " higher " standards for myself.. because i have a specific goal. I want to be certified personal trainer .. so i have to really push myself and proof to my future clients ( that are watching me every day at that gym ) that IT CAN be done.. just with exercise and food - nothing more than that.. and that i can tell " i have been there.. i have done it.. you saw me at 260 lbs.. you know me- i'm the proof ! So i don't excuse myself.. i'm tough on myself.. - a 100 lbs in one year is a pretty much precise goal .. the time is ticking each day is going very fast.. it seems like a " long time " 365 days.. but this is already day 15.. so actualy 350 left :) I have to lose about 2 lbs per week to keep this up.. or a little more than 8 lbs a m onth

    I need all the support i can get .. :))

    Thx for reading..
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I try to walk 5 days a week. I have been slacking since my boyfriend has not been working and the temperatures are so hot.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I just got back to working out after about a month off due to moving and vacation. My goal now is to hit the gym 4-5 times a week. I am trying to do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio and alternating between upper and lower body strength training.
  • Ali5581
    Ali5581 Posts: 13
    Sooooo tomorrow is weigh in day for me.....I've had such an amazing week and I'm feeling super positive and motivated but I'm a little worried that the weigh-in won't be a positive reflection of my fantastic week and discourage me!! Anyone else feel like this before a weigh-in???