Are you enjoying healthy eating?

Yanno, I have been eating "healthy" for 8 weeks now and it feels GREAT!!! I sit here and remember the way I use to eat and it was sickening! I'd bake 2 potatoes and slather them with loads of salt and a good 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of margarine. I practically lived on Chinese food. I'd order a poo poo platter for 2 and eat the whole thing. I might skip a couple meals, but then I'd eat a 2 candy bars and a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Just the thought of all that garbage makes me sick to my stomach. Last night my hubby baked 4 hot dogs and a HUGE pile of chili cheese fries and he ate the whole thing. It smelled soooo good, but when I looked at it, I was thinking EWWWW!!! All I could see was clogged arteries and a million grams of fat/carbs/calories. So not worth it. Now I am tickled just to eat a juicy apple etc. My clothes are getting loose, my blood pressure is way down and I went from being 95% sedentary, to walking 30 minutes (average) in one shot. Yup, I think I like this new way of life. How about you? Would love to hear your stories.


  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I enjoy everything in moderation. Just last night I had 8 Chicken Wings, some fries and Sundae from my local Dairy Whip. Nothing wrong with anything.... It's all about moderation and making sure calories out are greater than calories in [if you're wanting to lose weight]. But then I've also completely removed a ton of stuff from my life as well, when it comes to food and drinks.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I do enjoy healthy eating. I still like the other stuff but in smaller quantities and less frequently. I probably enjoy their flavors more now because I take my time eating them rather than shoveling it all in quickly.

    I have to say that Chinese food is one of the extremely few foods I've almost cut out entirely because the specific foods I like are highly caloric or I find it difficult to guesstimate their calories. In the past 2.5 years I've only had Chinese 2x and once was last week, my birthday week, when I give myself a break from counting.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    I'm a lazy bum. I like foods I can just go to the 'fridge, put on a plate, and eat. So I have to be very careful not to eat junk. I love my healthy stuff, however, and I get moody when I eat junk -- and admittedly, I've eaten junk for the last two weeks or so.

    Yesterday, we went to the grocery store and stocked up on the good stuff. I am looking forward to an improvement in my mood, also facilitated by going to synagogue for the first time in months today and staying for the whole thing. Taking my tea and a little snack (just in case).

    I need to do better. It's just that I got tired of logging everything and went on a lite rampage against it, having a little tantrum. :smile:
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    I've been at this for 60 days myself, and I am so much happier with my eating! I still manage to work treats into my life (I've been to a couple festivals with fried entrees and funnel cakes), and I pack a healthy snack every day for work. I feel like I'm missing something if I eat a meal without a fruit or vegetable serving with it. I've discovered that I don't really miss the cheese and sour cream when I have tacos. I still have the occasional soda (I used to be a certifiable addict) but just a mini can once or twice a week at most. I don't miss that much either.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    'healthy' is relative. I mean, I'm not really tempted by oily/buttery/fried foods anymore but I'll still enjoy them when I'm in the mood for it.

    I'd still totally live on desserts if I could.
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    lol look at my diary and tell me. 18 pounds lost in about 5 weeks, and I eat "garbage".
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Overall I would agree that it feels way better to be eating healthy. I'm back on the bandwagon this week and my body feels pretty happy about it. There's still exceptions when I eat deliciously fatty and greasy and sugary foods, but not eating those exclusively makes a big difference in my energy levels.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I had Chinese food for dinner last night. I stayed within my a calorie allotment for the day.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    Absolutely. What I don't enjoy is bland. I used to confuse healthy with bland. Life's not all plain chicken breast and salad. Once I got busy modifying recipes to fit my macros and calorie requirements, I REALLY started to enjoy healthy foods.

    And no, I don't eat cauliflower.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    All I took away from this post is that I really want a baked potato.

    Seriously though, healthy is a subjective term. What one considers healthy may not be the same for another, so it's a dangerous term to use in relation to food. However, what I can say I've enjoyed about a change in lifestyle is that I cook now. I literally never knew how to cook beyond simple things, and I basically hated doing it. Now I really enjoy experimenting with different foods, and apparently I'm even good at it.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Overall I would agree that it feels way better to be eating healthy. I'm back on the bandwagon this week and my body feels pretty happy about it. There's still exceptions when I eat deliciously fatty and greasy and sugary foods, but not eating those exclusively makes a big difference in my energy levels.

    Stay Positive and Motivated
    Remember it's not that u got off the "bandwagon" but that u shake yourself off nget back up on there.
  • MaryLuvsTheLamb
    MaryLuvsTheLamb Posts: 98 Member
    edited July 2016
    lol look at my diary and tell me. 18 pounds lost in about 5 weeks, and I eat "garbage".

    I never insinuated that anyone was eating "garbage". I said that I, personally, was eating garbage, prior to eating healthy. You can lose 100 lbs and still be unhealthy. We're talking high blood pressure, high cholesterol, clogged arteries etc. My step dad is only about 140 lbs, but has almost died on two different occasions because he lives on "garbage" and two of his arteries were blocked 90%. The number on the scale has nothing to do with how healthy you are. I'm not saying this applies to all people, but it is a very true medical fact that you can be thin and unhealthy.
  • MaryLuvsTheLamb
    MaryLuvsTheLamb Posts: 98 Member
    Overall I would agree that it feels way better to be eating healthy. I'm back on the bandwagon this week and my body feels pretty happy about it. There's still exceptions when I eat deliciously fatty and greasy and sugary foods, but not eating those exclusively makes a big difference in my energy levels.

    Absolutely! And congrats to you! <3
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Mrs loudly complained about the smell of my breakfast. My breakfast was this new thing I had involving sauteing celery and onions together with meat and eggs to make a burrito. She hated it. She complained on facebook about it. Recently she asked me to fix one for her, leaving out the celery. She started eating healthier. I was previously afraid of asparagus. I metabolize the sulfur and I smell it in my urine, and I don't like that smell. Lately, I've started including asparagus in most of my evening meals. I got over the odor.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I love healthy eating. Do it about 95% of the time. But every so often there is room to eat differently. There are days when I just crave something I usually do not want to touch. After giving into temptation there is nothing better in the world than my usual afternoon salad.
  • MaryLuvsTheLamb
    MaryLuvsTheLamb Posts: 98 Member
    I love healthy eating. Do it about 95% of the time. But every so often there is room to eat differently. There are days when I just crave something I usually do not want to touch. After giving into temptation there is nothing better in the world than my usual afternoon salad.

    I totally agree! I will have an occasional Protein Bar from time to time, but I just personally choose not to eat unhealthy junk food. Yes, I realize that most are accustomed to CICO, however, I prefer to take it one step further and stick with "healthy" CICO. But that's not for everyone. Now I'm craving salad lol :D
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    Mrs loudly complained about the smell of my breakfast. My breakfast was this new thing I had involving sauteing celery and onions together with meat and eggs to make a burrito. She hated it. She complained on facebook about it. Recently she asked me to fix one for her, leaving out the celery. She started eating healthier. I was previously afraid of asparagus. I metabolize the sulfur and I smell it in my urine, and I don't like that smell. Lately, I've started including asparagus in most of my evening meals. I got over the odor.

    Oh gosh do you get sulphur burps too?? I've always thought it was just me and put it down to eating under cooked eggs, not that they are but I never knew what else to blame..
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    I have tried to take as much joy out of eating as possible with emotions. I eat to meet a specific goal. When I go over or under I get a bit tizzy. I still eat ice cream and crap food when I want if it fits my budget.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,011 Member
    I'm with those who say healthy is relative. I'm sure lots of people would say I eat "garbage" I had Sonic and McDonald's this week plus ate at a local Mexican restaurant. At home we cooked hamburgers one night and hot dogs one night. I recently switched to maintenence and my weight this week is actually down. I am still having a hard time eating all of my maintenance calories. I do feel better being at a lower weight and not stuffing myself everyday. But I eat what I like and never feel hungry or deprived.